33rd Annual Conference


Kevin Bakhurst, Deputy Director General, RTÉ, Ireland
kevin bakhurst signedKevin Bakhurst was appointed Deputy Director General of RTÉ in January 2014. In addition to this role he is Managing Director of RTÉ News and Current Affairs, joining the organisation in August 2012. 
Prior to joining RTÉ, Mr Bakhurst had been Deputy Head of the BBC Newsroom from 2010, overseeing BBC TV News, Radio News and the BBC News website. Kevin has also played a lead role in creating the BBC Multimedia newsroom and is currently involved in delivering the BBC News move to central London.
He has been Controller of the BBC News Channel since December 2005. Before that, during his time as Editor of the BBC Ten O’Clock News between 2003 and 2005, the programme won several awards. In 2004, it received a BAFTA for its coverage of the Madrid bombing, and a Royal Television Society Award for News Programme of the Year. The programme also won an RTS News Event award for its coverage of the Darfur crisis in 2004 and a second BAFTA in 2005 for coverage of the July 7 bombings in London. 
Kevin worked on a number of major stories in the field for BBC News, including the 9/11 attack, the Inauguration of President Obama, many US Presidential elections, the Paris Concorde crash and the 1997 Hong Kong handover. He was also a member of the BBC’s London 2012 Olympics management team and on the BBC Director General’s leadership group. Kevin was born in Barnet in North London and went to Haberdashers’ Aske’s in Elstree and studied Modern Languages at St John’s College, Cambridge.


Goran Radman, Director General, HRT Croatia
goran-radman-signedSince 2012 Goran Radman is the Director General of HRT, Croatian Radio Television, the public service broadcaster in Croatia. His academic background is in the graduate and postgraduate studies of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Zagreb, where he's currently pursuing a Ph.D. in theories of international integration. He was awarded an MBA at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and has refined his management and leadership skills through various executive programs, including the ones at INSEAD and London School of Economics. Goran was the Dean of the VERN' University of Applied Sciences (2009 – 2012) where he still serves as a guest lecturer.
He started his professional career in 1984 as an International Relations Advisor to the President of Croatia and continued as General Manager of Croatian Television (1987). In 1992 he moved on to the private sector to manage MicroLAB, a computer engineering and consultancy company. He joined Microsoft Corporation in 1996 to start up Microsoft Croatia and expanded his responsibilities in 2000 as a General Manager of the Adriatic and later on South Eastern European region. He was appointed Microsoft Chairman SEE in 2004 and Chairman ECEE in 2007. He left Microsoft in late 2008 to start up his own consultancy business with NAUTAR Ltd. and join SenseConsulting, a global consultancy firm, as the Chairman and a partner.


Anders Erlandsson, Senior Advisor, Consumer Insights, Ericsson ConsumerLab
andres-erlandsson-signedAs Senior Advisor at Ericsson ConsumerLab, Anders Erlandsson is responsible for analyzing consumer behaviour, attitudes and trends to provide valuable and actionable consumer insights and forecasts and thereby develop strategies that generate revenue and improve the customer experience.
Anders joined Ericsson in 1991. He has been a frequent speaker and panelist at numerous industry conferences and customer events. He has worked extensively with consumer insights is areas such as social media, privacy & integrity, mobile commerce and last but not least TV & media. In his TV & Media research, some 70,000 consumers have been interviewed since 2010, in no less than 28 markets globally. The 2014 edition represented the views of more than 620 million consumers. Anders Erlandsson is based in Stockholm, Sweden and has previously held various Product Management, Business Development, Sales and Marketing positions in Sweden and in the UK. He holds an MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Linköping Institute of Technology, Sweden. He has been a frequent speaker and panellist.


Glen Mulcahy, Innovation Lead, RTÉ, Ireland
glen-mulcahy-signedGlen Mulcahy is Innovation Lead with RTÉ, Ireland's national public broadcaster, and over the last three years he has inspired and driven the growth of mobile journalism within RTÉ's newsroom and across other European broadcasters. Glen leads RTÉ's mobile journalism project ("mojo") and RTÉ is successfully using mobile devices and apps to create finished news stories for broadcast and online.
Glen has trained in excess of 500 journalists in Europe and the Middle East, across television, radio, print and online and his specialities are Mobile Journalism, Video Journalism, DSLR Film-Making and Photography. He is at the forefront of engaging with new technologies and working up solutions for how such technologies can transform the way traditional media organisations work. Glen is currently working on wearables and immersive storytelling.


