Prix Online Form

Prix CIRCOM Regional 2024 Entry Pack


Please read these rules very carefully because it is important that all entries conform fully. A breach of any of the rules may mean disqualification.

RULE 1. Entries can be accepted only from member stations of CIRCOM Regional. Programmes made by independent producers can be considered only if entered by CIRCOM Regional member stations.

RULE 2. All entries, when submitted, will need confirmation by the CIRCOM representative (National Co-ordinator) appointed by the national broadcaster of the regional station making the entry. If there is no such representative, approval will be considered by the President of the Prix CIRCOM.

RULE 3. Each regional station may enter ONCE in each of the following categories:

(1) Digital Multimedia (2) Documentary (3) Entertainment and Drama (4) Investigative Journalism (5) Minorities in Society (6) Most Original and Innovative (7) Music and Arts (8) News Programme.

Each regional station may enter TWICE in each of the following categories:
 (9) News Report (10) Video Journalism (11) Young Onscreen Talent.

There is a change in News Programme Category in 2024 - You are asked to enter your News Programme ONLY of 1 February 2024. News delivered on any other day is not acceptable.
A total of 14 entries may therefore be accepted from any one regional station across all categories.

RULE 4. No single programme can be entered in more than one category, although different editions in a series may be entered in different categories. It is also possible for relevant parts of programmes entered in one category to appear also in the personal skill categories of Young Onscreen Talent and Video Journalism and for a News Report to appear also within a News Programme entry.

RULE 5. Programmes (or items) must have been broadcast, delivered or made available online for the first time between Saturday 25 March 2023 and the closing date for entries, Friday 22 March 2024.

RULE 6. Programmes (or items) must be submitted as first broadcast or otherwise made available, except for additions required by Rule 8. 

RULE 7Each entry must be accompanied by explanations in English or in French (no more than 250 words) to help the judges understand more about the reasons for making the programme or entry, the qualities of the programme or entry, the impact the programme or entry has had on the audience, and any other background factors which support the programme or entry as being worthy of consideration.

Please note that, to keep entry costs down for stations, it is acceptable that translations into English or French can be based on Google Translate or similar online based systems. 

RULE 8. Each entry, including those in English, must have subtitling in English throughout sufficient for the judges to be able to understand what is being said. Subtitling need not be of full broadcast quality, nor time code accurate. Again, please note it is acceptable that translations into English for subtitling can be based on Google Translate or similar online systems. Entries without subtitles throughout will be disqualified.  

RULE 9. Entry forms, with outline and support materials, must be delivered by the entry closing date of Friday 22 March 2024. 

RULE 10. Video entries must be uploaded in codec H.264 by Friday 22 March 2024. Confirmation will be given that a video has been received complete. 

RULE 11. All entrants accept as an obligation that, should their programme or entry be a winner or commended in its category, they permit at least one broadcast transmission plus one repeat of that entry by any CIRCOM Regional member which so wishes within its own region between 1 June 2024 and 31 May 2025 free of any licence restrictions or rights payments or other costs. Further transmissions and delivery can be agreed by bilateral negotiation with the winning broadcaster.

In the case of a winner or commended entry, failure to check and guarantee such rights clearance, including international sales rights, will result in disqualification and the withholding or reclaim of any monies or benefits of the award.

It is the entrant’s duty to check all and any rights limitations, especially international distribution rights, BEFORE entry is made. This is especially important where any entry was created by an independent producer and member stations have acquired limited sales rights.

The provision by the winner and commended of an international version, without subtitles, will be required for this purpose and must be delivered to the CIRCOM Secretariat if and when requested, along with a script and music cue sheet.

In addition, entrants agree that if their entry is a winner or commended, it may be made available also on the any CIRCOM member stations’ streaming platforms as a streamed delivery from the time of the broadcast delivery and for a further 48 hours.

For clarity, this does not include ceding any rights for use on social media platforms.

Please read the section below on Rights: Check, check and check again.

