35th Annual Conference

w VascoAlvesCordeiro

It is with great pleasure that the Government of the Azores joins the Annual conference of European regional public televisions, and congratulates the organisers for choosing the Autonomous Region of the Azores to host the 2017 edition.

The Azores are one of the best examples of the importance of a regional public service of television and radio, as a vehicle of information and education of the citizens, but also as a way to strengthen the unique identity of an island territory. I believe, therefore, that the conditions are there for the CIRCOM Regional Annual Conference to find in the Autonomous Region of the Azores the ideal stage for a debate that strengthens the role of regional televisions, which are essential to the deepening of democracy all over Europe.

On my behalf and on behalf of the Government of the Azores, I wish you good work, hoping the magnificent natural beauties of the Azores are also used as inspiration for the two days of the CIRCOM Regional Annual Conference.

Welcome to you all!


w GoncaloReis

It's a great pleaseure to meet so many CIRCOM Regional members at the 2017 Annual Conference in Ponta Delgada, Azores Islands, Portugal, hosted by RTP, Portugal's Public service radio and television company.

RTP is an historical member of CIRCOM Regional since its foundation. Now, for the first time, we welcome you in the Azores. And this invitation has a very special meaning for us.

The Azores Archipelago is 1,000 miles away from the Portuguese mainland, in the middle of the North Atlantic, and is the most western region of Europe. In fact it is the best example of ultraperipheric region in our old continent.

In the Azores RTP has a very relevant Radio and Television Center. RTP Azores broadcasts its own radio and television regional channels, with significant local production. We have a strong commitment toward our regional operation in the Azores and it is a great opportunity to share this with our CIRCOM Regional colleagues.

Azores has recently become a better known touristic destination, and so many visitors are discovering this paradise where the nature is so well preserved, admiring the volcanic activity of the islands, their magic lakes, the whales in the blue and deep sea and meeting the Azorean charming people. I do hope you have some time to enjoy the Azores islands and just be amazed with its beauty.

I would like to thank the Azores Regional Government for its involvement in this conference, as well as the contribution of so many professionals from RTP, CIRCOM Regional and other entities that have done their best.

Let´s all have a great conference!


w LorinaAmaral

Welcome to the Azores, more specifically to São Miguel, an island located on the eastern group of this wonderful archipelago, where roads flanked by hydrangeas and azaleas hide enchanting nooks like, for example, their unique and magnificent lagoons, all of them with different characteristics but of a rare beauty. The green of the landscape and the blue of the ocean add shine to the black basalt, a source of inspiration for poets, musicians, and painters.

RTP/Azores had and still has a fundamental role in the union between the nine islands of the Azores, connecting its people and creating a close relationship not just among the Azorean people, but also with the Azoreans scattered around the world, broadcasting through information and cultural programmes and through its productions the experience “Of the People We Are” and who have made RTP Azores known outside the country.

It is a great honour for the RTP to host, in the Azores, the 35th CIRCOM Regional Annual Conference.

I wish everyone an excellent stay.



w ToneFernando

Sharing the same perspective

The 35th CIRCOM Regional Annual Conference is taking place on the beautiful islands of the Azores, far away from the European mainland, with the Atlantic Ocean surrounding us on all sides. Europe's regions differ in size and population, we are both close to and far from capitals and big cities, but we share the same regional perspective. And still, we are facing the same challenges that all of Europe faces, even when it comes to the future of the media. The rapidly changing user habits, the global competition, the 24hrs on-demand availability and the challenge of reaching the digital generation. This is what the 35th CIRCOM Regional conference focuses on.

The theme is "Regional TV facing new screens". These five words somehow encapsulate the debates that we will hold in Ponta Delgada about where journalism is going in the digitalized media, or about disruptive models for news production that some of us are experiencing, or about projects aimed at reaching new generations and involving the audience. We will also have the opportunity to get to know the overviews from two sides of the world, Canada and the Middle East, through two relevant broadcasters, CBC and Al Jazeera. Focus sessions on fact-checking in this time of post-truth and on regional coverage of natural disasters, will bring us back to issues that are really concerning the regional public service media nowadays. Everything will be discussed in the participative and familiar spirit that CIRCOM Regional stands for.