Dite Dinesz, TVR Timisoara, Romania
dite-dinesz-signedDite Dinesz has worked as a journalist for TVR Timisoara since 1995. She studied Journalism at the West University of Timisoara and took her MA degree in European Culture and Civilization with "Television for Ethnic Minorities in Europe" diploma paper. She was the Coordinator of the Department for Ethnic Minorities Programs of TVR Timisoara for 7 years, from 2003 to 2010. TVR Timisoara broadcasts weekly programmes in 8 minority languages. Dite Dinesz is the initiator of the seminar "Ethnic minorities and the audiovisual press", which was organized for the first time in 2011 by TVR Timisoara.
Her journalistic career includes documentaries, live broadcasts and reports. She was awarded 4 prizes by the Romanian Television Professionals Association. At present she coordinates the regional station TVR Timisoara.


Philip King, music producer, presenter and singer, Ireland
philip-king-signed Philip King is a curator and producer of bespoke cultural events, film director, writer, musician, broadcaster, commentator and contributor to national and international forums. He has directed and produced numerous series and events exploring Irish music international influence including the Emmy Award-winning 'Bringing It All Back Home' along with music documentaries for TG4 and Gradam Ceoil - the traditional music awards.
His TV series 'Other Voices' now in its 13th year is hosted by Aidan Gillen (The Wire and Game of Thrones). The series, set in the town of Dingle in the southwest of Ireland has captured remarkable performances from acts such as Amy Winehouse, Elbow, Ellie Goulding, Snow Patrol and many many more.
Philip presents the music programme South Wind Blows on RTÉ Radio 1 on Sunday nights.


Ola Helness, DroJo NRK Nordland, Norway
ola-helness-signed Ola Helness is a multi skilled, working as a VJ, journalist, cameraman, MoJo, DroJo, technical operation manager for the TV news and IT support.
Ola has experience in most distribution ways of live TV, both terrestrial and satellite. He's been working at NRK Nordland since 2006 and started off as a video journalist for TV making stories on his own. Since then he has regularly taken up new skills, both from training and personal interest.
In recent years he has been given time to play around with technical equipment like drones carrying cameras and various steady cams to be used to tell stories, and has made a lot of drone footage for TV and web.


Christina Ågren, Head of Regions and Minorities, Swedish Television, SVT.
christina-agren-signed2015 is the year when Swedish regional television will undergo the biggest change so far. While commercial regional television has closed all their stations SVT is going in the total opposite way. Several new stations will start broadcasting and some newsrooms have moved out in the suburbs. Technical staff have developed into journalists with more journalists than ever covering the regions. Internet is the first priority, broadcast news is recorded and remote controlled from technical hubs around the country.
The change is the result of almost two years of socio-demographic analysis, planning and training of all staff in VJ and Mojo and the final roll out. Christina Ågren will share success factors, what went wrong and what works. The session is a must for all interested in change and the development of journalism.


mark-little-signedMark Little, Founder and Director of Editorial Innovation at Storyful-the Social News Service
Mark Little is a former RTÉ journalist, television presenter, author and "social media visionary". He presented 'PrimeTime', RTÉ's flagship Current Affairs programme until December 2009.
At that point he took a year of leave of absence from RTÉ to pursue a project centred on digital media and global journalism – that project was the foundation of Storyful – a Social News gathering and verification start-up which he sold to News Corp in Dec 2013 for €18million.
Mark is also a social media and real-time news evangelist and is a prolific public speaker.