RULE 12. Entrants agree in advance to promotional non-broadcast showcase screenings organised on behalf of Prix CIRCOM Regional and for other non-broadcast use, including online delivery, for the promotion of the Prix.

RULE 13. Entrants agree in advance that brief excerpts from programmes may be freely broadcast or delivered online as part of regional news reports or promotional items about Prix CIRCOM Regional and in any programme on the award ceremony or about the awards.

RULE 14. Winning and commended entrants must provide a copy of the script in English or French and in the language of origin when requested. This is essential for member stations wishing to broadcast winning or commended entries. The script is not a requirement for other entries.

RULE 15.  Any costs of mail despatch, customs, insurance, where incurred, will be paid by the entrant.

RULE 16.  Programme materials provided for the Prix judging will be retained by CIRCOM in its archives. 

RULE 17. Any cash or trophy or other benefit presented as an award will be to the entering CIRCOM Regional member station. It will be for that member station to decide who may represent the station to collect the trophy at any award presentation, decide who may keep the trophy, and how any cash award may be used

RULE 18. In the case of the internship for the winner of the Young Onscreen Talent category, monies will be retained by CIRCOM to ensure that they are used solely for the purpose of the internship and to ease administrative liaison with the host broadcasters. If, for any reason, it proves impossible to agree an internship, an agreement will be reached between CIRCOM Regional, the sponsor (TVR) and the winner on how benefits can accrue to the winning entry.  

RULE 19. Where the entry is from one station, but the programme is a co-produced programme, the submitting station is required to inform any partner stations who have contributed to that programme. The award will be made to the submitting station and it will be for the submitting station to decide how the prize money is allocated

RULE 20. Where more than one co-producing stations submit the same programme, any award will be joint. It will be for the winning stations to decide how the prize money is allocated. In the case of disagreement, the decision of CIRCOM will be final

RULE 21. Co-producing stations may submit different programmes from the same series.

RULE 22. A member who is also sponsor is permitted to win its own sponsorship money.

RULE 23. It is a requirement that every winning station will ensure that a relevant representative attends the gala presentation to accept the trophy. Failure to do so may result in the withholding of trophy, prize money and expenses.

RULE 24. It is a requirement that relevant and qualified staff representing every winner and commended entry will attend the CIRCOM Conference to take part in any workshop on the Prix, discuss their entry and collect their award onstage as part of the gala if asked, or in some other way to promote their success. Failure to do so may result in the withholding of prize money and expenses.

RULE 25. The English language version of the Rules of Entry takes precedence over any other version. 

RULE 26. In any dispute, the decision of the President Mojca Recek will be considered final and binding on all entrants. Any significant dispute will be reported to the Executive Committee of CIRCOM Regional.



The video is to be submitted through the Prix online application. You will receive detailed instructions by email when you submit your entry form.

The maximum size of file which can be accepted is 10GB: remember this is a viewing copy, not a broadcast copy, and the highest broadcast quality is unnecessary.

The required codec is H.264. No other codec can be accepted.

When you upload, you need to identify your video with its unique entry number, category, title and your station. Failure to do this wastes much time and can result in your entry being lost and not judged. Please remember we usually deal with more than 200 entries in a very short period.

Video entries will be checked daily by Tonja Stojanac of the CIRCOM Secretariat. Each entry will receive a response from Tonja stating whether all is in order or whether there is anything missing, such as subtitles.

If there is some fault, you will be advised to upload again. This can only happen if you label and identify your entry properly, so please remember how important this is.

It is very important that you do NOT leave entry until the last few days. If you do, there could be a bottleneck of video traffic delaying your entry beyond the deadline of Friday 22 March 2024. Enter early!



All entries must have all rights cleared - including distribution rights - for free usage by any CIRCOM Regional member station for limited transmissions or delivery as explained in the Rules of Entry 11-13 above.

This will be crucial if your entry is a Winner or Commended. Please make sure you understand what is required, since agreements on distribution rights and rights clearance for programmes are complex. Errors can be costly and it may well be that your winning entry will be disqualified and any monies or benefits of winning forfeited.

