36th Annual Conference

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ac2018speaker Janine AndersonJanine Anderson, Hearken, USA
Session: Questions are the New Comments
Janine Anderson built a career from community journalism, at small weeklies, mid-size dailies and hyperlocal websites. Janine holds bachelor's degrees in journalism and dance from the University of Wisconsin. 
She has worked as a reporter and editor in south-eastern Wisconsin. As an engagement consultant at Hearken, she helps news organisations listen to audience members in ways that inform their journalistic efforts. 
Janine's work as a journalist has earned her recognition from local, regional and national organisations, including awards for local, feature, breaking news and investigative reporting; special projects; digital projects; and a Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism. She most loves journalism that helps build community through a better understanding of the people within it and the stories they have to share.


ac2018speaker Lauri Kivinen YLELauri Kivinen, CEO of Yle, Finland
Session: New Media Landscape and Roles in Transition: Public Service, Commercial Media and Social Networks 
Lauri Kivinen has been the CEO of Yle, the Finnish Broadcasting Company, since 2010. The company's tasks, operations and financing are defined by law. Yle has been strongly focused on the transition towards digital services. Yle has three national television channels, six radio channels with several regional radio stations as well as a diverse output of online media services. Its services reach 76% of Finnish citizens on a daily basis.
Mr. Kivinen has experience in international business, telecommunications and media. He holds a Master of Business Sciences from the Turku School of Economics after studies in Finland and Switzerland.


ac2018speaker Margot VerlegMargot Verleg, TrusttheSource
Session: Fake News on Social Media 
Margot Verleg is a former journalist and founder of TrusttheSource. In her opinion, misinformation and disinformation are one of the biggest threats our world is facing at the moment and journalists are part of the solution. Therefor her company is developing software for journalists that can fact check social media data automatically. Because of her background as a journalist and information manager and future sociologist she knows what the possibilities of social media are if we use it correctly. By becoming an expert on the subject and an entrepreneur she is trying to make social media a reliable source of information again.


ac2018speaker Anthony Brown BBCAnthony Browne, Digital Lead, BBC Scotland, UK
Session: Social Media Projects by Regional Broadcasters 
Anthony Browne is Head of Digital at BBC Scotland leading the delivery of the BBC Scotland website, social media and learning content across TV, Radio and Online. 
He has been involved in digital marketing since 2001 and his career has included managing a Communications team in Local Government and International Marketing Manager in the Retail sector. In 2007 he was responsible for the first UK Council Facebook pages and in 2008 he wrote and presented an International paper on Social Media within the Public Sector. 
He has also participated in two cross-party working groups in the Scottish Government - Culture and Media and Digital Participation. In 2015 he was the co-creator of BBC The Social, the multi-award winning digital project from BBC Scotland aimed at commissioning and developing new digital creatives.


ac2018speaker François JadoulleFrançois Jadoulle, RTBF, Belgium
Session: Social Media Projects by Regional Broadcasters 
After a master's degree in journalism, François Jadoulle started working at RTBF as a communications officer. After 3 years on the social network team, he joined the new RTBF Webcréation service to produce web series, web documentaries and transmedia projects. He is also professor of methodology of projects at a Belgian film school.




ac2018speaker Jessikka Aro YLEJessikka Aro, YLE, Finland
Session: Pro-Kremlin Trolls and Fake News as Security Threat
Jessikka Aro is an awarded investigative reporter at Finnish Broadcasting Company's social media project Yle Kioski. Aro specializes in Russia, extremism and information warfare. In 2014 she became the target of serious and still ongoing international propaganda and hate-speech campaigns after reporting about pro-Kremlin social media trolls. Currently Aro is writing an investigative book about Kremlin's information warfare and trains reporters and the general public to recognize and challenge online disinformation. Aro is also lobbying for better legislation to challenge hybrid threats and protect citizens from state-sponsored online security threats.


