ac_liverpool05Liverpool, UK, 26 - 28 May 2005


pdf n2005 Conference brochure - information and agenda
pdf nLiverpool brochure





Marija Nemčić, Secretary General -  From Wroclaw to Liverpool pps n


Theme: Regional TV: From Strength to Strength

Pat Loughrey, BBC Nations and Regions - opening keynote speech on the role of public service broadcasting in a changing world pdf n

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Theme: How to exploit regional content in a multi-platform world

Ian Myatt, BBC - How to exploit regional content in a multi-platform world pps n
Tief Rainer, BR - DMB Regensburg project - How can multimedia support regional TV? pps n
Alain Castanie, France Tvi - Offre Multi Plateformes, France Televisions pps n
Phillipe Cayla, EuroNews - EuroNews pps n

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Theme: Where will the money come from

Pol O Gallchoir, TG4 - Television Market in Ireland 2005 pps n

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Theme: Branding: how to sell your station

Johan Linden, SVT - SVT The Extreme Make Over pps n

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Theme: Mediaton: how channels and public relate

Jean-Marie Belin, France 3 - Mediation xls n
Delphine Wasser-Treiger, France 3 -Améliorer la satisfaction des téléspectateurspps n
Anita Bhalla, BBC - Audiences at the Heart of BBC pps n

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Theme: News under pressure

Phil Hardings, BBC - News Under Presure pps n
Christian Niessen, former DR, Danmarks radio -News Under Pressure pps n

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Theme: New coproduction ideas which work well

Hubert Schilling, Deputy Secretary General - CR coproductions pps n

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Theme: Station websites that work well

Tonja Bozicevic, HRT and Circom Secretariat - Features of a good TV station website pps n