Willem de Vries, Presenter/Producer, Noardewyn, Omroep Fryslân
It all started decades ago when Willem organised concerts in his hometown of Burgum, in the North of The Netherlands. To promote the festivals, Willem was invited to produce and present a radio show at the local station. After some time, national radio invited Willem do interviews for a rock show; one was with Black Sabbath in London and Ray Charles in Hamburg. Eight years ago he started the music show 'Noardewyn'. From day one, musicians were welcome to play live in studio. With more and more acts appearing, the show became a huge radio success and Omrop Fryslân decided to create a live three hour long TV show, delivered by a team of six people.


Annewil Neervens, Social Media Strategist and Coordinator Social Media for RTL Netherlands
Annewil Neervens is a 'digital native', journalist and online specialist. Having completed a Master's degree in New Media and Digital Culture, Annewil started at one of the Dutch regional stations, Omroep Brabant, as a project manager for New Media and Innovation. She was involved in the project Online First; a key project for Omroep Brabant to transform from a traditional broadcaster to a new school multimedia communicator. The social media strategy of Omroep Brabant resulted in many new fans on social media platforms, with excellent results for the website; especially in terms of traffic. Nowadays, more than 30% of the online visitors of www.omroepbrabant.nl are referrals from social media. Annewil has since worked as an online consultant, with regional and local stations RTV NH and AT5 as two of her clients where she trained the staff in social media strategy. She currently works as the Coördinator Social Media for RTL Netherlands, one of the Netherlands' largest national broadcasting stations.


Loredana Cornero (RAI), Former president COPEAM Gender Equality Commission, Italy
Loredana Cornero works at the RAI International Relations Department having previously held roles such as Director and Head of RAI Studies Office, Secretary General of the Italian-speaking Broadcasting Community and President of COPEAM Gender Equality Commission,
Main writings: 
- “Una, nessuna… a quando centomila. La rappresentazione della donna in televisione” (On Female Representation in TV)
- “L’11 settembre: i nuovi media nelle emergenze” – (9/11: New Media and Breaking News) 
- “La tigre e il violino”, 
- “Noi e gli altri. Lingua italiana e minoranze: quale ruolo per i media?” (On Minority Languages and Media) 
- “L’italiano di fronte” (Italian in front…)
The last two books are about the diffusion of the Italian language in the neighbouring countries and also considers the relations with minority languages on Italian territory, that link and contaminate the Italian language.





The Dundalk CIRCOM Conference - A portal of discovery

johan linden signed"A man of genius makes no mistakes; his errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery." With the words of James Joyce we bid you welcome to the 33rd CIRCOM Regional Annual Conference. As you will discover this conference will open doors to new knowledge, new people, new ideas, new practices from all over Europe and also new ways of having fun. Some of the discoveries are based on our own mistakes, others will be "bona fide" success stories. It doesn't really matter, does it? As long as you take at least two or three good ideas back home and use them in your daily profession. We promise you that for a few days you will have more open minded sharing of experiences than most of us encounter in a year. And all the sharing will be very serious, delivered by professional with smiles and consideration. When in Ireland we also expect that there will be some singing, dancing and good laughter. It is the first time the conference visits Ireland and the CIRCOM-family wishes to express our gratitude towards RTÉ, Ireland's national public broadcaster and DkIT - the Dundalk Institute of Technology, our gracious hosts.

jean-marc-dubois signedWe also wish to thank TG4, Ireland’s national Irish language broadcaster for their great support to the CIRCOM family over the years and for their involvement in this year’s conference as well. If you are a regular visitor to our conference you will discover some brave thoughts behind the conference structure and schedule. In our family we embrace change. In our business we have to. Change comes from actually doing something, taking risks and working outside the given framework. Thus the actions are volitional. Whatever the outcome of our actions we will learn, we will make a new discovery. That's what this Conference is made for.

Dr. Johan Lindén, Secretary General, CIRCOM Regional
Jean-Marc Dubois, President, CIRCOM Regional




michael-lally-signedThe three words of the title sum up the landscape that we face in 2015. The challenge is everywhere: economic, regulatory, technological, and that's before we even look at content, competition or delivery. Each of us may face different challenges, and while we cannot address them all during our conference, we will attempt to prioritise the most pressing challenges and hopefully share workable solutions. That is the essence of the CIRCOM approach: "Learn from the experiences of others".

