
thumb smWe talk to the winner of the Most Original category about the winning entry National Knitting Eve, which was broadcast on NRK Hordaland.

thumb smWe talk to the winner of the Minorities in Society category about the winning entry Inside Out London: Grooming Special, which was broadcast on BBC London.

thumb prix2The programme entries are now coming in seeking the 30,000 euros of prize benefits.

14 judges, TV professionals from 14 European countries, have been named for the Prix 2014 judging, which will take place in Sofia, hosted by BNT, in April 2014.
There are 228 entries for the Prix 2014 across the 10 categories.

 Twitter list of the judgesTwitter logo blue




David Lowen, President of the Prix, said: "The Prix demands the very best in programme judgement and I am delighted we have such experience and excellence to guide our discussions."





The Prix 2014 judges are:

zoran medved1


Zoran Medved, PhD
RTV Slovenia

Zoran is journalist and programme executive with 35 years of journalist’s experiences, 28 years on RTV Slovenia. He was formerly the Editor of Culture and Arts on TV Slovenia, the Editor of Current Affairs daily programme on TV Slovenia, the Managing Editor of TV Maribor, first Editor-in-chief of the Morning Programme on TV Slovenia, Deputy Director of TV Slovenia for regional channels. He has doctor’s degree in Communication Theories and seminars for students of Media Communications as an assistant lecturer on the University of Maribor.


candida buchrieser

Candida Buchrieser

Candida is a news editor working for the ORF, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, at the regional station in Styria. She's working for TV and radio-news with special focus on European and social issues.







Jean-Christian Spenle
France 3

Jean Christian is currently administrator of the France 3 regional channels coordination in Paris. He was formerly manager of a private production company & press agency in Strasbourg, production manager for France Television production branch, and head of production of France 3 Alsace and France 3 Aquitaine regional channels.



jacqui hodgsonJacqui Hodgson

Jacqui Hodgson has worked for the BBC for 25 years. Prior to BBC she trained on a local newspaper in Kent – but then returned to the North East to work for the BBC on Radio Newcastle. As the BBC’s regional Industry Correspondent, Jacqui covered the demise of the regional coal and shipbuilding industries for both regional and national television. After a spell in the London newsroom, Jacqui moved into current affairs, presenting and producing documentaries and studio discussion programmes.
Her most recent job has been as editor of Factual programmes for the BBC in the North East and Cumbria providing documentaries for the region and for BBC 1, 2 and 4. The stable of factual programmes has won regional Royal Television society awards every year for the past seven years. Jacqui also works with independent production companies commissioning programmes for the region – including a football discussion programme Late Kick Off. Jacqui has been Chair of Judges for the RTS in the North East and the Borders.

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Johnbert Dijker
Omroep Flevoland, The Netherlands
Programme director at Omroep Flevoland

Johnbert has worked for more then 16 years for several regional broadcasters in Holland, first as cameraman/reporter and editor, the last 10 years as programme director for radio and television in Flevoland, a regional broadcaster in the middle of the Netherlands. Two television formats of his won the Prix Circom (in 2002 and 2003) in Most Original Programme category.


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Raluca Aftene 
TVR, Romania

Raluca is a reporter and presenter at TVR IASI, Romania.  In 2012, she was awarded  the Rising Star trophy in the Prix CIRCOM and this is her second year as a judge.







Máire Aoibhinn Ní Ógáin
TG4, Ireland

Máire is TG4’s Scheduling Manager. She was recruited as TG4’s Librarian in 1996 and appointed as the Schedule Manager in 1999.
Her current role spans a broad range of TG4 policy making and output. She enjoys the challenge of putting those policies into practice - from Scheduling, Archive, Digital Asset Management, Access, Library, Dynamic Branding and TV Billings. She holds a Masters Degree in Irish Heritage Management from University College Cork.


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Ulf Morten Davidsen
NRK, Norway

Ulf Morten is a member of the Prix Circom Jury for the 3rd time. He is head of projects in the NRK Regions, and leads the making of the 13th region in NRK, a new region covering the county Finnmark, the most northern area in Norway. Ulf Morten has been editor-in-chief in the region NRK Østfold for several years, and before that he was editor in the same department.




dagmara drzazga1

Dagmara Drzazga, PhD

TVP, Poland

TVP director, Katowice Studios. Lecturer at the Faculty of Radio and Television, University of Silesia. Author of numerous coverages and documentaries. Winner of prestigious awards, including: PRIX ITALIA (2010) and CR Grand Prix Documentary (2003). Dagmara’s films have been highlights of many festivals and shows, both home and abroad: USA, Germany, Luxembourg, Sweden, Cameroon, Monaco, Scotland and Armenia.
Jury member in number of film and TV festivals, including Doha in Katar (2012), Łódź in Poland (2011), Košice in Slovakia (2011), Denmark (2005) and Ireland (2004).


 daniela drastata1

Daniela Draštata
HRT, Croatia

Daniela runs HRT's Diversity Department for the past 12 years. She edits a weekly magazine, produces documentaries mostly on human rights issues, many of them within EBU co-productions. She was an executive producer of the EBU documentary series Roma in Europe. She was Prix Circom judge twice and Prix Circom winner in 2005.



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Alexandre Pletser 
RTBF, Belgium

Alexandre is the Coordinator of RTBF’s European projects for the past 10 years. He coordinates various platforms of cooperation for EBU and URTI, and is currently developing a catalog of international and European programmes for the new RTBF digital channel La Trois.
For the past year he is CIRCOM coproduction coordinator. He was formerly an executive producer of numerous RTBF’s programmes and coproductions. Multimedia author and script editor, he is a member of the Belgian Society of Authors, SABAM, the Association of Audiovisual Writers, and Cinescripts.

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Eduardo Bonilla
Radio Televisión Castilla y León, Spain

Eduardo has worked as editor and producer at several national and regional tv channels in Spain such Antena 3, Canal 4 CyL, or TeleAsturias; and was formerly Marketing Director for the Media Group Promecal. He now works as Head Manager of Channel and Programmes, Marketing and Communication of Radio Televisión Castilla y León (CyLTV).
He is also an Expert in Television Production from IORTVE, teacher at the ESNE - European Business School and a member of the Spanish Academy of Television.


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Nadezhda Ivanova Uzunova-Krivoshieva
BNT, Bulgaria

Political journalist, working for the BNT's weekly magazine.






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Karoline Spangberg Norlander
SVT, Sweden

Karoline is managing editor at Östnytt, SVT Norrköping in Sweden since 2007.  She has previously worked as a reporter, editor and news anchor at SVT. This is her second year as a Prix Circom judge.





thumb prix2The judging of the Prix will be at the Hotel Jasmin in Sofia, Bulgaria, at the kind invitation of BNT.