National Co-ordinator Andoni Aldekoa
DG, EITB - Euskal Telebista (Basque Country), Spain

Andoni Aldekoa
The 46 million Spaniards have a wide choice of TV stations, both national and regional systems. The national network Television Espanola (TVE) started back in 1957. Spanish regional television first started in San Sebastián, when the Basque Government decided to broadcast to their people in their own language in 1982. A second Basque channel, broadcasting in Spanish, opened in 1986. In 1985 Televisión de Galicia (TVG) set up its own full service transmission in Galician from their station in Santiago de Compostela covering the Galician region.
Similar systems have been implanted in Catalonia (1983), Valencian Community (1989, shut down in 2013), Andalusia (1989), Madrid Community (1989), Canary Islands (1999), Castilla-La Mancha (2000), Asturias (2005), Murcia (2005), Balearic Islands (2005), Aragon (2005), Extremadura (2006) and Castilla y León (2009).
In Spain these broadcasters are usually called autonomous TVs, since they are owned by their corresponding Autonomous Communities, whose governments provide them with subsidies though extra finance is raised through commercials. These stations aim to spread and promote the culture, the traditions, the language and the social and institutional reality of each Community, offering a public service of close contents. They also undertake a crucial role like engines of the local audiovisual industry and innovation.
In 1988 they founded the Federation of Autonomous Broadcasting Companies (FORTA) in Spain. This network of 12 stations and based in Madrid has proved particularly important in securing agreements with major film companies, news services, advertising groups, sports rights owners, other TV companies as well as organising exchanges with other public or private Spanish stations and co-ordinating productions projects with all or part of the members. Besides FORTA stations, TVE also run several smaller regional services, mainly news and sports.
Spanish public media are facing up to the current digital environment that has reformulated the chain of value, to the fragmentation of audience because of the boost of the thematic channels produced after the arrival of TDT (Terrestrial Digital Television), to a strong reduction of the advertising investment caused by the economic crisis and to a restriction of the budgetary contribution.
Television de Galicia (TVG) -
Autonomous Community of Galicia
Corporación Radio e Television de Galicia (CRTVG)
Bando - San Marcos
Town/City: 15820 Santiago de Compostela
Tel. +34 981 540 640
Contacts CIRCOM Regional:
Fernando R. Ojea Tel + 34 981 540 643
TVG was set up in 1985 as the main branch of Compañía de Radio-Televisión de Galicia (CRTVG). This full-service station broadcasts 24 hours per day in the own and official language, Galician, on two digital terrestrial channels reaching around 3 million people in Northwest Spain, and two satellite channels for America and Europe, where there are large Galician communities.
The budget of this public service broadcaster is supported mainly by the autonomous Government as well as advertising. The staff accounts near 900 employees in its production centre and four bureaus in the main cities of Galicia plus one more in Madrid.
TVG is leader in news programmes, usually reaching audience shares of 30%. The programming includes news, culture, animation, contests, drama series, featured length films, talk shows and sports. 60% of the production is done with in-house resources.
The public service radio and television company is firmly established in the Galicia and means an engine for the independent audiovisual industry in the region. Shows like “Luar”, with over 20 years on air, or successful series like “Matalobos”, 2012 Prix CIRCOM’s winner for drama category, ratify its consistent success among the audience.
CRTVG is working to adapt its contents to the new market demands and developing a strategy focused on mobile and social media. CRTVG also counts with specific features allowing to monitor live broadcasts of TVG an Radio Galega, as well as the video on demand.
EITB - Euskal Telebista (Basque Country) -
Basurtuko Kaputxinoen kalea, 2
48013 Bilbao
Tel +34 94 656 30 00
Representative of the Entity: Andoni Aldekoa, Director General
EITB (Euskal Irrati Telebista – Basque Radio and Television) is a publicly owned audio-visual group that operates broadcast media in the Basque Country.
EITB is a public service broadcaster answerable to the Basque Government whose remit is to respond to the needs of Basque society with a range of audio-visual products including news & current affairs, educational content and entertainment of a plural, attractive, high-quality nature, to promote the Basque language and culture and to help normalise and extend the use of Basque in the current audio-visual ecosystem.
It has three business units for creating and distributing content: TV, Radio and Online. The three are currently run jointly under the flagship company EITB Media. The broad range of content offered by EITB includes news and entertainment in both Basque and Spanish.
The organisation currently has 5 TV channels (ETB1, ETB2, ETB3, ETB4 & EITB Basque), 6 radio stations (Euskadi Irratia, Gaztea, Radio Euskadi, Radio Vitoria, EITB Musika and EITB Euskal Kantak) and several digital products including a website (, a streaming service with live and on-demand content (EITB Nahieran) and apps for Smart TVs and mobile devices. It also distributes content via YouTube and social media.