The Conference is also a unique opportunity to be in touch with the best of the best in regional broadcasting in Europe - the Prix CIRCOM, with the winners of all categories available for inspirational conversations. And we will also know the outcome of our coproductions and of our MoJo training.

CIRCOM Regional would like to congratulate RTP, the Public Service Broadcaster of Portugal, for its 60th anniversary and to thank it for hosting the 35th Annual Conference. This is the third time that our hospitable RTP colleagues and friends are welcoming us for the conference. The first time was in Ofir in 1989, the second in Porto in the year 2001. This time, in Ponta Delgada, it is our pleasure to confirm how important RTP Açores is for cohesion among the nine islands and for the regional identity in relation to the mainland.

We are delighted to be with you!


Jose Lopes de Araújo, the director of Public, International Affairs and archive of RTP

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Wednesday, 24th May

18.00 The President of Azores Government H.E. Vasco Cordeiro officially welcomes the President and the European Board of CIRCOM Regional at Santana Palace.
(meeting restricted to the European Board members, President and Secretary General of CIRCOM Regional)

20:00 Welcome Dinner
hosted by: Câmara Municipal Ponta Delgada (Ponta Delgada City Council)
venue: Coliseu Micaelense, Ponta Delgada

Thursday, 25th May

conference venue: Teatro Micaelense
Day 1 moderator: Domagoj Novokmet, HRT, Croatia

09:30 - 10:00 Official Opening
Tone Kunst, NRK, Norway and CIRCOM Regional President
Gonçalo Reis, President of RTP, Portugal
Vasco Alves Cordeiro, President of Regional Government of Azores and Member of the European Committee of the Regions

10:00 - 11:00 Attracting and Serving the Youth: A View From Canada
with public discussion (Q&A)
Hubert Lacroix, CEO of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
moderator: José Lopes de Araujo, RTP, Portugal and CIRCOM Regional Vice President

11:00 - 11:15 Coffee break

11:15 - 11:45 Screening What's New and Trendy
What new formats are used by TV stations around the world as they are shifting from a linear television model to an all-platforms media organisation? Case studies.
Guillaume Kuster, CIRCOM Networking Manager and MoJo Workshop Coordinator

11:45 - 12:45 New Tools for TV Production: iReporter, Appgree, City Producer
Hear about a selection of the best initiatives found within CIRCOM member stations, as well as from independent developers. Learn about innovative tools to produce TV, and build stronger relationships with your audience.
Roman Ondrůj, ČT, and Jakůb Liška, Natavideo, Czech Republic 
José Morán, Appgree, Spain
Philippe Baudet and Bertrand Samimi, City Producer, France
moderator: Guillaume Kuster, CIRCOM Networking Manager

12:45 - 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 - 14:45 Factchecking. A trend, a Must
The last few years have seen the rise of a new breed of highly specialized journalist: the fact-checkers. Hear from three of them, learn from their experience.
Julien Pain, FTV, France
Christine Schwarz, RTBF, Belgium
moderator: Jean-Marc Dubois, FTV, France

14:45 - 15:30 Millennials: The Lost Generation?
Whether you call them Generation Y, Millennials, or Snowflakes, the 18 to 35 year-olds are a puzzle to broadcasters. Where and how do they access content? What is that content? This is the main challenge of our time.
Thomas Grond, Project Coordinator, EBU
João Pedro Galveias, Director of Multimedia, RTP, Portugal
Esben Seerup, Editorial Director, TV2/Fyn, Denmark
moderator: Michael Lally, RTÉ, Ireland

15:30 - 15:45 Coffee break

15:45 - 16:30 It’s Not the Device, Stupid!
Why newsrooms should start to look beyond the mobile phones
Mika Rahkonen, Head of Development, YLE, Finland
moderator: Gerard Schuiteman, Stichting Roos, The Netherlands

16:30 - 17:00 Power to the Viewers!
Real-time journalism together with the audience - how to perform a live investigation with the crowd
Cecilia Lönnehed, Sofia Nordén and Anton Svendsen, SVT, Sweden
moderator: Frank Böhm, HR, Germany

19:00 Prix CIRCOM Regional Gala Awards
venue: Teatro Ribeiragrandense, Ribeira Grande

Friday, 26th May

conference venue: Teatro Micaelense
Day 2 moderator: Jyri Kataja-Rahko, YLE, Finland

