



 PHAROS trailer

LIVE – Staging of media events

LIVE is an Interactive Multi-channel iTV solution to bring more stories and more action to live media events. The LIVE solution radically improves on linear approaches to TV broadcasting of live events by providing digital technologies and content formats that enable viewers to shape their own personal and highly interactive viewing experience.

 LIVE trailer


May 13th 2009


During European Board meeting new National Coordiantors from Hungary, Cyprus and The Netherlands were accepted. They are:



Erica Kocsor, MTV Szeged, Hungary



Despo Karpi, CyBC, Cyprus



Gerard Schuiteman, Stichting ROOC, The Netherlands

maribor-majorDear delegates of the 26th CIRCOM Regional Annual Conference,

Welcome to Maribor, the capital of Slovene Styria (Štajerska) and the second largest city in Slovenia. With its diverse and quality offers surrender to the best that one of the key tourist destinations in Slovenia has to offer!

The rich wine tradition, the oldest vine in the world, the throb of the city with its flourishing cultural history, its location amidst wine growing hills and green Pohorje mountain, as well as various possibilities for exploring, recreation, relaxation, entertainment and meetings, will convince you that Maribor has a heart and soul and that people of Maribor are excellent hosts!

The old town core promises unforgettable adventure: walk along the river Drava embankment and through the lively streets and squares, where history and tradition blend with dynamics and modernity. Let Lent, the oldest part of the town, enchant you with its Old Vine, the oldest vine in the world, with medieval towers and remains of the old town walls, and moreover the square Grajski trg with the Castle and Museum, the square Glavni trg with the Plague monument and the Town hall, Bishop Slomšek's Cathedral with its viewing tower, the Jewish synagogue, just to mention a few!

maribor-grbThe city streets lead to one of the most beautiful city parks in Slovenia. Climb up Piramida and Kalvarija, town wine hills with their wonderful views of the city. And go down in the wine underworld, into one of the oldest and biggest wine cellars in Europe. At all events take trip with a traditional raft on the river Drava, as this exciting adventure offers a charming view of Lent. During the year you could be caught up in the swirl of events, from Festival Lent, the Old Vine Festival, Musical September, the theatre festival Borštnikova srečanje to the Golden Fox and numerous other happenings, which enliven Maribor's everyday life.

The town core itself places Maribor among the European towns, which are identified by their unique, traditional and quality offers. Now we are waiting for the final decision of the European Commission to promote city of Maribor as European Capital of Culture in 2012. With the University, National Opera, Ballet and Theatre house, with Philharmonic Orchestra, world known choir Carmina Slovenica, Regional Museum and Museum of Modern History and Art Gallery, Maribor developed wide network of cultural cooperation between neighbouring regional centres in North-Eastern Slovenia. We are also proud of 20 years of cooperation with Graz in Austria, the former European Capital of Culture in 2003.

In some way Maribor is also the city of mass media. Almost 10 radio stations and 3 television stations are covering events and everyday life in our city. We particularly appreciate contribution of public television and radio, their continuous and intensive development according to needs of our city and region. 62 years of public radio and 40 years of public television are forming respectable age of media service to the citizens and community.

Once again, welcome to Maribor. We are honoured to be your hosts!

Groningen, Netherlands, logo_groningen14 - 16 May 2009

Conference picture gallery
Conference presentations
Conference Venue 
Invitation to the conference by CR Secretary General and conference host


The theme of the Annual conference was 24/7 Multimedia Broadcasting.
We had workshops, plenary sessions and exhibitions about the challenges that regional broadcasters face in the new media environment.
The conference had a content suitable for both managers, producers and reporters with its four strands; Strategic, Editorial, Co-production and Training.



14th May
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1. Opening by
* Michael Lally, president of CIRCOM Regional
* Drs. Jacques Wallage, Mayor of the city of Groningen
* Drs. Max van den Berg, the Queens commissioner in the province of Groningen
* Roel Dijkhuis, vice-president of CIRCOM Regional

2. The best of 20 years of Prix CIRCOM. The chair of the Prix jury and Grethe Haaland, NRK, will give an exposé of the best European regional Television the last 20 years - Television history and European history in the making.