It may be that other departments within your station or company understand better the implications of stating that you can make rights freely available to conform to the Rules. Please do check carefully.

This issue has become more important as more commissions are made by member stations from independent producers. In such cases, it is now normal for only limited rights to be bought by the broadcaster, with the production company often retaining international distribution rights. It is important to check to avoid disqualification should you win but be unable to deliver relevant rights.

If your entry is chosen by the judges as a winner or commended, you will be contacted to double check that all relevant rights are cleared as required. If this is not the case, CIRCOM will be unable to confirm the judges’ decision. If it is later found, after announcement, that rights issues remain, you risk disqualification.

Such events are rare but have happened.

Finally, stations choosing to broadcast any entry are advised to assure themselves that they do, indeed, have the appropriate rights permissions in writing from the provider and rights owners before broadcast. Legal requirements may vary from territory to territory. It would be unwise to rely wholly on verbal or unwarranted assurances given in good faith by providers.

CIRCOM, acting only as an enabler not a party to an agreement to broadcast, can give no formal legal guarantees but makes all reasonable endeavours to ensure rights clearance has been obtained.



CIRCOM Regional accepts that the costs of translation and subtitling may in the past have limited the number of entries stations can make. We want to reduce entry costs to a minimum but still need to be able to judge programmes effectively.

The purpose of the subtitling into the working language of English is so that international judges can understand what the programme is about. To achieve this level of understanding it is not necessary to have a translation in faultless English prose. A rough translation is good enough.

The quality of automatic translation continues to improve for the most-used languages. For these, the Google Translate system can deliver an acceptable level of English – but with some admittedly strange phrases which will need personal correction. Many stations are using such systems and cost savings are substantial.

The quality of subtitling does not need to match broadcast standard with time-coded accuracy: it is not for viewers at home to see, only judges. It allows the judges to follow the programme without keeping one eye on a written script and avoids asking all entrants to provide scripts, with all the associated costs.

The cost of subtitling was once a barrier to entry. It still will be if entrants are forced to add unnecessary broadcast standard subtitles at broadcast quality prices or are forced to add subtitles at in-house rates designed for broadcast not for offline viewing only.

The Prix can do nothing about such domestic agreements but there are many online subtitling systems cheap or even free for “do-it-yourself” subtitling to the necessary standard for the Prix.



CIRCOM encourages the circulation of programming between its member stations so that the best regional content may be seen as widely as possible around Europe enhancing the prestige of all regional television and content creation.

With this aim, there is now a voluntary request to members to permit this at zero or minimum cost with all or some of their entries. Please note this is a request, NOT a Rule of Entry.

The entry form asks you to indicate whether ANY of your entries could be made available for other stations to show.  

The entering station must decide if transmission is permissible and, if so, on what terms. This means that, unlike with the transmission of the winning entry, there may be some fees to pay for rights, international copies to be created, script production or administrative overheads. These will be payable by the transmitting station unless otherwise bilaterally agreed. Also, it will be for the receiving station to organise and pay for delivery of the programming. 

The CIRCOM Secretariat holds details of entrants and will put you in touch but will not organise the delivery or monitor your bilateral agreement.

This is how you should make your wish clear on the online entry form for every entry:


Please mark the box so your intention is clear. Thank you.




pof tvpGrand Prix

TVP Award 
- 2000 euros cash (in addition to category prize), certificate and trophy
- The winner of the Grand Prix will be announced at a gala award ceremony at the CIRCOM Annual Conference or a remote event depending on health and safety


pof orfDigital Multimedia

ORF Award
- 1000 euros in cash to the winning member station
- Trophy for winning entry 
- Certificates for winner and commended
- Invitation to an awards event
- Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for up to two representatives of the winning station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation – subject to a cap of 2000 euros. It is hoped that one of these may be a younger station member who will benefit from attendance at the conference
- Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for one representative of the commended station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation (subject to a cap of 1000 euros)