10:00 - 15:30 (room 2) Prix CIRCOM Regional: Meet the Winners Sessions
Opportunity to meet the winners of the Prix CIRCOM Categories, view and discuss the winning programmes

09:30 - 10:00 Prix CIRCOM Winners' View on New Audiences
David Lowen, President of Prix CIRCOM Regional
Winner of the Grand Prix and winners of Prix CIRCOM categories

10:00 - 11:00 AJ+ Is There to Change Storytelling
with public discussion (Q&A)
With a bold, online only strategy focused on new storytelling formats, the AJ+ has taken the world by surprise and was able to reach new audiences on important topics. Their punchy, mobile centered style has seduced the youth and attracted them to Al Jazeera.
Dr. Yaser Bishr, Executive Director of Digital, Al Jazeera Media Network
moderator: Jane Birch, BBC

11:00 - 11:15 Coffee break

11:15 - 12:00 The Future of Journalism
Key findings from the ongoing project “The Future of News”, which purpose is to identify winning strategies to accelerate the growth rate in the digital news market and thus create a building block for a world-class digital media hub in Sweden.
Dr. Johan Lindén, project manager of The Future of Journalism consortium, Sweden
moderator: Fernando R. Ojea, TVG, Spain and CIRCOM Regional Secretary General

12:00 - 12:45 Disruptive Production Models
Challenges facing creators of a multi vendor IP based live TV production facility – and why they chose to do it
Adde Granberg, CTO, SVT, Sweden
Rui Almeida, SuperSportTV, Portugal
Dag Gulbrandsen, Head of Technology, NRK Media Service Division, Norway

12:45 - 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 - 14:45 Disasters Coverage
A report from Central Italy which was severely affected by the earthquake of August 24 and the shocks that continue to affect Amatrice and other municipalities in the province of Rieti.
Isabella Di Chio, RAI, Italy
Luciano Barcelos, RTP Azores, Portugal

14:45 - 15:30 CIRCOM Contents Exchange - Co-production and Workshop
Alexandre Pletser, RTBF, Belgium and CIRCOM Regional Co-production Co-ordinator
Olivier Amory, European Parliament

15:30 - 15:45 Coffee break

15:45 - 16:15 MoJo Workshop Showcase
Guillaume Kuster, CIRCOM Networking Manager and MoJo Workshop Coordinator
Tone Kunst, NRK Norway and CIRCOM Regional President

16:15 - 16:30 Closing Ceremony and 2018 Annual Conference Invitation
Tone Kunst, NRK, Norway and CIRCOM Regional President
Fernando R. Ojea, TVG, Spain and CIRCOM Regional Secretary General
José Lopes de Araujo, RTP, Portugal and CIRCOM Regional Vice President
Klaas-Geert Bakker, Editor-In-Chief, Omrop Fryslân, The Netherlands


150 Yaser Bishr

Dr. Yaser Bishr, Al Jazeera
Session: AJ+ is there to change storytelling
AJ+ has proven to be one of the most innovative media outlets around. With a bold, online only strategy focused on new storytelling formats, the brand has taken the world by surprise and was able to reach new audiences on important topics. Their punchy, mobile centered style has seduced the youth and attracted them to Al Jazeera.
Dr. Yaser Bishr, Al Jazeera's global executive director of digital media will talk about their will to change storytelling, and the way they are tackling the problem of the future of media.


150 Hubert Lacroix Hubert Lacroix, CBC, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Session: Attracting and serving the youth: a view from Canada
Hear the take of Hubert Lacroix on this challenge as CBC is unfolding its "Next Generation" project, an initiative created by the youth and for the youth within the values of public service media.
For the first time CIRCOM goes far to the middle of north Atlantic, at equidistance from Paris and New York. This makes for a good opportunity to have a look to other side of the bridge… CBC is the historic public broadcaster of the country, which is present in radio, television and new outlets on the regional level, as well as on the local and national ones. CBC offers multilingual programming in English and French and serves a multi-ethnic audience.
Hubert Lacroix has been the CEO of the CBC, Canadian public broadcaster, for the last six years and has fought for the public media in difficult times in the previous government when there were strong budget cuts. Before his nomination at the head of CBC, he was a lawyer and is to many a National Canadian Personality.


