October 2004 the time, Budapest the place that saw the launch of the first Circom Regional Introduction to Video Journalism workshop. Seven delegates from Romania, Croatia, Germany, Slovenia, Poland and Serbia and Montenegro attended the six day training held at the European Youth Foundation's building in Budapest.
The course covered both aspects of journalism and skills training. The cameras used were Sony PD 150s and the editing software Avid Xpress DV.
A lot of theory and practise were crammed into the six days and the value of that was evident with the seven journalists each completing a short story researched, filmed and edited by themselves. The stories ranged from a portrait of a vernicular railway operator to breeding rare rhinoceros in captivity, as well as children who operated a railway line by themselves and a wheelchair dance display by disabled people.
All the delegates who attended the course were adamant that this short workshop would change the way they approached their work in the future and they were all looking forward to their next assignments as video journalists.
Circom Regional will be looking at ways to run further courses of this nature and would ask anybody wishing to participate in the future to make their interest known to Karol Cioma, Circom Regional Training Project Manager This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. VJ 2004 Seminar introduction and schedule
Introduction to Video Journalism workshop 2004
4th to 10th October 2004, Budapest, Hungary
Another First for Circom Regional Training