The individual sessions range from "How broadcasters survived the economic recession" to the challenges we face from social media. With hard factual research from the Ericsson's Media Laboratory, we hope to accurately review changing audience patterns across Europe and attempt to predict where these trends will lead us as broadcasters.

On the technology front the advent of "drone journalism or DroJo" will be another area of discussion. Here we will see again the changing face of journalism and we will try to look at its implications. As regional broadcasters, language and music are always close to our audience. How do we cope with the needs of minority languages? Should there be European aid in this area? These themes will be explored.

As the conference is in Ireland, we hope to introduce you to the role music can play in growing audiences and maintaining our relevance as public service broadcasters.

Lots of challenges face us. Hopefully we will face these challenges in Dundalk and in so doing face the future with greater confidence.

Finally there will be ample time to soak up the Irish culture and hospitality while here: from our first night when we gather in the Oriel Arts Centre (formerly a jail) where we will be entertained by an array of Irish champion dancers, musicians and singers, to the final night when we travel to the Guinness Brewery for The Dublin Experience. I hope that this conference gathering will be as entertaining as it will be enlightening.

Is mór an onóir do RTÉ fáilte a chur romhaibh ar fad go hÉirinn agus go Dún Dealgan do Comhdháil Bhliantúil Circom 2015. Is iomaí dúshlán atá romhainn amach mar chraoltóirí seribhíse poiblí i réigiúin na hEorpa. Ach is sa chaidreamh a bheidh againn le chéile in DKIT mí na Bealtaine a bheidh réiteach na ndúshlán sin. Deir an seanfhocal Gaeilge: “Ní neart go cur le chéile” (Strength comes only from Unity)

Michael Lally, Vice President, CIRCOM Regional


denis-cummins-signedIt is my great pleasure to welcome delegates of the 2015 CIRCOM Annual Conference in Dundalk Institute of Technology. We are truly delighted to be co-hosting this conference with RTÉ.
Established in 1971, Dundalk Institute of Technology has become the leading Higher Education Institute in the North East of Ireland. Our mission is to improve the quality of life in this region by supporting economic, social and cultural development. Our thirty five thousand graduates have made an enormous contribution to the success of this region and a particular source of pride for us is the fact that the majority of our graduates are the first generation in their families to attend Higher Education.

Our Creative Media Department is located in the award-winning and iconic Carrolls Building. Following a recent investment in this facility of in excess of forty million euro, our students and staff in the department enjoy state-of-the-art digital media learning facilities. The suite of programmes in the department has expanded enormously in recent years and now includes programmes in Film & Television Production, Media Arts & Technologies, Communications in Creative Media, Multimedia Web Development, Digital Animation Production and 3D for Games. In addition, a new BA in Theatre and Film Practice is currently being developed to complement this suite.

In 2012, Dundalk Institute of Technology made a strategic decision in signing a Memorandum of Understanding with RTÉ that resulted in the relocation of the regional RTÉ TV/Radio studio to the DKIT campus, along with paving the way for other joint initiatives in the future. The hosting of this CIRCOM conference on campus in DkIT marks another important milestone in this relationship.

I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate my colleague Sarah McCann, Head of Creative Media and Michael Lally, RTÉ for their commitment, enthusiasm and sheer hard effort in co-producing the 2015 CIRCOM Annual Conference.

Finally, I wish you all a very successful conference and hope you enjoy your visit to the campus of Dundalk Institute of Technology.

Denis Cummins, President of Dundalk Institute of Technology



Circom-Ireland-MapFly to either Dublin or Belfast. Dundalk is located approximately an hour away from both cities.

Flying to Dublin

Dublin Airport is located approximately 10km north of Dublin city centre.

Getting from Dublin Airport to Dundalk


Take Bus Éireann’s 100X bus from Zone 11 located outside the airport.
See map here
View the bus timetable here 

A taxi from Dublin airport to Dundalk will take under an hour and cost €100 approximately.

There are a number of car rental services located in Dublin Airport. Click here for contact details.