ac2018speaker Mattias Sandber SVTMattias Sandberg, SVT, Sweden
Session: Mojo
Mattias Sandberg works for SVT Sport since 2003, mostly as a reporter, but also as editor, programme leader and Video Journalist (VJ) / Mobile Journalist (MoJo). Since last summer he has been working on the following championships with the mobile phone: World Championships in Orienteering, Estonia, The Open Championship, Golf, England, European Handball Championship, Croatia, Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, South Korea. At the last two championships, he has also had a smaller camera on him. For his coverage of the World Championship in Orienteering he won a prize, SVT News Division’s Sweden Prize in the category MoJo / close storytelling.


ac2018speaker Aleksandar Markov BNTAleksandar Markov, BNT, Bulgaria
Session: Mojo Is Here To Stay 
Aleksandar studied Journalism, International TV Journalism and Media Content Analysis at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". He launched his career as a news reporter for the Military TV channel and BBT TV. Since 2011 Aleksandar is working for the BNT as a news reporter for "Po sveta I u nas", the newscast of BNT. He has worked on various topics such as the migration crisis on the Balkans, meetings of NATO Ministers of Defence etc. In 2015 and 2016 Aleksandar Markov has attended seminars for Backpack journalism and Mojo Journalism and has developed important qualities for his career.


ac2018speaker Jacqueline SpendelJacqueline Spendel, Omrop Fryslân, The Netherlands
Session: Events, the Culture of the Region 
Jacqueline Spendel is energetic, creative and shows interest in all the people in her team. As editor in chief she already thought outside the box and as a project manager she still does! She finished her studies in journalism, but soon discovered she wanted to inspire and motivate colleagues to make the best of themselves. She started supervising at the VARA, ‘emigrated’ to Fryslân in 2006, learned a new language, developed new programmes and put Omrop Fryslân on the map. After 12 years of living in the most beautiful province of the Netherlands, ‘La Spendel’ (as she is called sometimes) knows everything about events which make Frisian hearts beat faster.


ac2018speaker Peter Georgiev BNTPeter Georgiev, BNT, Bulgaria
Session: Mojo
Peter Georgiev, 24, works as a news reporter for BNT. For past two years he was mainly covering technology, social issues and international events. He is currently hosting the weekly 30-minute program #Europe dedicated to the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Peter received two separate BA degrees in Media and Journalism from Newcastle University, UK and Sofia University, Bulgaria. He previously worked as a freelance reporter. His articles have been published by The Guardian, Deutsche Welle, VICE and other reputable outlets. With his work for BNT, Peter has earned an award at the prestigious "Mtel Media Masters" contest, and another one from the Bulgarian Association of Information Technologies.


ac2018speaker Guillaume KusterGuillaume Kuster, CIRCOM Regional and Tarkka Media
Session: New Formats for Storytelling
Presentation of international examples of new formats that TV stations are using to shift from a linear television model to an all-platforms media organization.

Guillaume Kuster is a trainer, journalist, podcaster and consultant specialized in mobile journalism, data journalism and media strategy. He has trained over 400 television professionals to the techniques of shooting, editing and transmitting news from a mobile device, in France and internationally. Formerly, Guillaume was working for nearly 20 years for the French public service broadcasters Radio France and France Télévisions as a video journalist, news anchor, editor, web writer and talk show host. He also assumes the function of networking manager for CIRCOM Regional, where he seeks innovation and spreads it across the network of 250+ member TV and radio stations.


ac2018speaker Bjorn Staschen NDRBjörn Staschen, NDR/ARD, Germany
Session: Journalists' guide to the smartphone Galaxy
Björn Staschen is a staff reporter with NDR/ARD, Germany. He is the head of NDR´s „NextNewsLab“ and has been leading NDR´s innovation in Mobile Journalism for over three years. He has trained colleagues at NDR, students, corporate professionals and journalists internationally (in own seminars and with BBC Media Action). He regularly speaks at conferences, including Mojocon, re.publika and others. Björn is also a VJ trainer and has worked as foreign correspondent for ARD Germany in London.