EITB, was founded in 1982, when the Basque Parliament unanimously passed the law on the creation of this public entity. At present, it is the leading media group in the Basque Country.
Ens Public de Radiotelevisió de les Illes Balears (EPRTVIB) -
c/ Madalena
21 Polígon Son Bugadelles
07180 Santa Ponça (Calviá)
Illes Balears
phone +34 971 139 330
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact person: Joan Carles Martorell Velásquez
Representative of the Entity: Andreu Manresa Monserrat
IB3 is a publicly funded Balearic television channel. It began test transmissions on 1 March 2005 and the first regular broadcast began on 5 September 2005. It is owned by the Ens Públic de Radiotelevisió de les Illes Balears (EPRTVIB).
RTPA – Radiotelevisión del Principado de Asturias
Camino de las Clarisas, 263
33203 Gijón, Asturias, Spain
Tel +34 985 18 59 00
Contact person: Verónica González Fernández
Representative of the Entity: Francisco González Orejas, Director General
Radiotelevisión del Principado de Asturias (RTPA), is public service broadcasting company created by the Regional Parliament in 2005, in order to develop the regional culture and identify and to provide the needs of a modern society.
It consists of two divisions: Televisión del Principado de Asturias (TPA) and Radio del Principado de Asturias (RPA), as well as the website Regular television broadcasts began in mid-2006 for the entire Spanish region of Asturias, which has 1.084.000 inhabitants.
RTVCYL - Radio Televisión Castilla y León -
C/ Los Astros nº 4
47009 Valladolid
Tel +34 983 35 43 48
Director General: Mr. Jorge Losada Montero
Contact person: Ana Lobato
RTVCYL is a company licensed by the government of the Spanish region of Castilla y León to manage the public service broadcasting throughout the region on DTT. Its mission is to develope the regional culture and identify as well as to provide the needs of a modern society.
Castilla y León Televisión station launched in 2009 and manages two 24-hour channels, one of them supporting serveral local windows. Its headquarters are in the city of Valladolid and there are also up to 10 production centres, one for each every province capital city, in order to deliver to he 2.540.000 inhabitants of the region the updated information and entertainment programmes as well as other public service contents.
CCMA - Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals -
Via Augusta 252, 4a planta, Bacelona, Spain
Tel: +34 93 444 48 00
Contact person: Jordi Fortuny i Batalla
Representative of the Entity: Rosa Romà i Monfà, president of the Governing council
CCMA is fouded on May 30th 1983. Company's operations region is Catalonia, with capital in Barcelona, located in North-East of the Iberian Peninsula in Spain. Surface area of the region is 32 107 m2 and it has 7 477 131 inhabitants, according to population census of 2017.
CCMA is a public organisation that manages the audiovisual media of the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya). It does this in compliance with its mission to act as a public service and with a firm commitment to quality, independence and the promotion of Catalan language and culture, according to Act 11/2007 of 11th October, currently in force (with some minor changes that have been made later).
The Corporation has been a member of FORTA (the Spanish Federation of Autonomus Area Radio and Television Organisations) since its founding in April 1989. This body brings together radio and television companies from autonomus regions in order to help cooperation in the areas of intelectual property rights, broadcasting, interchange of the programmes and services and participation in international organisations.
CCMA also takes part in Euroradio, the EBU musical exchange, which brings together all public and the main private European radio and television companies.
RTRM - Radiotelevisión de la Región de Murcia -
Calle de la Olma, 27-29, 30005, Murcia, Spain
Tel: +34 968 92 08 08
Contact person: Mariano Caballero Carpena
RTRM is a public service broadcasting company created by the Regional Parliament of the Spanish region of Murcia. It's goals are to develop regional culture and identity and to provide the needs of a modern society.
It consists of a television channel 7TV Región de Murcia and a radio channel Onda Regional de Murcia.
Regular television broadcast began in 2005 for the entire region, which population is 1 465 000.
CARTV - Corporació Aragonesa de Radio y Televisión -
Avda. María Zambrano 2, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain
Tel: +34 629 607 709, +34 629 550 642
Contact person: Francisco Querol Fernández
Representative of the Entity: Francisco Querol Fernández, Director General
CARTV is a public broadcasting group established in 2005. We provide a wide range of programmes, contents and services for audiences across the Spanish region of Aragón on television (Aragón TV), radio (Aragón Radio) and digitally: / /
We are an essential public service for the citizens or Aragón that provides them with accurate and impartial news. We also offer contents including current affairs, sports, entertainment, documentaries and fiction.