Flying to Belfast

Fly to Belfast International Airport or George Best Belfast City Airport

From Belfast to Dundalk

Take bus or taxi from the airport to Belfast city centre. Trains to Dundalk depart from Belfast's Central Station (East Bridge St). Link to www.irishrail.ie to view train schedules and costs. Once arrived in Dundalk take a taxi to the Crowne Plaza Hotel/DkIT.

Alternatively you can take a taxi directly from Belfast to Dundalk. Cost will be approximately £100 sterling.

Car rental
See airport websites for details on car rental.


Check out the AARoute Planner or Google Maps to plan your journey.

Click here for further details on travelling to Dundalk.



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The 2015 CIRCOM Regional Annual Conference was jointly hosted by RTÉ Irelands national broadcaster and DkIT - Dundalk Institute of Technology, one of Irelands foremost Educational Institutions. The conference took place in Dundalk on the East coast of Ireland.

Wednesday 20th May

20:00 Official Welcome Reception

Hosted by RTÉ & TG4
Venue: Oriel Arts Centre, Old Jail, Dundalk


Thursday 21st May

13:30 - 13:45 Official Opening

Jean-Marc Dubois, President of CIRCOM Regional and Denis Cummins, President of Dundalk Institute of Technology
Welcome to the 33rd Annual Conference 
Keynote speakers

14:45 - 15:45 Conference Session 1: Surviving an Economic Recession
The recent economic recession has had a profound effect on public service broadcasters across Europe. In Spain and Greece two actually ceased to broadcast as a result of the downturn.
In this session we will hear the unique experiences of two of Europe's most successful broadcasters HRT, Croatia and RTÉ, Ireland. In two case studies they will outline the steps they had to take to in order to survive and even grow with less funding, increased competition and scarce resources.
While this session will focus on Croatia and Ireland it will also aim to examine the impact of what happened in Europe over the last eight years and the lessons we can learn from this experience.
Kevin Bakhurst Deputy Director-General, RTÉ Ireland
Goran Radman, Director-General, HRT Croatia
Moderator: Dr. Johan Linden, General Secretary CIRCOM
Session overview

14:45 - 15:00 Coffee

15:00 - 16:00 Who is watching us, Where and How? Ericssons's Europe-wide Media Landscape Consumer Survey
The TV landscape is changing from one where traditional TV providers dominate and where the consumer experience is inflexible to one where consumers decide what they want to watch, how to watch it and where. Ericsson ConsumerLab gathers its data through a global research programme based on interviews with more than 100,000 individuals in over 40 countries.
Speaker: Anders Erlandsson, Senior Advisor, Ericsson ConsumerLab
Moderator: Nikki O'Donnell, BBC East, UK

16:00 - 17:00 Conference Session 3: The Future of DroJo
This sessions aims to explore the potential of drones for broadcasters-particularly for newsgathering and live-streaming while at the same time outlining the policies and guidelines to which broadcasters must adhere in order to remain legally compliant and to avoid endangering their staff and the general public.
Speakers: Glen Mulcahy, Innovation Lead, RTÉ Ireland and Ola Helnnes, DroJo NRK, Norway
Session overview

18:15 Assemble for departure to Gala

19:00 Prix CIRCOM Gala Reception and Awards Ceremony
The Awards Ceremony was presented by David Lowen, President of Prix CIRCOM and Carla O'Brien, TV Presenter with RTÉ2, former CIRCOM Mojo student and world champion Irish dancer. The winners of nine categories received their awards: Music (new), Documentary, Citizenship Co-production, Rising Star, Minorities in Society, Video Journalism, Most Original, Magazine and News Magazine and Investigative Journalists as well as announcement of the Grand Prix.
Entertainment was provided by NOCTU, the award winning Irish dance international troupe local musicians KERN. The Awards Ceremony was streamed live.


