Training activities in 2006

Budapest, Hungary, 29/10 – 5/11 2006

VJ Workshop Closes on a High

The fourth Circom Regional Introduction to Video Journalism Workshop has ended on a high note. Seven participants delivered excellent stories from a bitterly cold Hungarian capitol.

The one week work shop was based at the European Youth Centre in Budapest and hosted journalists from Slovenija, Ireland, Bosnia, Holland, Moldova, Romania and Spain. None of the journalists had much experience in camera and editing work – all were producing wholly acceptable items by the end of the course – shot and edited by themselves.

The courses have been pioneered by Thomson trainer Karol Cioma and former Broadcasting Controller Ian Masters. Darko Flajpan has been providing technical support and has become an inseparable member of the three man team.

The trio now continue in Budapest for a fifth workshop – the second in two weeks.  Delegates for this course have been selected from Sweden, Slovenija, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, Croatia, Poland and Hungary.

Karol, Ian and Darko will be leading four more VJ courses during 2007 – the next two taking place in Cardiff in February and two more in Budapest in October.


Video Journalism Group L to R:
Darko Flajpan (Croatia), Igor Zbul (Slovenia), Rob Freijssen (Holland),
Carmen Paredes (Spain), Ian Masters (UK), Karol Cioma (UK),
Catherine Ni Ghuairim (Ireland), Iulia Savciuc (Moldova), Sasa Delic (Bosnia),
Radu Puscas (Romania)

Darko Flajpan talking framing and composition with Iulia Savciuc and Radu Puscas

Catherine Ni Ghuairim, Sasa Delic and Igor Zbul absorbed in the editing process

Kolding, Denmark, May 16th - 27th 2006

Circom Completes 14th Annual Journalism Workshop

Kolding, Denmark was the place where 19 journalists from 10 different countries gathered to take part in the 14th annual journalism workshop.
Once again the event was a huge success and the evidence can be seen in the programme that the journalists produced. The weather in Denmark at the time was a litlle unkind, rain every day, but it didn't deter the journalists from completeing their objective of an interesting and informative regional news magazine programme.

The items covered in their programme included stories about the muslim community nine months after the publication of "the cartoons", one family's approach to the environment, the shortage of hairdressers in Kolding and how the Bosnian community is settling into Denmark.

Eighteen regional televsion stations were represented at the training. The journalists came from such diverse locations as Bialystok, Poland in the east, Nelson, England in the west, Bjelovar, Croatia in the south and of course Kolding, Denmark in the north. A truly pan-European experience for all those involved.
In 2007 the journalism training will take place in Bilbao, Spain.

"These two weeks in Kolding were one of the greatest things that happened in my life. I met so many wonderful poeple and I could see my work in a very different way."
Marta Kokocinska, TVP3 Bydgoszcz, Poland

"It was really interesting working together, and I thank you for that. The most important thing I got from the training course was that the way I think about TV and news reports. Certainly I have a lot of things to improve, but at least I'm on the right way."
on Mihai, TVR Craiova, Romania 

Kolding Journalism Training Theory Sessions Kolding training Editing stories Kolding Journalism Training Group 2006
Circom Regional Trainers and technicians: Ian Masters, Andi Mosnja, Karol Cioma, Darko Flajpan, Hans Jessen, Gerard Le Couedic, Steve Vousden, Didier Desormeaux


CIRCOM Trainer wins Prix Circom Award
Gerard Le Couedic from France 3 Formation, Paris was the winner of a special award at the Prix CIRCOM ceremony in Kolding, Denmark, May 2006.

The award was for his contribution and dedication to CIRCOM Training. Gerard is the leading Editing trainer at France 3 and is highly respected in his country for his skill and professionalism.

Gerard has been involved with CIRCOM training since the first workshop held in Iasi in 1994.  Since that time he has contributed to the development of over 800 European journalists.