ac2018speaker Elkana EverhardusElkana Everhardus, Omroep Gelderland, The Netherlands
Session: Instagram for Dummies and Managers 
Elkana is a social media editor and online journalist at the regional broadcasting station Omroep Gelderland. Together with a team of 5 social media editors, she is responsible for the social media output on Facebook (100.000 Likes), Instagram (4500 followers) and YouTube (17.000 subscribers). Instagram is one of the main social media priorities in 2018 for Omroep Gelderland.



ac2018speaker Wytse Vellinga OFWytse Vellinga, Omrop Fryslân, The Netherlands
Session: Journalists' guide to the smartphone Galaxy 
Wytse Vellinga is an international Video and Multimedia Storytelling trainer from the Netherlands. He works for Dutch broadcasting company Omrop Fryslân as a mobile journalist making daily news reports with Android, iOS and Windows Phones. He also works as a Mojo expert for Thomson Foundation in London and CIRCOM Regional.
He has his own company for training individuals and companies on how to tell their story using their mobile phones.


ac2018speaker Caroline Ní DhubhchóinCaroline Ní Dhubhchóin, TG4, Ireland
Session with the Prix CIRCOM Winners 
Caroline Ní Dhubhchóin has over 17 years’ experience as a producer, director, presenter and editor with TG4, RTÉ and various independent producers. In 2009 she was appointed manager of the young people’s department, having worked extensively with young adult content. In 2016 Caroline and a small team from TG4 and NUIG created an educational website for TG4 called TG4 Foghlaim. This was awarded a European Language Label in 2017. Caroline is currently editor of BLOC which is an  exclusively online social publication for TG4, creating short and mid-for content for young adults aged 18-35 and nurturing up-and-coming content creators with its UGC and MOJO offer.


ac2018speaker DavidLowenDavid Lowen, CIRCOM Regional & Leeds Beckett University
Session: Meet the Grand Prix 2018 Winner
David Lowen has been President of Prix CIRCOM for 18 years and is a former President of CIRCOM. He is a former award-winning programme maker for ITV (UK) and Director General of EuroNews. He runs an international media consultancy and owns a TV format development company. David chairs the board of Leeds Beckett University, one of the largest in the UK.



ac2018speaker Johan EverljungJohan Everljung, SVT, Sweden
Session: Social Media Projects by Regional Broadcasters
Johan Everljung is Head of Digital at SVT local news and minorities, leading the online development of the 21 local stations and the cooperation with the national platforms of SVT Nyheter. He has been working as a reporter, editor and managing editor in the north part of Sweden within print media and public service mainly focussing on digital transformation and publication. During last years he has been the chairman of the jury of investigative journalism at the most prestigious Swedish prize for journalism, Stora Journalistpriset. He also holds bachelor’s degrees in journalism from the University of Mitthögskolan, Sundsvall

Conference theme: Are We Connected?

Are we connected to our audience the way we think we are? How well to serve their needs as a public broadcaster? How important are the cultural and language elements in that connection? How well to represent the communities living in our societies?
Selected experts, thinkers and observers of the media world and your pairs from regional broadcasting met for a two-day event rich in key talks, experience sharing and inspiring topics!

As always, the conference was also the moment to meet and get inspired by the winners of the Prix CIRCOM 2018!

Thursday, 24th May

Venue: Theater The Harmonie, Leeuwarden
Day 1 moderator: Carla Verhagen, Omroep Zeeland, The Netherlands

09:30 – 10:00 a.m. Opening Culture and Language
Word of welcome by Tone Kunst, President of CIRCOM Regional and Klaas Geert Bakker, Editor in Chief, Omrop Fryslân, The Netherlands

10:00 – 10:45 Questions are the New Comments
Janine Anderson (Hearken, USA) led the session Questions are the New Comments. Janine told how to really listen to your audiences and engage them as a story develops from pitch to publication. She presented how to get original, high-performing content along with valuable data and insights.