150 Julien PainJulien Pain, FTV
L'instant détox, a new format to debunk fake news
Session: Factchecking. A trend, a Must
Julien Pain has been specialising in fact-checking for 10 years. With his current programme "L'instant détox" (the detox moment), broadcast on the French continuous news channel "France Info", Julien is innovating in this field while trying to reach a new audience.
What good is there in fighting hoaxes and fake news if nobody is trusting journalists anymore? The programme confronts random people on the street with fake news currently circulating on social media and re-establishes the truth. The entirety of the recording of the programme is broadcast live on Facebook, which allows complete transparency about the way the show is made, and reaches a younger audience. Each week, several thousand viewers follow the livestream and interact with the host in real time through comments. This is a way to pull fact-checking from closed circles and bring it directly in the street.


150 Christine SchwarzChristine Schwarz, RTBF
Session: Factchecking. A trend, a Must
Christine started working at RTBF 26 years ago. Graduated with an MA in electronic graphics at Coventry University, she worked at the graphic design department for 15 years and became the Chief of the department. She than followed some training cycles and then worked on news magazines productions related to thematic events.
She’s now been working for 6 years for European news programs on TV and online and for the Citizenship Project, CIRCOM Regional co-production. Since January, with the help of Thomas Mignon, she’s working on a brand new fact checking sequence, called “Check Point”. This sequence is part of the weekly show “Europe Hebdo” presented by the French Partners Public Sénat and LCP-Assemblée Nationale.


150 isabella di chioIsabella Di Chio, RAI
Session: Disasters Coverage
Isabella Di Chio is a RAI journalist and an anchor-woman of TGR Lazio, currently working as a reporter from Amatrice and the territories affected by the earthquake of last August 24.
After her degree in Classical studies and literature at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", she attended the School of Journalism in Perugia.
She worked for Capital Radio and Tv2000 before coming to RAI in 2001, where she joined RAI International and led the TG for nine years. From March 2010 she is a journalist and anchor-woman at RAI TGR Lazio. She is accredited by the Holy See Press Office. She has been awarded the Knight Order of the Italian Republic. In 2002 she won the "Premio Val di Sole per un giornalismo trasparente. Multimedialità per l’altra Italia". She also writes stories for children.


150 LucianoBarcelosLuciano Barcelos, RTP Azores
Session: Disasters Coverage
Luciano Barcelos is a journalist since 1979. After high school he attented a training program for journalists at University of Columbia, New York. He worked in several local newspapers and radio stations in Azores, and was a correspondant in the Portuguese news agency Anop, later known as Lusa. From 1996 he is News desk chief in RTP Açores.
He has published books about travelling: "Passagem das Bestas" and "Sobre Pedras".
At the present moment, he is in charge of Terceira RTP Açores delegation and the Multimedia regional channel services.


150 Mika RahkonenMika Rahkonen, Yle
Session: It’s Not the Device, Stupid!
Mika Rahkonen is heading a Media Lab and Development team at the News and Current Affairs Division at Yle, Finnish Broadcasting Corporation. He oversees new journalistic concepts, radio and TV program overhauls, all kinds of experiments/prototyping and different sort of re-designs. The goal is to keep Yle ahead of the curve in digital media development. 
Previously Mika was the Head of Internet and overseeing the strategic planning in the News and Current Affairs division. He has also worked as a Managing Editor in the Yle News, and before that spent 10 years in the Business News department.


150 johan lindenDr Johan Lindén, The Future of News consortium
Session: The Future of Journalism
Dr Johan Lindén is the project manager for “The Future of News”, a joint venture between the leading publishing houses and public broadcasters in Sweden. Dr Lindén has 30 years of experience as a manager in media both from the news room and board room and holds a PhD in Journalism at Stockholm University. Dr Lindén is also the former Secretary General of CIRCOM Regional.
The session will focus on some key findings from the ongoing project “The Future of News”, which purpose is to identify winning strategies to accelerate the growth rate in the digital news market and thus create a building block for a world-class digital media hub in Sweden. The goal of the project is to create the best possible opportunities for competitive news media products and services to promote high quality journalism.