3. Keynote Speech by Vincent Everts. The Dutch new media guru shares his thoughts on the ways of the business and what lays ahead. Producer: Roel Dijkhuis.

4. Public Service Broadcasting Past or Future? The President of CIRCOM Regional will discuss the current situation with a panel of experienced television managers. The panel: Dr Lidia Marton, Director of International Relations MTV; Pat Loughrey, Director of Nations and Regions BBC; Bob Collins Chief Commissioner 'Equality Commissioner For Northern Ireland' and member of Broadcasting Commission of Ireland; Boris Bergant, former VP EBU, Former Deputy General manager RTV Slovenia. Producer: Michael Lally.

5. Smart budget and Co-production in a Quartet. Two examples of how to make television on a smart budget; the Hungarian 'Balaton Summer' and the European co-production The Quartet, which is celebrating its 10th jubilee. The Quartet is made by STV, CT, TVP3 and MTV and is a monthly 26 minute long magazine. Balaton is a co-production between Hungarian national and regional stations. Producer: Erika Kocsor.

6a. PHAROS - The Google of Television and Movies. PHAROS is a multimedia search platform enabling users to search, browse and discover information embedded in videos, audio and images. This workshop will demonstrate how it is possible to find what was spoken in a video, using images to search for similar videos and navigating to the relevant location in the video. After the demonstration we look at the enabling technologies, how they contribute to bridging the so-called semantic gap and what some of the challenges in the field are. Producers: Andres Eben and Tobias Hellmuth.

6b. Small phone - big impact. This workshop explaines the possibilities of 3G-technology to transfer pictures and videos as file to the stations. The Secretary General of CIRCOM Regional, Peter Sauer will present concrete examples; how mobilephones are used to dropuce content or to transfer content. In his station Bavarian Television, he is using this technology sine two years. Producer: Peter Sauer.

7. Management Challenges in Multimedia Newsrooms. Technology has changed the media landscape; the audience has changed its behaviour and media companies who want to stay important, have to change accordingly. To manage multimedia newsrooms you need multimedia leaders, managers as well as editors. Managers who understand to optimize the use of the content on the different platforms, who are able to coordinate and who knows how to make creativity blossom when the economy is getting tighter. At this seminar Ulf Morten Davidsen, NRK, Christina Agren, SVT reflects on multimedia leadership - the Scandinavian way. Katarina Ek, Development Director at FOJO, the Swedish Institute for Further Education of Journalists, gives her view of how the need for media management training has changed and what tools are important if you want to achieve success. Producer: Christina Agren.

8. The Trimedial Newsroom, RTV Allard Berends, managing director of rtv flevoland explains the new ways his station has found in integration of radio tv and internet and how they use narrowcasting to reach a bigger audience. Producer: Richel Bernsen.

9. (Also no. 30) Media Conductor - Seminar. Katarina Ek, Development Director at the Swedish Institute for Further Education of Journalists, deliver tools and perspectives that are necessary in a multimedia newsroom. This seminar will be followed by a work shop and hands-on training. Please note that the seminar and the work shop is limited to 20 participants. Producer: Christina Agren.

10. Open Newsroom. 'Our boss sometimes calls us "a pain in the ass" - so why does she still wants us around?' Since November 2007 the small staff of "The Open newsroom" have covered the actions and discussions behind the scenes at Aktuellt, the oldest and one of the largest news programs in Sweden. Everything has been broadcasted via the web. Tove Hanell and Jon Nilsson will tell what happened when they invited the rest of the world to follow the Aktuellt-staff at the video blog 'Open newsroom' and why they believe transparency is of the utter importance for the 'old' broadcasters in order to stay credible. Producer: Tove Hanell.

11. The Do’s and don’ts in Co-operation. Co-productions are the cheapest way to get high quality international TV programmes. Yet, it’s not the easiest way. What’s crucial for a successful co-production: topic, rules, programme makers, executive producer or budget? Why is it so hard to launch a new co-production project, why does it cause so much stress to work on it? And how come the final product usually makes bot - the programme makers and the audience - happy? The session will show examples of successful long lasting co-productions on the European level, will point out problems one can face while participating in a co-production and will be open to your new coproduction ideas. Don’t miss the opportunity to launch a new CIRCOM co-production in Groningen! Producer: Daniela Drastata.

