National Co-ordinator Lidija Backović

Lidija Backović
Intrenational Relations
Program Coordinator
tel: +382 20 23 44 57
mob: + 382 69 155 035
RTCG - Radio and Television of Montenegro
tel: +382 20 224 617
Radio and Television of Montenegro – national public broadcasting services of Radio Montenegro and Television of Montenegro - produce and broadcast informative, cultural artistic, scientific and educational programe of importance and significance for Montenegrin citizens : two radio programs it broadcasts through two independent FM and one independent ST radio nets, on national level, two TV programs through two independent TV nets, also on national level.
Radio Television of Montenegro via satellite covers Europe and north coast of Africa with one radio and one television channel.
The basic decree of the program policy of RTCG is - public service. In 2003. normative-institutional fase of transformation has been completed. There is at the moment organisational reform of Radio Television of Montenegro going on. The process is being assisted by OESC and Council of Europe, and conculting services are by IREX.
3. august 1904. –In Voluica near coast town Bar started to work the first radio-telegraph station in Balkans and in South-east of Europe. Through station San Kataldo in Bari, on the opposite side of Adriatic, it could communicate with any ship and with any part of the world. It is registered under name Bar Voluica with the Federal office for international telegraph communications in Bern. In the register there is written that the station is "montenegrin" and that it works on wave frequency of 500 meters with the range of 200 kilometers. Similar station constructed on Eiffel Tower only six years earlier had the range of only four kilometers. Volujica worked for a decade, until 8th of august 1914. when it was destructed by an austrian cruiser "Zenta". For the first year of its work only since the 3rd of august till the 1st of july 1905. it has been transmitted through Volujica total of 18.867 words.
27. November 1944. –sounded Radio Cetinje from the just liberated montenegrin capitol then. After the Dubrovnik's and Belgrade's, it was the third yugoslav radio station in the liberated part of the country. The program could have been heard in the whole Montenegro and in the bigger part of neighbouring republics through the wave frequency 218 meters, i.e. 1384 Kilocycle. The initial one hour program consisted of reports from the fronts country wide, decisions of the authorities, news received through TANJUG and Free Yugoslavia, and pretty soon contents from culture, education and contents for young and village were prepared...
1. May 1949. Radio is being transfered to Titograd and gets the name Radio Titograd, and since 1990. it becomes Radio of Montenegro.
14. November 1957- the first TV transmittor rebroadcasting italian TV program was put on Lovcen.
20. November 1963 –Through the transmittor on Lovcen the telecast of joint program of yugoslav TV stations begins.
1964- Was broadcasted the first report filmed in Montenegro for spectators in Montenegro through Television Belgrade.
1974 –Television Titograd begins countinuous broadcasting of program from its own studio.
1979- Television Titograd broadcasts the Second Program of Yugoslav Radio Television.
01.01.1998.- Television of Montenegro broadcasts special program via satellite and Radio also via satellite distributes its first program.
2003. Radio and Television of Montenegro - public broadcasitng services Radio Montenegro and Television of Montenegro.
2010. Radio and Television of Montenegro in December 2009. celebrated 65 years since first signal was transmitted. At present, concept of Radio Television of Montenegro is based on its own production, devided in few departments: First, Second (TV and Radio 98) and Satellite Program. First program involves News production, Cultural, Scientific and Educational program, International exchange program, Documentary, Commercial and Enterntaining Program. Second Program of Television of Montenegro mostly covers sport events, and aim of Satellite Program is multiple.
Satellite Program exists since 15th January 1999. In one hand, aim of Satellite Program is to promote Montenegro in the World, but in the other, Satellite Program is focused on Montenegrin diaspora. Satellite Program has its own production, but also cooperates with First and Second Program, and broadcasts 19 hours of TV program and 5 hours of Radio.