150 JoaoGalveiasJoao Galveias, RTP
Session: Millennials: The Lost Generation?
Joao holds a B. S. in Chemistry from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PAGE, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Early in his career, he left the biotech laboratories to follow a career in media. He began in radio, where he hosted several shows and then TV followed, where he did programming and promos.
After the radio, he moved to the world of multi-media and digital. From 2000 to 2014 he worked at SIC TV and Impresa Media Group where he held management positions as Director of Thematic and Cable Channels, Director of Multimedia, Online and Interactivity, and as Director-General, Digital IMPRESA Group.
Since 2014 he has been the Director of Digital Services at RTP and is in charge of all digital platforms of the Portuguese Public Media Service.


150 Thomas GrondThomas Grond, EBU
Session: Millennials: The Lost Generation?
Thomas Grond is Head of Young Audiences at the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). He is responsible for all programme exchanges, co-productions, other editorial services, projects and conferences designed to address younger audiences, including children (pre-school and school) on all platforms. In addition he is building a network of media professionals and organisations to facilitate the formal and informal exchange of ideas, opinions, tools and projects regarding this audience group. Thomas is the EBU manager responsible for "Generation What - Europe", a multi-platform project that attracted almost 1 million active, mostly young participants in 35 countries.
Before EBU, Thomas Grond was Head of Children’s Programming at SRF (Swiss Radio and Television) on TV, radio and online. Before that, in 2009, he led the editorial board of children’s programming at SRF after many years as a producer of various radio and TV shows for children and young audiences.


150 EsbenSeerupEsben Seerup, TV2/Fyn
Session: Millennials: The Lost Generation?
Esben Seerup is CEO of TV 2/Fyn, one of eight Danish regional tv-stations. The last four years he has worked with the board and journalistic staff to change the journalistic line completely to news and current affairs in all media platforms. Before TV 2/Fyn he worked for more than 20 years as a reporter, news editor and managing editor at a major regional newspaper in Denmark. He started his career at Denmark’s Radio as a radio reporter.



150 Rui AlmeidaRui Almeida, SuperSport
Session: Disruptive Production Models?
Rui Almeida is a Portuguese anchor and journalist for South African broadcaster SuperSport. He was a sports reporter for national public Portuguese radio and television (RTP) during 15 years (starting in 1988).
Along his career he covered all major world sports events from New Zealand to Argentina, and he also worked as a freelancer in several social and political moments.
He joined the giant African provider Multi-choice seven years ago (before 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa), and he’s also a “MoJo”, as he works by himself covering events all over the world (like the Haiti earthquake or the Colombia peace treaty signature).
Rui is now finishing a documentary about “Costa Concordia” shipwreck in Giglio (Italy) in January 2012, as he was a passenger in that fatidic night.


150 Jose MoranJosé Morán, Appgree
Session: New Tools for TV Production
José Morán is a co-founder and CO-CEO of Appgree. For more than 40 years he has been leading companies as a business founder and manager, specializing in the technology industries. He has broad experience in tech companies, running both small start-ups and global corporations.



150 Guillaume KusterGuillaume Kuster, CIRCOM Regional and Tarkka Media
Session: Screening What's New and Trendy
Guillaume Kuster is a journalist, consultant and trainer. For 18 years he worked as a television and radio journalist for the French public broadcasters France Télévisions and Radio France. He was a reporter, presenter, cameraman, documentarist and web writer. Seeing the potential of smartphones in video production as early as 2010, he started to use mobile devices in his line of work and became a trainer for France Télévisions and CIRCOM Regional. Since then, he’s founded his own training and consultancy firm, and monitors the evolution of TV journalism as it evolves into an all-platforms content production.

150 CeciliaLonnehed 

Cecilia Lonnehed, SVT
Session: Pover to the Viewers!
Journalist at SVT local news, SVT Nyheter Väst. Cecilia is an expert on online publishing. Two years at SVT, previously at the newspaper Göteborgs-Posten for 15 years. Cecilia has been a sports reporter, a news editor as well as a digital developer.

150 SofiaNorden
Sofia Nordén
Session: Pover to the Viewers!
Journalist at SVT local news, SVT Nyheter Väst. Reporter in Angered, a suburb to Gothenburg. The main focus is on journalism about the multicultural areas around the second largest city in Sweden.


150 AntonSvendsen

Anton Svendsen
Session: Pover to the Viewers!
News Editor at SVT local news, SVT Nyheter Väst. The last few years, Anton Svendsen has focused on combining investigative journalism with crowd involvement.