12. (Also no. 33) Media Conductor - Workshop. Katarina Ek, Development Director at the Swedish Institute for Further Education of Journalists will give hands-on training on working in a Multi media Newsroom. Please note that both the seminar and the work shop is limited to 20 participants. Producer: Christina Agren.

13. Quality Broadcasting vs Cost Saving. How can you keep track of the quality of your production while saving costs? Is there a way to handle the present economic crisis? Arno Schimmelpfennig, a German Media scholar, gives his thoughts based on theoretical and practical studies of German regional television. Producer: Arno Schimmelpfennig.

15th May

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14. Prix Screening of the winner of The Grand Prix CIRCOM and the Drama category winner.

15. Prix Screening of the winner of the Documentary category and the Magazine category winner.

16. Prix Screening of the Vive l’Europe category winner.

17. Meet the winner of Fiction and Drama. This session will give you a chance to meet the maker and ask any questions that you might have. You will also get an insight into the minds of the jury of what they thought were the current trends within this category. Producer and Chair: Máire Ní Chonláin.

18. The SVT Newsdesk. Learn what SVT is doing to increase the cooperation between the regional and national news programs by sharing news material, knowledge and resources. Producer and speaker: Niclas Brunell, SVT's project manager.

19. PHAROS - The next generation search platform for your contents! PHAROS is a European R&D flagship on audiovisual search. Multimedia information retrieval is probably the most difficult and exciting challenge for the future. The PHAROS search platform will create a new infrastructure for managing and accessing information sources of all types in digital archives of broadcasters. Support for advanced audiovisual processing, content handling, and management will enhance creation and fruition of multimedia. Be one of the first from the industry to see what will be the future in two years. Producers: Andres Eben and Tobias Hellmuth.

20. Meet the Prix CIRCOM winner of the International category. You will also get an insight into the minds of the jury of what they thought were the current trends within this category. Producer: Boris Bergant.

21. Regional Formats and Audience Tracking. Research company Klapper Communications B.V. developed a revolutionary new real time audience feedback tool TV&RadioImpactMeter (TIM Omline TM and TIM-Studio TM). It offers Tv/radio producers and broadcasters the possibility to measure moment-to-moment audience responses to tv- and radio content. Based on years of experience a benchmark of audience response has been build, which offers remarkable insights on the most effective radio and television production techniques. The speaker is Charles Vaneker. Producer: Richel Bernsen.

22. Mobile Television in Europa, The Deloitte Report. Harald van Doorn and Erik Jan Gelink from Deloitte explain the new future expectations for mobile tv, based on their latest surveys. Producer:Gerard Schuiteman.

23. How to work with the Web and Social Communities like Facebook. Helene Hillestad, NRK, gives an insight on how to include Social Communities in a broadcasting situation. Producer: Grethe Haaland.

24. Meet the winner of Vive l’Europe category and the Magazine category. This session is dedicated to programs showing the singularity of European current events, mostly produced in cooperation between European televisions, and giving one an insight into other’s lifestyles. The session will discuss how European televisions could develop cooperation on programs about Europe, what style and what in formation can be put in common to be interesting and accurate enough for spectators located in neighbour countries. The session also includes the Magazine winner and the judges thoughts on the over all magazine entries. Producers: Jean-Christian Spenleand Malin Rogström.

25. (Also 36) CIRCOM Training. An in depth review of CIRCOM Training. In this difficult financial climate, training is an area that can easily be crossed off as a means of saving money. Is this a wise or sensible move? We will be looking at training need now and for the future. We will be looking at different approaches to training at TV stations from across Europe. We will also investigate what CIRCOM has to offer it’s members and other organisations in training television professionals. Chair: Anita Bhalla. Producer: Karol Cioma.

26. The state of Democratic Journalism in Europe. A report from Open Society Foundation.

27. Meet the winner of the Documentary category. This year’s Documentary entries show a big diversity from investigating journalism that really makes a difference to programs were the producers tell their own stories with a personal voice. In this session we will watch examples of high class documentaries and meet the producers of some of the best and of course the Prix CIRCOM winner of this category. Producer: Grethe Haaland.