pof rte


RTÉ Award
- 1000 euros in cash to the winning member station
- Trophy for winning entry 
- Certificates for winner and commended
- Invitation to an awards event
- Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for up to two representatives of the winning station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation – subject to a cap of 2000 euros. It is hoped that one of these may be a younger station member who will benefit from attendance at the conference
Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for one representative of the commended station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation (subject to a cap of 1000 euros)


pof RTP galiciaEntertainment and Drama

Award of RTP Portugal and TVG Galicia, Spain
- 1000 euros in cash to the winning member station
- Trophy for winning entry 
- Certificates for winner and commended
- Invitation to an awards event
- Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for up to two representatives of the winning station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation – subject to a cap of 2000 euros. It is hoped that one of these may be a younger station member who will benefit from attendance at the conference
Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for one representative of the commended station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation (subject to a cap of 1000 euros)


pof coe1Investigative Journalism

Council of Europe Award
- 1000 euros in cash to the winning member station
- Trophy for winning entry 
- Certificates for winner and commended
- Invitation to an awards event
- Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for up to two representatives of the winning station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation – subject to a cap of 2000 euros. It is hoped that one of these may be a younger station member who will benefit from attendance at the conference
Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for one representative of the commended station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation (subject to a cap of 1000 euros)


pof ftv 120

Minorities in Society

France Télévisions Award:
- 1000 euros in cash to the winning member station
- Trophy for winning entry 
- Certificates for winner and commended
- Invitation to an awards event
- Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for up to two representatives of the winning station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation – subject to a cap of 2000 euros. It is hoped that one of these may be a younger station member who will benefit from attendance at the conference
Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for one representative of the commended station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation (subject to a cap of 1000 euros)


pof nrkMost Original and Innovative

NRK Award
- 1000 euros in cash to the winning member station
- Trophy for winning entry 
- Certificates for winner and commended
- Invitation to an awards event
- Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for up to two representatives of the winning station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation – subject to a cap of 2000 euros. It is hoped that one of these may be a younger station member who will benefit from attendance at the conference
Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for one representative of the commended station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation (subject to a cap of 1000 euros)


pof tg4 v2Music and Arts

TG4 Award
- 1000 euros in cash to the winning member station
- Trophy for winning entry 
- Certificates for winner and commended
- Invitation to an awards event
- Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for up to two representatives of the winning station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation – subject to a cap of 2000 euros. It is hoped that one of these may be a younger station member who will benefit from attendance at the conference
Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for one representative of the commended station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation (subject to a cap of 1000 euros)


pof RPO newNews Programme  

Award of RPO, representing the regional stations of The Netherlands
- 1000 euros in cash to the winning member station
- Trophy for winning entry 
- Certificates for winner and commended
- Invitation to an awards event
- Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for up to two representatives of the winning station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation – subject to a cap of 2000 euros. It is hoped that one of these may be a younger station member who will benefit from attendance at the conference
Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for one representative of the commended station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation (subject to a cap of 1000 euros)


pof eitbNews Report  

Award of EITB, Basque Country, Spain
- 1000 euros in cash to the winning member station
- Trophy for winning entry 
- Certificates for winner and commended
- Invitation to an awards event
- Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for up to two representatives of the winning station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation – subject to a cap of 2000 euros. It is hoped that one of these may be a younger station member who will benefit from attendance at the conference
Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for one representative of the commended station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation (subject to a cap of 1000 euros)


pof bbcVideo Journalism

BBC Award
- 1000 euros in cash to the winning member station
- Trophy for winning entry 
- Certificates for winner and commended
- Invitation to an awards event
- Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for up to two representatives of the winning station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation – subject to a cap of 2000 euros. It is hoped that one of these may be a younger station member who will benefit from attendance at the conference
Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for one representative of the commended station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation (subject to a cap of 1000 euros)


pof_tvrYoung Onscreen Talent

TVR Award, in honour of Vanda Condurache
- 2000 euros towards an intern visit to a member station (see Rule 18)
- Trophy for winning entry 
- Certificate for winner
- Invitation to an awards event
- Travel (economy class) to the next CIRCOM Annual Conference, when held, for up to two representatives of the winning station entry with up to two nights’ accommodation – subject to a cap of 2000 euros. It is hoped that one of these may be a younger station member who will benefit from attendance at the conference
- There is no commended in this category



The intention and purpose of these awards is to highlight the high quality of creative video production and distribution in the regions of Europe.