Friday 22nd May

09:30 - 17:00 Prix CIRCOM: Meet the Winners
Opportunity to meet the winners from the various Prix CIRCOM Categories and view the winning entries

09:30 - 10:30 The New Swedish Model for News Gathering
2015 is the year when Swedish regional television will undergo its biggest change so far. While commercial regional television has closed all their stations SVT is going in the total opposite way. The change is the result of almost two years of socio-demographic analysis, planning, training of all staff in VJ and Mojo and the final roll out. Christina Ågren will share success factors, what went wrong and what works. The session is a must for all interested in change and the development of journalism.
Speaker: Christina Ågren, Head of  Regional and Minority News at Swedish Television, SVT
Moderator:  Jean-Marc Dubois, President CIRCOM Regional
Session overview

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee

11:00 - 12:15 Conference Session 5: Social Media: Making Us or Breaking Us?
The disruptive revolution of social and mobile media for regional news
Mark Little, Founder and Director of Editorial Innovation at Storyful, Ireland
Annewil Neervens, Social Media Strategist, Netherlands
Joseph Hoban, Head of Communications & Brand Development, RTÉ, Ireland 
Moderator: Tone Kunst, NRK, Norway

12:15 - 13:30 Lunch with the Honeycomb Creative Works project
Honeycomb Creative Works project is an EU funded cross border initiative to provide support to digital start-ups and entrepreneurs. From MoJo to DroJo and a new video-exchange platform, this is an opportunity to meet some of the participants in this unique project from North and South of Ireland and Western Scotland.
Venue: DKIT, Restaurant Building

13:30 - 14:45 Conference Session 6: Mind Your Language!
The European Union has over 60 indigenous regional and minority languages, spoken regularly by up to 40 million people.  What are the pressures and challenges faced by regional broadcasters in their attempt to fully represent minority languages and their speakers across all platforms and in the midst of scheduling and economic constraints?  Can advances in technology provide possible solutions that are adaptable and affordable to all and is there a ‘best practice’ model in this area?
Dite Dinesz, Head of TVR, Romania
Loredana Cornero (RAI), Former president COPEAM Gender Equality Commission
Mile Boca, Development Centre Director, RTV, Serbia 
Rónán Mac Con Iomaire, Group Head Irish Language, RTÉ, Ireland
Moderator: Sarah McCann, Head of Creative Media,  DkIT
Session overview

14:45 Coffee

15:00 - 16:00 Conference Session 7: Music Sans Frontiers
Music knows no frontiers.
As giant broadcasters grabble to secure music formats such as 'The Voice' and 'The X Factor' in a desperate attempt to halt the exit of under 35's from mainstream TV, regional stations too can use music to attract and interact with young audiences and bring a smile to our TV schedules and online services. Music programming is flexible, needs no language or subtitles can be consumed in big or small chunks and... increases audience ratings. Hence, the new CIRCOM programme exchange pilot to be showcased at this workshop.
Philip King, music producer, presenter and singer, Ireland
Willem de Vries, Producer Omprop Fryslan, The Netherlands
Kateria Ondrejkova, producer, Můj pokus o mistrovský opus (My Efforts To Make a Masterpiece), the winner of Prix CIRCOM award for music, Czech Television
Moderator: Proinsias Ní Ghráinne, Commissioning Editor, TG4, Ireland
Session overview

16:00 - 16:30 Close of Conference
Presentation from participants in the Mojo Journalism Training Course
Stories produced by the participants of the course

18:00 Assemble for 'The Dublin Experience'
Evening dinner and entertainment in the famous The Guinness Storehouse, Dublin.
The Guinness Storehouse is Ireland's biggest tourist Venues and is located at St. James' Gate, the site of the Guinness brewery since 1759. The Dublin Experience includes dining in the rooftop restaurant with 360º panoramic views of Dublin city, and an insight into the brewing of the world-famous 'stout' beer and a chance to taste the product in its home. 
Venue: Crowne Plaza Dublin and return





The four-star Crowne Plaza Dundalk is conveniently located beside the Dundalk Institute of Technology campus. View map  here 
Address: Inner Relief Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Phone: 00353 42 939 4900
Website: www.cpireland.crowneplaza.com
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Special CIRCOM rates
CIROM attendees can avail of €85 B&B single occupancy or €95 B&B for a twin/double occupancy.


Please note that the Crowne Plaza hotel is now completely full.

The following hotels are also offering CIRCOM rates:

Ballymascanlon House Hotel - www.ballymascanlon.com
The Carrickdale Hotel & Spa - www.carrickdale.com