11.15 – 11.45 Pro-Kremlin Trolls and Fake News as Security Threat
In September 2014 Jessikka Aro, a Finnish journalist working for Yle, started a crowd-sourced series of stories about pro-Russia trolls, the info warriors distributing social media propaganda and influencing the Finnish people.
Instantly after publishing the first piece she was targeted by an international discrediting campaign. She received responses such as a phone call with the sound of a gun firing at the other end, as well as a cell phone text message claiming to be from her father (who died 20 years earlier). Jessikka told her story about dealing with fake news, Russian trolls and how coordinated social media propaganda-writers are twisting and manipulating the public debate outside of Russia.
*note: session not available online due to copyrights

11.45 – 12.00 Fake News on Social Media
Margot Verleg, former journalist and founder of TrusttheSource, fell for a story that was fake news in 2011. Trust is an important factor with regards to the connection with audiences. So offering fake news can undermine the relationship with your public. It causes a great amount of damage when people accuse you of spreading fake news or when you fall for fake news. Verleg presented examples that are very tricky to recognize and she offered ways of recognizing fake news, for instance by using a special app she developed.

12:00 – 12:30 Session with the Prix CIRCOM Winners 
Caroline Ní Dhubhchóin, TG4, Ireland, member of the Prix 2018 jury, presented two winners and a commended of the Prix CIRCOM 2018. They explained how they use social media to add strength to the impact of their award-winning programmes. The panellists were: Signe Kjær Lindboe (TV2 Fyn, Denmark – Winner, category News Stories For All); Jenny Widell (SVT Ost, Sweden – Winner, category Minorities in Society) and Claus Halbe-Piter (Omrop Fryslan, The Netherlands – Commended, category Entertainment and Drama). 
For those who wanted to see the programmes, Teletheque was available for private viewing of all Prix CIRCOM 2018 entries, whole day Thursday and Friday.

14:00 – 14:15 Instagram for Dummies and Managers
Instagram offers many opportunities to tell our stories. Do you know all the tips and tricks? Elkana Everhardus, online journalist at Omroep Gelderland, The Netherlands, gave a 10 minutes course on how to improve your Instagram stories.

14:15 – 15:00 Social Media Projects by Regional Broadcasters
Anthony Browne (Digital Lead, BBC Scotland) is one of the creators of BBC The Social, a digital content stream featuring content for and created by young people in Scotland. BBC The Social is commissioning young talents in Scotland to make social media content which they post on The Social's social media channels including Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. 

In 2017, RTBF launched the first fiction on Snapchat: PLS, the story of a young student and his friends during the first year of college. The idea was to engage a young audience (15-25) on a platform they are familiar with. Following the success of the first season, 20 new episodes are in production and will be available this Summer. François Jadoulle (project manager RTBF) presented the project and shared five secret ingredients that public broadcasters need to succeed with a Snapchat project.

How to transfer the local interaction from Facebook to a platform of SVT? This is a question Johan Everljung (Head of SVT Digital Local News and Minorities) answered. In March 2018 SVT Local News launched a pilot project Talk With Us. Based on the Scribble Live tool, they are now trying to create a direct dialogue through visible presence online and in broadcast, trying to change the traditions and heritage of the one-way communication in broadcasting.

15:30 – 16:30 Events, the Culture of the Region
Friesland has a long and strong tradition of cultural events. Omrôp Fryslân reports on these events in several ways, including live reports on radio and TV, but also via Facebook live and other social media. These programmes are highly popular and offer a lot of opportunities for the audience to participate. Jacqueline Spendel talked about two small Omrop Fryslân projects through wich she found a new way of connecting with the audience. Both projects are parts of bigger events of Leeuwarden-Fryslân Cultural Capital of Europe 2018.
Besides Omrop Fryslân (The Netherlands)TPA Asturias (Spain) and Omroep Gelderland (The Netherlands) presented their examples of appealing events as part of their regional culture as well as the relevance for regional broadcasters.