Regional relevance

In all categories, judges will look for regional relevance, even if programmes are not broadcast or distributed only in the region in which they are made. 

“Regional relevance” means:

- Content produced in the region for regional viewing or 
- Content produced in the region but primarily for national network or international viewing or
- Content highlighting issues or lifestyle in a specific region whether for regional, national, network or international viewing

It is recognised that, especially in smaller states, there is often no regional structure for broadcast or regional-only delivery and limited production based in the regions. However, entrants must expect that, in a competition focussed on regions, a programme by a network production unit aimed at a national or international market and without regional emphasis will be at a disadvantage in the judges’ eyes.

Check criteria and entry requirements

It is important that all entrants should check the criteria for each award category before entering. Please make sure your programme does qualify for the award category you are choosing. If you enter in the wrong category, you may be disqualified or judges may be unable to consider your programme fully on its merits.

Entrants should read the Rules of Entry carefully to make sure they attach and enclose all the details which the judges require.  You should pay special attention to the availability of broadcast and delivery rights as outlined in the Rules of Entry.

Entrants should check they have filled in the online Entry Form fully and that the entry has been accepted. Any entry by any region is subject to confirmation by the CIRCOM Regional national co-ordinator of the broadcaster’s country or, if one is not assigned, by the President of the Prix.


In all categories, judges will look for high professional standards and creative originality. They will also want to understand if and how entrants have made interesting use of the forms of distribution now available.

In certain categories, judges will look also for high quality journalism. They will also take account of “agenda setting” which demonstrates a “bottom up” approach appropriate to public service media.

Judges are under no obligation to transfer programmes between categories if the programmes have been mistakenly entered.



This award is financially supported by TVP Poland.
No direct entries are accepted for this award. The winner will be selected by the judges, led by the Chair of the Judges, from the winning entries in the programme genre categories. It is, in effect, The Best of The Best.  



This award is financially supported by ORF Austria.

This newest category awards a station’s efforts and enthusiasm in using all aspects of digital technology to enhance its content creation or distribution and the interactivity with its audience.

In today’s world of media and communications it is crucial to address people as citizens, not just as consumers. Therefore, entries should focus on the distinctive quality of media focusing on social cohesion, public value and any kind of societal relevance and concern.

The modern regional station has “users” who “communicate” with “devices” as well as viewers who watch television. How can you demonstrate best that you understand and use this?

Digital excellence should be demonstrated in the style and approach of content whether “storytelling” in news or other genres or a mixture of all. This could include any of the production qualities such as graphics, sound, editing, live location reporting - anything, in fact, which brings extra value to the viewer by using digital creativity.

This could also embrace projects which might not otherwise be possible except in a digitally-enabled world. Nowadays, a station has the technology and ability to reach and seek response from its audiences beyond the confines of a broadcast linear version of content. This might include two-way links, streamed services, viewer and user support, regional projects which involve its audience.

Entry should be a compilation video of no more than 10 minutes which explains the activity.  The written support needs to explain clearly to judges why this is an output worthy of special merit and what elements of “digital excellence” are offered. In addition, the entrant may add a link to a web site to give the judges further explanation or evidence of how viewers and users are engaged.

Judges will particularly look to praise stations which are at an early stage of using the digital opportunities to add service for their viewers and users. No regional station should believe entry in this category is not for them.



The category is sponsored by RTÉ Ireland.

Entries should be documentary programmes on a single subject shot on location. Neither the topic nor transmission is required to be regional, but judges will give preference to the examination of issues which have particular regional relevance even if set in an international or national context.