150 AlexandrePletser

Alexandre Pletser, RTBF and CIRCOM Regional
Session: CIRCOM Contents Exchange
Alexandre is the Coordinator of RTBF’s European TV projects and CIRCOM's Coproduction Coordinator. He coordinates various platforms of cooperation for EBU and URTI, and is currently developing catalogues of international and European programmes for the RTBF digital channel La Trois. He develops and manages numerous European coproductions with the support of European Institutions such as the European Parliament and the European Commission.
For more than 25 years he has been executive producer of RTBF’s programmes and coproductions with many European or worldwide broadcasters, such as ARTE, France Télévisions, TV5MONDE, CANAL+, BBC, RAI, ZDF... He was coproducer or expert for various Belgian feature films with a successful international career in theatre and festivals, Oscar Nominees, Cannes Award, French Cesar...
International expert and "script doctor" for several entities such as UNESCO, various MEDIA EU programmes entities in Brussels, London and Paris. He is also Multimedia author and script editor, member of the Belgian Society of Authors, and Association of Audiovisual Writers.


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24th May 2017, 20:00 Welcome Dinner

hosted by: Câmara Municipal Ponta Delgada (Ponta Delgada City Council)
venue: Coliseu Micaelense, Ponta Delgada

si Coliseu Micaelense 


25th May 2017, 21:00 Prix CIRCOM Gala Awards Dinner

hosted by: Câmara Municipal Ribeira Grande (Ribeira Grande City Council)
venue: Espaço Quinta, Ribeira Grande

si Espaco Quinta 


26th May 2017, 20:30 Farewell Dinner

hosted by: Azores Regional Government
venue: Hotel Terra Nostra, Furnas

si TerraNostra si TerraNostra2 


27th May 2017, 8:30 – 12:30 Half-day Tour

Depending on weather conditions: Whale watch or Lagoon of “Sete cidades”

si whale watchsi sete citades



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35th CIRCOM Regional Annual conferencetook place on 25th and 26th May 2017 in Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, under the theme "Regional TV facing new screens", a challenging issue TV stations face trying to reach the digital generation. The conference was hosted by CIRCOM and RTP - Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, Portugal’s Public Service Broadcasting.
Conference delegates heard about conclusive experiences led by CIRCOM member stations and experts.

Conference Programme

Thursday, 25th May

Day 1 moderator: Domagoj Novokmet, HRT, Croatia

09:30 - 10:00 Official Opening
Tone Kunst, NRK, Norway and CIRCOM Regional President
Gonçalo Reis, President of RTP, Portugal
Vasco Alves Cordeiro, President of Regional Government of Azores and Member of the European Committee of the Regions

10:00 - 11:00 Attracting and Serving the Youth: A View From Canada
with public discussion (Q&A)
Hubert Lacroix, CEO of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
moderator: José Lopes de Araujo, RTP, Portugal and CIRCOM Regional Vice President

11:15 - 11:45 Screening What's New and Trendy
What new formats are used by TV stations around the world as they are shifting from a linear television model to an all-platforms media organisation? Case studies.
Guillaume Kuster, CIRCOM Networking Manager and MoJo Workshop Coordinator

11:45 - 12:45 New Tools for TV Production: iReporter, Appgree, City Producer
Hear about a selection of the best initiatives found within CIRCOM member stations, as well as from independent developers. Learn about innovative tools to produce TV, and build stronger relationships with your audience.
Roman Ondrůj, ČT, and Jakůb Liška, Natavideo, Czech Republic 
José Morán, Appgree, Spain
Philippe Baudet and Bertrand Samimi, City Producer, France
moderator: Guillaume Kuster, CIRCOM Networking Manager

14:00 - 14:45 Factchecking. A trend, a Must
The last few years have seen the rise of a new breed of highly specialized journalist: the fact-checkers. Hear from three of them, learn from their experience.
Julien Pain, FTV, France
Christine Schwarz, RTBF, Belgium
moderator: Jean-Marc Dubois, FTV, France

14:45 - 15:30 Millennials: The Lost Generation?
Whether you call them Generation Y, Millennials, or Snowflakes, the 18 to 35 year-olds are a puzzle to broadcasters. Where and how do they access content? What is that content? This is the main challenge of our time.
Thomas Grond, Project Coordinator, EBU
João Pedro Galveias, Director of Multimedia, RTP, Portugal
Esben Seerup, Editorial Director, TV2/Fyn, Denmark
moderator: Michael Lally, RTÉ, Ireland

