In 1999, the two main journalism workshops were held in Cavtat Croatia, and Szeged Hungary.

An Introduction to Circom Training by Rick Thompson, Training Coordinator
Television Journalism Workshop, Szeged. March 1999
One of Circom Regional’s key activities is training. Member stations gain great benefit from bringing together their younger producers, to share experiences, widen their perspectives, and to learn the best principles and techniques of regional TV, which is often produced on low budgets. The main training activity is in Journalism, seeking to ensure fairness and objectivity, appropriate for public TV in a democracy.
This video report shows the 9-day Television Journalism Workshop held in March 1999 in Szeged, Hungary. Twenty-five young journalists from nine countries attended. The video is presented by one of the trainees, Monika Bradaric from Croatia.
There are two versions of the video. The short version is 9’30”. The long version is 33’40”, and includes a full news programme produced by the trainees. The emphasis of this programme was on variety, relevance to the audience, visual illustration and “packaging”of the stories by the reporters, to make the whole programme as informative and interesting as possible.

video report - short version (9’30”)

video report - long version (33’40”)
Television Journalism Workshop Cavtat, June 1999

Training for the future