Training activities in 2018

crepwsTwo part workshop ends successfully

ltc201810th - 12th October 2018
European Youth Center, Budapest, Hungary

It was a balmy, 24 degrees in Budapest as 15 senior journalists gathered at the European Youth Centre for the 3-day training programme, Leading Through Change. The programme is designed to support leaders handling change in their organisations with practical tools that they can use as soon as they get back to their newsrooms. And it quickly became clear that whether you are working in Serbia, Finland or Spain, leaders are experiencing many of the same issues.

The training asked of delegates to reflect on what type of leader they are, and on how that affects the performance of their team. It also reminded delegates that to empower staff through a more coaching style of leadership can be very motivating for teams and liberating for stressed leaders! The training helped delegates to let go of always being the ‘go-to’ person who can’t put down their phone and eat, but to trust others to take responsibility and act.

The level of engagement and discussion was very high amongst the group and a feeling of mutual respect and support quickly developed as people shared their own stories. Delegates felt they learnt a lot simply by sharing with colleagues from different countries but they also said they felt challenged by new ideas and different ways of being a leader.


Feedback from the delegates:

Inspiring and motivating. Allowed me to stop and think about the type of leader I am and the type of leader I might be going forward.

Awesome – and I don’t use that word too often! Very useful – things were not new but it was great how things were demonstrated so that one could really understand.

Very valuable course to analyse myself. I learnt new approaches to leadership, new ways how to handle my team...

I felt really in the game from the first minute. Workshop structure is very OK. A lot of info, but with summary and explanation, it does not feel overwhelming.

Really great. I learnt a lot of techniques to make my daily work much better.

Very satisfied, a good mix of theory and practice. I’m challenged out of my comfort zone.

Excellent, very hands-on, friendly, professional and personal approach makes you feel special.



Everyone recognises how fast broadcasting is changing, especially with the move to digital platforms. But what does it mean for those responsible for leading teams producing output?

This 3-day, highly interactive leadership programme is designed to support such managers, by increasing their confidence and know-how when it comes to leading people through constant change.

It’s based on the idea that an effective leader needs to empower their team to make decisions for themselves. It’s asks delegates to reflect on their leadership style and how this affects those working around them.

We look at 3 main themes:

- How to empower teams - As the leader, you don’t have to know all the answers. You can’t any more. But you do need to know the right questions to ask. And you need to develop a professional level of listening.
- Clarity – How clear are you with your team about what’s expected of them? How have you articulated why you do what you do and how do you measure success?
- Managing performance through feedback – how confident are you at managing your team’s performance through feedback and honest conversations. This training offers practical tools and techniques.


Who’s it for?

This training works well for editorial people leading an output team, whether on TV, radio, online or social media. They can be new to the role or have several years of experience. It takes a multi-platform approach to leadership.


Learning Outcomes for the 3-day workshop

- To understand what is required of an effective leader and to increase confidence in managing change,
- To understand your own style and how it affects those around you,
- To be able to offer clarity to your teams about what’s expected and how to deliver it,
- To understand how to empower your team to think for themselves,
- To know how to hold honest conversations and manage performance,
- To understand how to handle those who don’t want to change,
- To have clear and tailored personal goals for the next 90 days.

LTC training


2018 managers ljubljana18915/06/2018 Ljubljana, Slovenia

big dataJune 11th and 12th 2018, BBC Birmingham, UK

This 2-day workshop run by the BBC and SVT will look at the developing trends in data journalism, give some practical training and create an opportunity to share experiences and knowledge from some of the world leaders in the field.

The workshop is aimed at reporters / producers and editors / managers who will be able to learn some of the skills necessary to exploit the vast amount of data becoming publically available across Europe and beyond. Delegates will look at how data can be turned into stories that matter to the audience with particular focus on video content rather than text.

The workshop will be led by Jonathan Stoneman of Reuters Institute with input from Helena Bengtsson (SVT/The Guardian) and the BBC Shared Data Hub.

16 places are available for our members on a first come, first served basis. Applications are now being accepted.



2018 nffs 18920-25/05/2018 Leeuwarden, The Netherlands