Judges will seek evidence of a strong storyline and outstanding professionalism in direction and technique. Programmes of strong journalistic investigation are encouraged (although there is a separate category for Investigative Journalism, see below) but so are programmes with a personal view or an unusual perspective.

Documentaries which show fresh techniques or great imagination are welcome and judges will also consider artistic and cinematographic qualities. Judges will note especially new and inventive ways of storytelling.

Where a documentary is part of a series, only one programme will be viewed.

This category is for complete programmes with only one subject. Multi-topic programmes must be entered under other categories, as should reports or content which form part of a wider or longer programme or programmes which mix studio and location.

Please note that there are opportunities for entering programmes in the documentary form in several other Prix categories: Minorities in Society, Most Original and Innovative, Music and Arts, Investigative Journalism.

Entrants are reminded that the winning and commended programmes must be offered free with all rights cleared for at least one broadcast and at least one repeat (see Rule 11) by any CIRCOM Regional member station.



The category is sponsored by two regional stations RTP Portugal and TVG Galicia Spain.

This draws attention to the role of regional stations in bringing pleasure and enjoyment to its audience and by emphasising the role of entertainment and drama in the cultural expression of regionality.

Entries may be complete programmes or shorter content (but not news stories) within broadcast programmes or shorter content and full programmes streamed online.

The method of achieving this end can include location and/or studio drama, “shiny floor” glamour shows, comedy, game shows, quizzes and competitions, and any fiction or factual format but excluding feature films which have had theatric release.

Any programme or content which has music or the arts as a major element should more properly go into the Music and Arts category (see below).

If the entry is a drama, it is preferred that the storyline or style should embrace the culture or issues of the region from which it originates.

The judges will look for formats and shows which are devised to be engaging for viewers and aim above all to give pleasure. They will look for how professionally the show or feature is made with cameras, sound, setting, presentation.



This award, sponsored by the Council of Europe, recognises reports, features, documentaries and other coverage which demonstrate an investigative approach to regional television journalism.

Reports and documentaries in this category should go deeper than most regular regional news coverage to explore what lies beneath and behind the daily news or reveal what some people or organisations may prefer to keep hidden.

Success will demand a sustained and high level of journalistic inquiry and investigation, extra journalistic and editing effort, a higher level of resource commitment, more detailed planning, patience and often courage.

Judges will look in particular for stories of significance in which the journalistic investigation not only reveals and publicises new truths but may also assist in righting wrongs or promoting public debate.

Investigations may be of national and international significance but judges will look especially for stories which have a regional importance or resonance.

All subjects of investigative work are welcome but entrants might also usefully bear in mind the objectives of the Council of Europe:

- The protection of human rights, pluralist democracy and the rule of law.

- The fight against corruption and money laundering.

- The promotion of awareness of and encouragement of Europe’s cultural identity and diversity.



This award, sponsored by France Télévisions, serves to remind Europe’s public service media stations of their duty to reflect and develop a functional multicultural society.

The judges will look for factual programmes and reports which reflect minorities and matters relating to minority groups in an informed manner and, especially, which bear upon issues of contemporary concern.

The programmes or reports may deal with contentious issues and events but they will be expected to do so in a way which enables viewers better to understand the causes of disagreements and how such disagreements may be overcome and differences narrowed.

The programmes or reports may be created by minority production units or by general station staff. They may be for viewing especially by minority groups but preference will be given to those programmes which are aimed at a general viewer, thereby leading to better understanding between groups which might otherwise be in conflict or fail in mutual understanding.

The definition of “minority” is broad to reflect the various sectors of the community who may deserve special attention socially, politically, or by the media itself. It does, of course, include groups differentiated by culture, race and colour. It can also include language minorities and other groups such as the physically or mentally challenged, the aged or sexual minorities.

Some who are relatively few in number – let’s say “supporters of a low division football team” or “lovers of medieval music” – may suggest they do not get the media attention they deserve. However, they do NOT fall within the definition of “minority” for the purposes of this award.