Our contents reflect our regional culture, traditions and identity. At the same time, constant innovation has been fundamental in the development of Aragón Radio, Aragón TV and our digital services.
Our values
We have established a set of values for ourselves that guide the way we behave.
We want to be:
Near, close, immediate, attentive
Plural, diverse, independent, professional
Open, participative, inclusive, advanced
Positive, exciting, entrepreneurial, innovative
Transparent, responsible, supportive, committed
CEXMA - Canal Extremadura -
Corporacion Extremena de Medios Audiovisuales
Calle Logrono, 7
Poligono Industrial El Prado
06800 Mérida (Badajoz)
Tel: +34924387650
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact person: Dámaso Castellote Caballero
Canal Extremadura is a regional public radio and television station in transition towards a multimedia audiovisual platform model. Founded in 2006, Canal Extremadura is committed to strengthening its greatest value, the Extremadura people (1.073.000 inhabitants), distinguishing them and recognizing them as the differential element when creating their own brand capable of crossing borders and showing the world a plural society, convinced of its possibilities. A task in which we are all committed: professionals, audience, producers, and public officials. From its conception as a public service and with transparency as a guiding principle, Canal Extremadura directs its organizational project, its business strategy and its resources to the promotion of social cohesion and the defense of common interests. And in this objective, we find daily the reason for our work.
CMM - Castilla La Mancha Media -
Calle Rio Guadalmena 6, 45007 Toledo, Spain
Tel: 925288600
Contact person: Edelmira Rodríguez Carracedo
CMM is the public entity of regional radio and television of Castilla La Mancha. It was created by decree of the regional courts on May 26, 2000 in order to develop regional culture and identity and to provide the needs of a modern society. It consists of two divisions, Castilla La Mancha Televisión and Radio Castilla La Mancha, as well as the website
Regular television broadcast began in December 2001 for the entire region, which has 2,031,050 inhabitants.
Telemadrid - Radio Televisión Madrid -
Paseo del Principe 3
28220 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), Spain
Contact person: Blanca Vives
Radio Televisión Madrid is a public television network of Madrid. It’s affiliated with FORTA and it is owned by the government of the Autonomous Community of Madrid. Its main objective is to provide the public service to all citizens from Madrid through its television, radio, and web programs. It broadcasts in the hole Madrid Region both news and entertainment programs. It owns two TV networks: Telemadrid and laOtra; one radio station Onda Madrid and
Radio Televisión Madrid’s commercial name is TELEMADRID and competes with all the Spanish national TV companies but circumscribed to Madrid area.
Its radio station name is Onda Madrid and broadcasts in two dials of FM: 101.3 and 106.0
RTVC - Radio Televisión Canaria - Televisión Pública de Canarias SA -
Calle La Marina 57
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 38001
Tel. +34 928 476 700
Contact person: Daida I. Rodríguez Verdú
Televisión Canaria manages the provision of the public television service and the transposition of its contents through current and new technologies. It has delegations in seven of the eight Canary Islands and more than 450 employees throughout the Archipelago.
Its programming includes all television genres: news, magazines, movies, series, broadcasts, self-produced programs, in which the culture, traditions, language and idiosyncrasy of the Canary Islands stand out and broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Its objectives include Guaranteeing objective, truthful and impartial information that must be fully adjusted to the criteria of professional independence and the political, social, ideological and territorial pluralism present in Canarian Society; Promotion of the identity, values and interests of the Canarian people, particularly its historical and economic heritage as well as popular Canarian culture; Serve society by ensuring maximum continuity and geographic and social coverage; with the commitment to offer quality, diversity, innovation and ethical demands; offering access to the different genres of programming and to institutional social, cultural and sports events aimed at all audience sectors.
RTVA – Radio y Televisión de Andalucía -
Calle José de Gálvez, 1
41092 Sevilla, Spain
Tel. +34 955 054 600
Contact person: Pedro J Valderas Alvarado
RTVA is the Andalusian public media company. lt is made up of Canal Sur Television, Canal Sur Radio and Canal Sur Media. Overall, it has three television channels, five radio channels and a OTT platform, with an international presence. RTVA, as a public media, is committed to offering truthful, plural and independent information, and developing the management with full transparency. RTVA supports the Andalusian audiovisual industry, bolstering up television production companies in our land, promoting and collaborating with Andalusian cinema and the main film festivals held in Andalusia, and granting awards to audiovisual creation. RTVA assumes the basic commitment to contribute to the development of a more just, equitable and supportive Andalusian society, promoting equality, protecting childhood, advancing education and respect for the environment, the cultural and artistic heritage of the community.