9:00 - 15:30 Meet the Prix CIRCOM 2018 Winners  (near the entrance in the conference room)

All day: Teletheque, private viewing of all Prix CIRCOM 2018 entries

20:30 – 22:00 Prix CIRCOM Regional Gala Awards
Venue: Theater The Harmonie, Leeuwarden


Friday, 25th May

Venue: Theater The Harmonie, Leeuwarden
Day 2 moderator: Jyri Kataja-Rahko, Yle, Finland

09:30 – 10:15 New Media Landscape and Roles in Transition: Public Service, Commercial Media and Social Networks 
We are witnessing a massive change in the media, affecting not only the media landscape, but also distribution and consumer behaviour. What will be the role of various media players and especially that of social media platforms? Is this an opportunity or a moment of great threat to public services? Lauri Kivinen, CEO of Yle, shared his personal perspective.

10:15 – 10.45 A Journalist’s Guide to the Smartphone Galaxy
Björn Stasschen (NDR/ARD) and Wytse Vellinga (Omrop Fryslân) offered a quick look in the bag of Mojo reporters, with the newest equipment, for reporting, filming, storytelling, live broadcasting and 360 degrees filming.

11:15 – 11:45 Mojo
Mojo is here to stay. Mattias Sandberg proves it with his Mojo reports. He works for SVT Sport covering, with the use of his mobile phone, big sport events: the World Championships in Orienteering, The Open Championships in Golf and the Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang. The latter with his mobile phone and a small camera. Are you in any doubt that Mojo can be used to cover sports events? You are not anymore after Mattias' presentation!

BNT reporters successfully contribute to the news content with live broadcasts and by sending video material from all over the World. Alexander Markov and Peter Georgiev presented some examples - such as a story about the lack of qualified drivers in transport sector BNT broadcasted live from a truck on the road - from the perspective of a journalist and that of a producer.

11:45 – 12:30 New Formats for Storytelling 
Guillaume Kuster trains students and professionals in Mojo and Storytelling all over the world. He opened this session presenting the new formats used by TV stations to shift from a linear television model to an all-platforms media organization. After Guillaume's presentation, the trainees of the CIRCOM workshop New Formats for Storytelling presented their examples of new formats. They shown the items they have produced for Snapchat, Instagram and other media at the workshop led prior to the conference.

12.30– 12:45 Meet the Grand Prix 2018 Winner
David Lowen interviewed Vilde Bratland Erikstad, the winner of the Grand Prix CIRCOM 2018.

12.45 - 13.00 - Closing Ceremony

9:00 - 12:45 Meet the Prix CIRCOM 2018 Winners  (near the entrance in the conference room)

All day: Teletheque, private viewing of all Prix CIRCOM 2018 entries


The host broadcaster: Omrop Fryslân

Omrop Fryslân is the public media service broadcaster for radio and television for the province of Fryslân, situated in the most northern province of the Netherland. Omrop Fryslân is also hosting the only professional website in the Frisian language, with news, audio and video. The station is broadcasting radio 24 hours a day, regional television 1 hour a day, and producing weekly TV documentary in Frisian language on NPO2 nationwide. Omrop Fryslân employs permanently about 100 people.

Welcome to Leeuwarden

Leeuwarden, or Ljouwert as it’s called in Frisian language, is the Capital of the province of Fryslân. This hospitable Frisian city, situated in green surroundings with lakes and recreation areas, is Cultural Capital of Europe in 2018, together with Valletta, Malta.

The Frisian capital is a true royal residence with a beautiful land historic city centre, a wealth of nationally listed buildings, surprising shops and nice cafés. At the same time, it has the most modern facilities for residents, students and entrepreneurs. Leeuwarden is a city of modern paradoxes. Apparent contradictions go together perfectly in Leeuwarden. It is a city that invests in its past as well as in research development, ICT and a high level of facilities. A city in the countryside where students, the elderly and families feel at home, but companies are given opportunities as well. In addition, Leeuwarden is one of the cleanest and most sustainable municipalities in the country. The city centre is compact and well-organized. This combination is one of the most attractive elements of Leeuwarden. The shops, the nightlife and many hotels are within a few miles, walking or cycling distance from each other.


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