In common with other categories, the judges will be looking for excellent production skills, technical excellence, story quality, storytelling and viewer impact.

It would be helpful if the judges could be told about any background to the programme or report and any follow up which was achieved.



This award, sponsored by NRK Norway, recognises production originality, unusual content, fresh style, new technical skills, innovative ideas and presentation flair.  Examples of innovation behind, as well as in front of, camera are welcome.

It is hard to define what is meant by “original”. In fact, originality defies advance definition. “Innovative” is perhaps clearer and can encompass anything which is “new” and can include online examples or behind-the-camera- activity as well as traditional broadcast on-screen.

What we want is something new and different – and wakes the judges up!

Judges will seek entries which capture their imagination and surprise them. This may be because the story told is so unusual that it is memorable. Or it may be because the treatment is so different from “everyday” programmes that it stands out as something special. Or perhaps it is a technical advance which can excite others in regional stations.

Perhaps there is the chance to meet some wonderful or unforgettable characters? Perhaps the programme has some special music? Perhaps there is an exciting title sequence? An unusual presenter? A single flash of television brilliance in an otherwise boring programme? Perhaps the format is new and out of the ordinary? Who knows? 

It is something, in short, which makes the entry different to the normal expectations of regional programmes and which makes the judges say: “Wow! Congratulations. I wish my station had thought of that – and it’s something we might try also.”



This category, sponsored by TG4 Ireland, highlights the social value of music and arts and the contribution they make to regional culture and the culture of the smaller nations, as expressed in video creative content.

The entry may be a short-form report, documentary or coverage of performance.

The subject matter is wide. It may be anything from the contribution of individuals to musical and artistic life to coverage of arts and music events. It may be, for instance, an examination of an issue relating to artistic or musical performance or evidence of how arts and music can contribute to the cohesion of society. As long as music and the various arts, their value, the love of music and arts are at the core of the video content, any subject and treatment are acceptable.

The definition of “art” can include painting, sculpture, video, dance, poetry and other activities. However, there is a separate Prix category, Entertainment and Drama, which includes scripted drama performance.

Where the programme is in the short report or documentary form, judges will pay due regard to the quality and interest of the story, the way the story is told, technical excellence and impact.

Where the programme is primarily performance based, judges will pay special attention to the quality of direction, camera and sound, and staging.



This award is sponsored by RPO, representing the regional stations in The Netherlands. It rewards excellence in the very lifeblood of regional public service media – the news programme and online news service.

You are asked to enter your News Programme ONLY of 1 February 2024. News delivered on any other day is not acceptable. This will give a unique opportunity to make available and judge what is happening and what is thought important in regions across Europe in the same 24-hour period. This has never been achieved before and will be unique to the CIRCOM family.

You need to make sure IN ADVANCE that you can record scheduled and online news output on that day.

The judges want to see a news show with all the regular ever-changing aspects of regional society – events, social issues, politics, sport, culture, scandal, trivia – brought together in a “must watch” appointment to view. The programme is the point at which people in the region can “come together” to find out what’s happening in their community.

These days, viewers of live news programmes are also users of news information delivered online, so, although we call this category “News Programme”, it will also encompass the wider service which regional stations can offer their viewers.

The jury will expect to see the basic values and skills of news selection and presentation. There should be a range of news stories which reflect the region and will appeal to its inhabitants.

The programme may be linked in a studio or on location. If there is a studio element, judges will look for supporting contributions from cameras, sound, graphics, editing, opening titles sequence, studio set design and lighting.

Where there is significant use of streaming or online availability, this should be demonstrated also to make clear the station’s intention to serve all in its region, not just those who choose to view a scheduled delivery to a TV set.

The judges will value the programme and the service as a whole. One strong report alone, however good or exclusive, will not be enough – and there is a separate category of News Report to reward single stories.



This award is sponsored by EITB, Basque Country, Spain.

Two entries permitted per regional station.

