Training activities in 2019

European Youth Center, Budapest, Hungary
November 26-28th 2019 for journalists and/or content producers
November 27-28th 2019 for newsroom managers

As television stations are transforming into multi-outlets media organisations, this training is designed to help editors and journalists to change their mindset and get out of their TV-only news production habits. The session is divided into two separate trainings with different goals, but all delegates work together at some point to experiment as a temporary newsroom with new techniques, formats and publishing of these formats.
The editors (newsroom managers) learn about the new formats available to them as tools to reach new audiences and carry the news to them. They also learn about techniques on how to train their staff to produce these new formats.
The Journalists/Content producers learn techniques to produce other items than the traditional TV packages they are used to do. These include the use of their mobile phone, desktop computer, online tools to produce a variety of items on and around the same story; think data visualization, Snapchat, Instagram Stories, Explanatory videos and much more.
On the last day of the training, the two groups merge into a temporary newsroom, covering actual events in the host city. The editors design the news coverage and follow its production. The journalists cover the story in a variety of newly learned formats.


Content producers

November 26-28 2019
8 delegates, one per member station max
pdf n schedule for content producers 

The content producers learn techniques to produce items besides the traditional TV packages they are used to do. These include the use of their mobile phone, desktop computer, online tools to produce a variety of items on and around the same story; think data visualization, Snapchat, Instagram Stories, Explanatory videos and much more. 
The training is designed and conducted by a media professional who has created and implemented new formats, as well as a training expert.

Content producers training goals:
- Learn about what new formats are being used in the media
- Use new tools such as: mobile phone for content production, graphic design software, online mapping tools, animation tools etc.
- Adapt your content to the outlet you're publishing to
- Participate in a news production operation in training with the delegates from the editors group
- Debrief and feedback on what was learned 


Newsroom managers

November 27-28 2019
6 delegates, one per member station max
pdf n schedule for newsroom managers 

The newsroom managers learn about the new formats available to them as tools to reach new audiences and carry the news to them. They also learn about techniques on how to train their staff to produce these new formats.
The training is designed and given by a media professional who has created and implemented new formats, as well as a news editor who has implemented new formats.

Newsroom managers training goals:
- Learn about what new formats are being used in the media
- Learn how to cover the news using a multi-format, multi-outlet approach
- Learn how to get the skilled people you need to achieve this
- Learn how to organise your newsroom to enable it to produce new formats
- Lead a news production operation in training with the delegates from the journalists group
- Debrief and feedback on what was learned


16-18th October 2019
European Youth Centre, Zivatar utca 1-3, Budapest, Hungary

Trainers: Mia Costello and Linda Hermansson

15 journalists gathered at the EYC in Budapest for the 3-day interactive training programme designed for those in editorial positions who are facing organisational change.
It’s designed to give space to leaders to consider how the way they lead affects those around them and to give them practical tools to help them get the best from their teams as they go through change.

The group was made up of very experienced editors, with over 300 years’ experience between them. But it became clear early on that the move from traditional TV and radio to embracing digital was the biggest and most serious area of concern for everyone attending.

The programme focused on the three main themes:

  • Clarity – the need to set clear expectations for your team
  • Effective communication and feedback
  • Empowering your team to take responsibility, creating leaders at every level.

The themes answered the main concerns of the leaders that they often worked without being clear about what was being expected of them or their teams; that there was little if no consistent feedback given in their organisation and that many editors felt like they acted as a ‘bottleneck’ in their newsroom with all the decisions coming through them.

Across the three days, it was good to see editors sharing their experiences, both positive and negative. Many shared vulnerabilities too in a very honest way which meant the group bonded well.
The atmosphere in the group was very supportive and genuine. Good friendships have been made and the feedback shows many of those attending plan to quickly put what they learnt into action on their return base.

2019 LTC 2

2019 LTC 3


nl media event 18927-28 March 2019, Zeist, The Netherlands

4th October 2019
c. de la TV3, s/n 
08970 Sant Joan Despí, Barcelona

13 participants from 8 countries took part in The Best Formats To Connect With New Audiences workshop, hosted by CCMA - Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals. The workshop was aimed at programme makers, commissioners, content managers and experts in TV and digital formats in the fields of entertainment and current affairs.

The sessions of the Barcelona workshop led participants to think about the new ways of making media content to connect with the changing habits of our societies and the new ways of consuming audiovisual content.

The cases presented and the debates during the workshop offered participants inspiring ideas on new media formats that can direct us to the future and to success.

Workshop programme

09:30 Introduction speech

09:45 New trends in television programs

- Presentation by Miquel Garcia and Manel Raya. A review of the most innovative proposals of TV channels, the most transgressive formats, the most successful, the brightest ideas... sometimes most crazy! In short, trends in public and private television around the world.
- Discussion

11:10 Coffee break

11:40 Factual and Satirical contents to bring the news and currents affairs to the audience in a different way

- Presentation by Francesc Escribano, director of “Minoria absoluta” and former director of TV3. The cases of “Polònia” and “Està passant”
- Discussion

12:55 Lunch – Buffet – CCMA and short visit of the CCMA studios

14:30 New devices, new audiences, new formats

- Presentation by Geni de Vilar. Producing new content for emerging audiences: the challenge.
- Discussion

15:55 Coffee break

16:15 End of the workshop


ttt 2016 1894-7/02/2019 BBC Academy, Bristol, UK