30th Annual Conference

thumb_ac2012presentationsConference presentations now available online


Sveriges Television (SVT) is the Swedish public service television company with the widest range of programming of all TV companies in Sweden.


The official start took place on 4th September 1956. It was a flying start, the culmination of several years' trial programme transmissions.
In 1969 a second national channel was added.


Today SVT operates eight channels - seven national, SVT1, SVT2, SVT24, SVT B (a childrens´ channel) and together with UR, Kunskapskanalen, and one international, SVT World. SVT B and SVT24 share the same channel ID. SVT also operates two HD-channels: SVT1 HD and SVT2 HD.

All SVT channels are digital only. All are distributed via all kinds of platforms but the Internet. The SVT-programmes can be viewed on svt.se via SVT Play for 30 days after the first broadcast.
In late 1997, SVT started broadcasting via satellite to Swedes living in Europe outside Sweden. SVT World offers SVT productions in Swedish in real time to viewers all over the world but South America.


Corporate Structure

The corporate structure is a limited company owned by a foundation. It is financed by a compulsory licence fee for possession of a TV-set. The licence fee also finances public service radio (SR) and the Swedish Educational Broadcasting company (UR). 60 % of the revenues from licence fee provides for SVT. In 2011 the fee is 2.076 SKR (approx. 200 Euro) a year.
Rules and regulations
SVT programming is subject to the provisions of the Radio Act, to terms set out in the charter between SVT and the state as well as internal programming guidelines. The charter guarantees SVT´s independency of all pressure groups, political, commercial or otherwise.
One of the most important points is "to scrutinize authorities, organizations and private firms which exert influence over policy affecting the public, and cover the activities of these and other bodies".
SVT programming is non commercial. Advertising is not allowed but sponsoring of sports events is. The programming covers the whole genre spectre. In 2011 SVT1 is the biggest channel and also recieves the highest ranking by the Swedish audience.
Audience relations 2011
SVT is together with the public service radio (SR) the most trusted Swedish media and enjoys a very good support from the Swedish TV audience.

Sveriges Television (SVT) is a public service company.
SVT has 27 offices all over Sweden and approx. 2.100 employees
SVT channels are SVT1, SVT2, SVTB (a childrens´ channel), Kun­skapskanalen (Knowledge), SVT24 and (international) SVT World. Other platforms are svt.se including SVT Play, SVT HD, mobil.svt.se and SVT Text & Web (teletext)
SVT is financed by a compulsory fee (2.076 Skr in 2011)
SVT is regulated by the Charter, The Radio and Television Act and the Freedom of Speech Act.
SVT is owned by a foundation: Förvaltningsstiftelsen för Sveriges Radio AB, Sveriges Television AB och Sveriges Utbildningsradio AB.

Fiction 23,7%
Entertainment 17,6%
Culture & Music 6,6%
Sport 9,1%
Lifestyle 6,2%
Science 5,5%
Current affairs 13,9%
News 10,1%
Arena 7,1%

Chairman of the Board: Sven-Christer Nilsson.
Chairman of the SVT board: Lars Engqvist
Director general: Eva Hamilton
Programme director: Annie Wegelius
Programme director, News, Sports & Current Affairs: Jan Axelsson
Hours of broadcast in 2010: 22 000 hrs
Hours of broadcast a day (and night) 2010: 60 hrs