28. Ideas Bazaar. In this session a 'Smörgasbord' of good ideas of regional television will be presented. It is open to anyone to present a good idea from their own station regarding programming, co-productions, production etc. Producer: Michael Lally.

29. The regional story that rocked the Catholic Church. Ali Fegan investigated the emergence of the Catholic priestly society SSPX in a Swedish region. When the story was aired and it became clear that the Bishop of SSPX, Richard Williamson, was denying the holocaust, the story became world news. The Pope and the Vatican reacted strongly - at the reporter. Ali Fegan and his editor Lars-Göran Svensson will talk about the investigation, show the story and talk about the aftermath -never in history did a Swedish regional reporter get so much attention. Producer: Nils Hanson.

30. (Also no. 9) Media Conductor - seminar. Katarina Ek, Development Director at the Swedish Institute for Further Education of Journalists, deliver tools and perspectives that are necessary in a multi -media newsroom. This seminar will be followed by a work shop and hands-on training. Please note that the seminar and the work shop is limited to 20 participants. Producer: Christina Agren.

31. Meet the winner of the Sport category and the VJ category. This session will give you a chance to meet the maker and ask any questions that you might have. You will also get an insight into the minds of the jury of what they thought were the current trends within this category. Producers: Jean-Christian Spenle and Malin Rogström.

32. Investigative journalism on a small budget. Making important investigative journalism with a low budget. The tricks of the trade of a regular prize winning manager. Nils Hanson worked for five years as an editor of three local TV-stations in Sweden with the ambition to show that even the smallest newsroom can do investigative work. He will show his strategy to get resources to muck rake and give examples of quick investigations. Nils will also present invaluable investigative tricks, learnt from editing Uppdrag Granskning (Mission; Investigate!), the current affairs flagship of Swedish Television.

33. (Also no 12) Media Conductor - Workshop. Katarina Ek, Development Director at the Swedish Institute for Further Education of Journalists will give hands-on training on working in a Multi media Newsroom. Please note that both the seminar and the work shop is limited to 20 participants. Producer: Christina Agren.

34. Meet the winner of the Web category. RTE Young Peoples is this year’s winner in the web category. This site disseminates content through both, and A large amount of the content is web exclusive. The lay out and the focus on moving images contributes to the extremely fresh and modern feeling. Is this the way to attract the new generation and what is so regional about it? The web editor, Aaron Heffernan, at RTE Young peoples will give you all you got to know if you want to catch the eye and interest of the young ones. Producer: Malin Rogström.

16th May

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35. CIRCOM Training. An in depth review of CIRCOM Training. In this difficult financial climate, training is an area that can easily be crossed off as a means of saving money. Is this a wise or sensible move? We will be looking at training need now and for the future. We will be looking at different approaches to training at TV stations from across Europe. We will also investigate what CIRCOM has to offer it’s members and other organisations in training television professionals. Chair: Anita Bhalla. Producer: Karol Cioma.

36. LIVE - cutting edge broadcasting on the web - offers an Interactive Multi-channel iTV solution to bring more stories and more action to live media events. The LIVE solution radically improves on linear approaches to TV broadcasting of live events by providing digital technologies and content formats that enable viewers to shape their own personal and highly interactive viewing experience. To keep the viewer on top of the action LIVE has designed a system that is able to adapt the storytelling around a sports event to user feedback and other stories that unfold alongside the main story. The revolution behind LIVE is that in addition to providing multiple live audiovisual streams, there are transition points, where the consumer is invited to switch to another subchannel. This means that the consumer can navigate through the event, getting multiple points of view on the action - because there is always more than one story to tell. Producers: John Pereira and Joachim Köhler.

37. Young CIRCOM. Young journalists, who have been attending the CIRCOM Television Journalism Workshop in Groningen for the past 8 days will present the stories they have produced as part of their training. The journalist will receive certificates from CIRCOM in recognition of their commitment and effort during their time in Groningen. Chair: Anita Bhalla.

medved_zoranDear colleagues,

RTV Slovenija was delighted to welcome you to the 26th CIRCOM Regional Annual Conference in Maribor, Slovenia which took place from 15th to 17th May 2008 in the Convention Centre Habakuk and was be hosted by Televizija Maribor.

