Peter Zimmermann, one of the first General Secretaries of CIRCOM Regional, died on 5th September 2007.
We share in the grief of his wife and family. We send them the condolences of the whole CIRCOM Family.
Peter Zimmermann was in CIRCOM since its very beginning. And after he retired his great experience and knowledge was a strong support to the Colleagues. Peter was the Individual Member of the European Board till the end. CIRCOM Family lost with him a kind of father.
During his work as Secretary General of CIRCOM Regional his aim was to meet the members by himself all the time. He loved the direct contact with his TV-colleagues all over Europe and he personally brought the European spirit to all public TV-Stations in Europe. He was the main engine behind the Association. And it was his success that most of the members joined CIRCOM after his influence. One of the projects he was focused on was the Co-productions. And he worked very hard to build up the Co-production network. Till his last Annual Conference, he watched the ongoing process in Co-Pro-Workshop and he took care that it would continue. He was the initiator for one of the CIRCOM pillars – the Training. He built up the first CIRCOM Training.
For the 25th Anniversary of CIRCOM it was his personal wish to prepare the History of the Association. He finished writing his memories few weeks ago and now it will become his Memories.
During the last phone conversation the Secretary General had with him, he said: “I have been part of CIRCOM for 25 years and I’m 75 years of age – I think it’s time to finish this work. I think Bilbao was my last Conference”. Nobody expected this to be true.
With Peter Zimmermann we loose the great European, the good Journalist, and our most important Consultant. CIRCOM has lost the Father, but as it is in a good family, the spirit of Father will remain.
Peter Sauer
Secretary General
CIRCOM Regional
September 2007
Anne-Margarete Wachtmeister
Head of Audiovisual Service
European Parliament
These news makes me very sad,
A great man, so kind.
I know well years ago, at Circom, and I was so lucky to meet him again in my function here at the European Parliament.
Most lately we met in Bilbao where he seemed to be in great shape. We had several nice talks both about the past and the future. He was so enthusiastic, and rightly so, about the excellent platform the Circom organization has carved out for itself in an ever changing media landscape.
Please give my warmest regards to the closest concerned among Circom colleagues and also to the family if you or someone else is in contact with them.