Karol Cioma., Project Manager for CIRCOM Training states "Gerard has been a founder member and constant support for CIRCOM Training since it begain.  He has now only worked tirelessly to help young people with their work, but has also impressed people with his editing style and his knowledge of the equipment used.  In short, he has been an inspiration to a lot of people and has been a dear friend and colleague to all the CIRCOM trainers and technicians."

Journalism Workshop – SE Europe
Opatija, Croatia
February 28th – Mar. 10th 2006

Executive Management Seminar

Bucharest, Romania
April 10th – 13th 2006

Young Journalists Workshop
Kolding, Denmark
May 16th – 27th 2006


Introduction to Video Journalism, Budapest

Workshop 1 - Oct. 29th – November 5th 2006
Workshop 2 - Nov. 5th – Nov. 12th 2006


Senior News Editors Workshop
Strasbourg, France
December 11th -16th 2006


Opatija , Croatia , 28/2 - 10/3/2006

A model of international co-operation…

Young TV journalists from Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia Montenegro, Kosovo and Malta working together on the Circom course.Eighteen young journalists from 11 countries have just taken part in a two week TV workshop which is being hailed as a triumph because of the way in which Balkan rivals worked together.

“It was wonderful to meet colleagues from other countries, especially the ones we used only to fight and hate”, Artan Haraqija, a participant from Kosovo, has told the Thomson Foundation.

“It was great to see that the others didn't have such tales about us that we had to stay away from them. Kosovo's journalists - like others from my country - very rarely have the possibility of showing that we are not like we are usually described. So thank you for a really great opportunity”, he wrote after the course, held in Opatija, Croatia, under the auspices of Circom Regional.
The workshop, funded by the Council of Europe’s Directorate of Youth and Sport, was attended by young journalists – all in their 20s – from Bosnia-Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Romanian, and Serbia Montenegro.

Course organiser Karol Cioma said: “It was a wonderful achievement to have such an international spread of young journalists. To see them all co-operating and sharing information was a real bonus”.

The workshop – in which participants produced a ½-hour news magazine – focused on news and current affairs broadcasting.

Like the participants, the tutors were a truly international crew – Karol Cioma and Ian Masters (Thomson Foundation, UK), Didier Desormeaux (FR3, France) and Hans Jessen (ARD, Germany), with technicians from Wales and Croatia.

The last word goes to Artan from Kosovo: “The lessons we learned were a must for journalists, especially young journalists”.

"A Change of Perspective" by Ljubica Vujadinovic, Television Novi Sad

opatija2Ljubica Vujadinovic receiving here certificate from Circom Regional Trainers – left to right Didier Desormeaux, Hans Jessen, Ljubica and Karol CiomaThe South East Europe Television Journalism workshop in Opatija, Croatia was another unforgettable Circom experience.

Although we all come from different countries, which in some cases still see each other as enemies, the way we worked together as journalists and became friends proved that we have so much in common. Dedication to our professions and the will to improve our knowledge and skills has put us all together in the same position. The workshop helped us realise that we cope with the same kind of problems. When we viewed our programmes together and analysed them it was obvious that we make very similar mistakes in our work. Implementation of the things we learnt in Opatija is necessary to make our programs more attractive to viewers. In my opinion, in countries like ours, the role of the media has key importance on further democratisation and Europeanization of our societies. As young television journalists we are the ones who can do a lot to improve those processes by doing our jobs in a proper way and the Circom trainers and technicians were just a great role model of absolute professionals.

 From a more personal point of view, two weeks in Opatija gave me chance to meet young people from the region with whom I share so many things and have so much in common although previously our religions and nationalities were not always in great and friendly relations. So from now when I hear "Kosovo Albanians" or "Bosnian Muslins" it won’t be a picture in my mind of some very different people somewhere in Kosovo or Bosnia – there will be a picture of Artan and Skumbi or Mediha who are young people and journalists just as I am, and who have all the same needs and wishes for their future as I have. There has been a great change of perspective in my mind, hasn’t there?