Televizija Maribor is a member of the family of three radio and two television regional stations of Regional RTV Centre Maribor, which includes radio and television programme for Hungarian minority in Slovenia. We broadcast our programmes on our own channels for a population of 700.000 inhabitants in North-East Slovenia (35% of whole Slovene population). Televizija Maribor has participated in all CIRCOM Regional Conferences and other events in the last 14 years. RTV Slovenija, who became member of CIRCOM Regional 20 years ago, hosted the CR Annual Conference in 1990.
In 2008 RTV Slovenija celebrates three great anniversaries: 80th anniversary of Radio Slovenija, 50th anniversary of Televizija Slovenija and 40th anniversary of the outset of regional TV broadcasting in Maribor and Slovene Styria. We celebrated all of it with you. The year 2008 is also an anniversary year for CIRCOM Regional: in Maribor we celebrated 25th anniversary of our organisation.

Motto of the 26th Annual Conference was DO IT GLOCAL! We focused on the impact of new EU policy on public broadcasting across Europe, where regional television is one of the most important windows for well informed citizens. We asked why regional sport is more than a game and how regional broadcasters become global players in that industry. We also asked ourselves about the future of broadcasting journalism etc... etc... We hope Maribor Conference will stay in your memory for many ideas, good coproduction proposals and new common projects.

Zoran Medved
Senior Editor, TV Maribor
CR Slovenian National Coorinator



mariborOn 10-11 April 2007, quite soon after the Easter, Circom regional Secretary General Peter Sauer and members of his team from Nürnberg and Zagreb have visited Maribor, the next host of 26th Circom regional Annual Conference. It will be organised from 15-17 May 2008, before it, at 8-10 November 2007 Maribor will host the meetings of CR Executive Committee and the European Board.
A selection of the best shows of regional European TV Stations was organised this year by the Regional RTV Centre Maribor – the Prix Circom 2006, while in 2003 the hosting of the executive committee took place. In all these events the Regional RTV Centre Maribor has proven itself to be a successful organiser and a friendly host to such events. The hosts are especially proud of the fact that we were able to provide the most modern working conditions in terms of technology for this year’s Prix jury in the entire history of the event. This time the representatives of Terme Maribor hotels&resorts have presented the Convention Centre Habakuk, Hotel Bellevue and other facilities already preliminary reserved for the next CR conference and the annual Journalism Workshop.


habakukThree hotels for the conference and one for the workshop are in the same green area of the city and all can offer 290 rooms for the delegates, trainers and trainees. The modern convention centre is equiped for complete multimedia, internet, translation and usual technical support for the conference. Members of the CR General Secretariat were convinced that Maribor can offer very good conditions for accomodations, for the

conference and for social events, which will be connnected with several anniversaries of RTV Slovenija and regional broadcasting in Maribor, the capital of Slovenian Styria. The hosts presented their proposal to organise the Prix Circom Award Gala evening as a big entertainment in the National Theatre, Opera and Ballet House in Maribor and to produce it with live coverage in the prime time on the one of national channels of TV Slovenia. At the end of a second day they are planning a big open air concert in the center of the city and for the last day afternoon they will organise an adventure on the Drava river: tour with big wooden rafts and visit of a wild part of Slovenian Carintia.

City of Maribor has very good traffic conections with all parts of Europe: by airplane (Maribor has its own airport with  Ryanair regular flights from and to London, and very close are the airports in Graz, Ljubljana and Zagreb connected with all main destinations in Europe), by car and by train.

The year 2008 is also a special year for RTV Slovenia. In the first half of 2008 Slovenia will chair the European Union while RTV Slovenia will celebrate many distinguished and venerable anniversaries: the 80th anniversary of Radio Slovenia, 50th anniversary of Television Slovenia and the 40th anniversary of the first TV studio in Maribor, which had at that time marked the beginnings of the current regional television in North-East Slovenia. And city of Maribor is the most serious Slovenian candidate for European Capital of Culture in 2012. We would be honoured if we could share but a small part of our creativity and delight at these jubilees with you.