15:45 - 16:30 It’s Not the Device, Stupid!
Why newsrooms should start to look beyond the mobile phones
Mika Rahkonen, Head of Development, YLE, Finland
moderator: Gerard Schuiteman, Stichting Roos, The Netherlands

16:30 - 17:00 Power to the Viewers!
Real-time journalism together with the audience - how to perform a live investigation with the crowd
Cecilia Lönnehed, Sofia Nordén and Anton Svendsen, SVT, Sweden
moderator: Frank Böhm, HR, Germany

19:00 Prix CIRCOM Regional Gala Awards
venue: Teatro Ribeiragrandense, Ribeira Grande

Friday, 26th May

Day 2 moderator: Jyri Kataja-Rahko, YLE, Finland

10:00 - 15:30 (room 2) Prix CIRCOM Regional: Meet the Winners Sessions
Opportunity to meet the winners of the Prix CIRCOM Categories, view and discuss the winning programmes

09:30 - 10:00 Prix CIRCOM Winners' View on New Audiences
David Lowen, President of Prix CIRCOM Regional
Winner of the Grand Prix and winners of Prix CIRCOM categories

10:00 - 11:00 AJ+ Is There to Change Storytelling
with public discussion (Q&A)
With a bold, online only strategy focused on new storytelling formats, the AJ+ has taken the world by surprise and was able to reach new audiences on important topics. Their punchy, mobile centered style has seduced the youth and attracted them to Al Jazeera.
Dr. Yaser Bishr, Executive Director of Digital, Al Jazeera Media Network
moderator: Jane Birch, BBC

11:15 - 12:00 The Future of Journalism
Key findings from the ongoing project “The Future of News”, which purpose is to identify winning strategies to accelerate the growth rate in the digital news market and thus create a building block for a world-class digital media hub in Sweden.
Dr. Johan Lindén, project manager of The Future of Journalism consortium, Sweden
moderator: Fernando R. Ojea, TVG, Spain and CIRCOM Regional Secretary General

12:00 - 12:45 Disruptive Production Models
Challenges facing creators of a multi vendor IP based live TV production facility – and why they chose to do it
Adde Granberg, CTO, SVT, Sweden
Rui Almeida, SuperSportTV, Portugal
Dag Gulbrandsen, Head of Technology, NRK Media Service Division, Norway

14:00 - 14:45 Disasters Coverage
A report from Central Italy which was severely affected by the earthquake of August 24 and the shocks that continue to affect Amatrice and other municipalities in the province of Rieti.
Isabella Di Chio, RAI, Italy
Luciano Barcelos, RTP Azores, Portugal

14:45 - 15:30 CIRCOM Contents Exchange - Co-production and Workshop
Alexandre Pletser, RTBF, Belgium and CIRCOM Regional Co-production Co-ordinator
Olivier Amory, European Parliament

15:45 - 16:15 MoJo Workshop Showcase
Guillaume Kuster, CIRCOM Networking Manager and MoJo Workshop Coordinator
Tone Kunst, NRK Norway and CIRCOM Regional President

16:15 - 16:30 Closing Ceremony and 2018 Annual Conference Invitation
Tone Kunst, NRK, Norway and CIRCOM Regional President
Fernando R. Ojea, TVG, Spain and CIRCOM Regional Secretary General
José Lopes de Araujo, RTP, Portugal and CIRCOM Regional Vice President
Klaas-Geert Bakker, Editor-In-Chief, Omrop Fryslân, The Netherlands

 Conference Photo Gallery

The host of this year's annual conference - RTP - Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, Portugal’s Public Service Broadcasting company - welcomed the conference delegates on the Azores archipelago, off the Portuguese coast, in Ponta Delgada, the capital city of the autonomous province of the Azores islands. This conference was the westernmost ever in the entire history of CIRCOM, with the Azores being the very last patch of land of the European continent on its west side, in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean.

The Conference venues were Teatro Micaelense, where conference sessions were held, Teatro Ribeiragrandense, the venue of the Prix Gala Award ceremony and Science and Technology Park Nonagon, where mojo workshop was held prior to the conference.

Conference host RTP has been producing regional television and radio programmes since 1975 in the Azores and just finished the construction of a brand new building on the main island.

Rtp logo 2   RTPazores