24 March 2025
10:00 to 11:00hrs (CET)

In the first 6 months of 2024, 756 media freedom violations were recorded across the EU by Media Freedom Rapid Response – the European organisation that tracks threats to media freedom and logs incidents of harassment and intimidation towards journalists and public service media.

From verbal abuse to denial of access - from personal attacks to death threats on social media, journalists face an increasingly hostile climate in which to go about their work.

While most incidents are perpetrated by individuals, political, editorial and government interference is also on the rise.

In this webinar, hosted by Jules Hyam, we looked at the kinds of threats journalists face and exploreed the policies of two European broadcasters in supporting their teams and fighting for media freedom.

About the Panel:

sami koivisto200Sami Koivisto works as the Senior Advisor of Harassment Prevention for the Finnish public broadcasting company Yle. His expertise is based on both organising support and peer support for the harassed media professionals and on being heavily publicly harassed himself.


anton svendsen200Anton Svendsen is an award-winning journalist and has been the Head of News at SVT Nyheter Väst, SVT’s largest local news desk, for the past five years. Over the last three years, he has led SVT’s efforts against threats and harassment, focusing on the safety and security of reporters in the field.


Watch the webinar