Entries shall be news reports/stories of up to 5 minutes in length whether for traditional scheduled broadcast in regions or part of a “digital platform first” service.

Judges will look for innovative skills in storytelling addressing a non-linear audience as well as a traditional linear audience.

Judges will look for a strong story, well-told with, on the one hand, traditional journalistic skills and, on the other, with an approach to news which is modern and inclusive.

The judges will take into account not just the news content but the efforts made to distribute as widely as possible and to involve the audience in the daily news agenda. Judges will take into account how the story was re-modelled for a variety of uses, including interactivity with the audience in social media. For instance, judges would like to know where and how the content was first published – whether on a TV screen or for social media or other means of mobile consumption.

Judges will also take into account evidence on how the story came to light to demonstrate a “bottom up” rather than “top down” approach to news gathering. A further video of not more than 5 minutes can be provided, if wished, to explain the story source.



Two entries permitted per regional station from two different VJs.

This award, sponsored by the BBC UK, is for the best series of news reports submitted by a video journalist – with the emphasis on those using mobile phones (MoJo).

Three reports must be submitted for each entry and they should be shot and edited by one reporter working as a video journalist. The three reports should be chosen to demonstrate the broad skills of the reporter as a journalist, as a creative and as a technician. Each of the three reports must be at least one minute long but not longer than 5 minutes each.

The judges will look for a good story, well told in pictures, sound and commentary and well structured. In particular, the judges will look for evidence that these reports might have been less effective if they had been shot by a crew rather than a “video journalist” working alone: in this way, the work of a VJ can truly be said to add value to that of crew work.

Supporting information should explain the context of the reports and provide confirmation that the reports are the work of one video journalist. This is not a “cameraman” category, a “reporter” category or an “editor” category: all jobs must be clearly done by the same person.

The reports may have been carried in a regional news bulletin, a sub-regional news bulletin, a regional magazine programme or made available for online delivery.

Judges need to be told when the VJ work submitted is shot by mobile phone camera (MoJo) and, if so, what equipment was used.

Please note this is a “skills” category, which is why a range of material to demonstrate all the skills of a good VJ is requested. It is not just the ability to cover a “hard” story which will be assessed.

It is helpful – but not essential - for the judges to see an off-air recording which includes any studio link to the VJ reports, as this will help them understand more about the context of the video report. If an off-air version is not possible, the scripted link would be useful.



Two entries permitted per regional station.

The Young Onscreen Talent Award, sponsored by TVR Romania, was created in honour of Vanda Condurache, the inspirational TVR producer, manager and trainer, killed in a car crash on her way to the CIRCOM conference in Bilbao in 2007.

The category seeks to emphasise the importance of developing bright young talent for public service media content and to encourage young professional talent to seek careers in public service media in the regions.

By bringing to wider attention the range and depth of talent in the regions, it seeks to assure young television professionals that regional television can offer scope and fulfilment in their aspirations.

The candidate must be aged 30 or under on the closing date for entries (and give evidence, if required, of date of birth). He/she must be working full-time in the employ of a regional station which has membership of CIRCOM Regional or as regularly employed freelance for that station.

The type of work undertaken by the entrant can be as reporter, video journalist, or presenter. It would be helpful if the judges could see a wide variety of on-screen work so they can judge different aspects of presentation work. Not less than 10 minutes and not more than 15 minutes of video should be provided.

The entry form should set out the candidate’s qualities. This should include:

- A statement by the entrant on what he/she has achieved.

-  Testimonies from senior professionals (not necessarily just from the entering station).

-  Video evidence of any skills mentioned in the citation.  

If the entrant has been on a CIRCOM training course, it would help the judges if this could be mentioned.

Judgement will be made on a mixture of video, text and other information. In particular, the judges reserve the right to ask for further information from any candidate or from those who know the candidate.




:: HOW TO ENTER step-by-step





Questions about or problems relating to the web-based entry form, server delivery option, or other technical issues to:
Tonja Stojanac
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Questions about the Rules of Entry only to:
Mojca Recek
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.