

The judges of the only non-programme category in the Prix CIRCOM – the Station Web Site – have decided that no entry should be named as the outright winner. However, they commended two entries.

The chair of the judges of the category, Jane Isaksson of the Swedish station SVT Örebro, said today (Monday 12 April 2010): “Although entries were good, with some exceptional design, access to content and audience understanding, we did not find the innovation and originality we were hoping for.”

The two entries commended were: TV2 Fyn, Denmark and HR-online Germany. However, there were only four entries. In 2009, there were 11 entries and in 2008, 13 entries.

David Lowen, President of the Prix CIRCOM, said: “It may be disappointing but it is clearly the right decision in the circumstances. There were insufficient entries for there truly to be a competition and the quality clearly did not impress the judges sufficiently. We have already begun considering changes in the criteria for next year.”

The category sponsor is SVT Sweden and the 3000 euros prize money and the trophy will not be presented this year.



The Irish language and culture channel TG4, based in Galway, has confirmed it will sponsor the Fiction/Drama category of the Prix Circom for the next three years. The renewal was announced by Pol O Gallchoir, Director General of TG4, following the award ceremony at the Groningen conference which concluded a successful three years of support by TG4.

This year's Fiction/Drama winner, God's Rainbow from CTV Ostrava, was also winner of the Grand Prix. David Lowen, President of the Prix Circom, said: "We are delighted we can continue to work with TG4. The Fiction/Drama award was an experiment which has been outstandingly successful and proves how accomplished regional stations are at creating original drama."



pdf n Prix CIRCOM Regional 2009 Jury Report 



The eight category winners in the valuable and prestigious Prix CIRCOM Regional for Europe’s regional TV stations are announced on Monday 6 April 2009, after four days of judging in Ostrava, Czech Republic.

The BBC has dominated with two winners – in the Video Journalism and Documentary categories – and with two other programmes highly commended, in the Magazine and Documentary categories. The Magazine category and the Web category were both won by RTE Ireland, who can also celebrate great success. Other awards go to Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg in Germany, Czech Television, RTVSlo Slovenia and Omroep Fryslan in The Netherlands

There were 132 entries from 20 different countries. The categories were Web Site, Documentary, Magazine, International, Fiction/Drama, Sport, Vivre L’Europe and Video Journalism.

The awards are sponsored by several European public service broadcasters: France TV, BBC, ERT 3 Greece, SVT Sweden, RTVSlo Slovenia, TG4 Ireland and TVP Poland. The winning station in each category receives prize money of 3,000 euros and a trophy. The winning stations are invited to send the producer or director of the programme (or manager of the web site) to Groningen, expenses paid for travel and two nights’ accommodation, to collect the award at a gala evening event attended by the senior executives and producers of Europe’s public service broadcast regional stations.

David Lowen, President of the Prix CIRCOM Regional and chairman of the judges, said:
“Once again, we have seen some of the finest programmes shown on television anywhere in Europe during the year. Quality standards in regional television remain high despite continuing pressure on production funds and resources.”

The judging was in Celadna, near Ostrava, at the invitation of Ilja Racek, Ceskatelevize Ostrava’s station director, and Vladimir Stvrtna, national co-ordinator for CTV.

The 14 judges were all highly experience television professionals from 14 different countries. The judges were: Grethe Haaland (NRK Norway); Malin Rogstrom (SVT Sweden); Janos Csespregi (MTV Hungary); Jozef Puchala (STV Slovakia); Vladmir Strakos (CTV Czech Republic); Maire ni Choinlain (TG4 Ireland); Jean-Christian Spenle (FTV France); Dieuwke Kroese (Omroep Fryslan, The Netherlands); Elke Kalbe (BRF Studio Franken, Germany); Isabel Correia (RTP Portugal); Carla Tompea (TVR Romania); Boris Bergant (RTVSlo Slovenia); Wojchiech Malinowski (TVP Poland); Tony O’Shaughnessy (BBC Wales).

The BBC is also sponsor of the category, Documentary, which it won and under the competition rules is not allowed to collect the prize money give by its own sponsorship. The trophy, however, will still be presented and the producer or director will still have travel and accommodation paid to collect the award. 


The category winners are:



Winner: God's Rainbow (CTV Ostrava, Czech Republic), also this year's Fiction/Drama winner


Winner: Inside Out: A Ferry Big Con (BBC South East, UK)
Commended: Who Killed My Son (BBC South, UK) and My Seventh Spring (NRK More Og Romsdal, Norway)


Winner: Pobal Special (RTE Dublin, Ireland)
Commended: Inside Out South (BBC South, UK)


Winner: Gareth Furby (BBC London, UK)
Commended: Sean Mac an tSithigh (TG4 Galway, Ireland)


Winner: EU Snapshots (RTVSlo Maribor, Slovenia)


Winner: Keats Heart (Omroep Fryslan, The Netherlands)
Commended: The Boat Competition (TG4 Galway, Ireland)


Winner: Rublyovka: Road To Bliss (Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg, Germany)


Winner: God's Rainbow (CTV Ostrava, Czech Republic)


Winner: RTE Dublin, Ireland
Commended: SVT Umea, Sweden



prix20_prix_awardTwenty successful years of the Prix Circom Regional will be celebrated this summer with a special viewing of some of the "golden" European regional programmes of the past two decades.

Winning and commended entries in the Prix are offered  to member broadcasters for a special regional transmission. This means that some programmes, unseen for many years, will be re-run so that today's audiences can share the great moments of European regional television.

The programmes cover key events in Europe's recent history and issues such as people trafficking, smuggling, sporting triumphs, fitness of the elderly, prison care and many others.
These golden programmes are the living history of Europe from our own TV screens and Circom is delighted that its member broadcasters have agreed to make these special viewings possible. The idea was proposed by NRK Norway. Grethe Haaland of NRK and David Lowen, chairman of the Prix, are co-ordinating the selection of the programmes.

Details will be announced at the Circom Regional Conference in Groningen, The Netherlands, in May.

This year's Prix will be judged in Ostrava, Czech Republic - at the invitation of CTV Ostrava - in April and the awards presented at the conference.


Prix Circom Award Ceremony, Bilbao 2007


Prix Circom Award Ceremony, Wroclaw 2004


Prix Circom Award Ceremony, Grado 2003


My precious statue...

page in French flag-fra

::  Prix Circom Regional 2008 Jury Report pdf




The winning programmes in Europe’s richest awards for regional television productions are announced on Monday 7 April after the judging session in Cardiff, Wales.
This year nine category awards are going to SVT Sweden (three awards), TVP Poland (two awards and Germany (two awards), and the BBC (UK, two awards). There were 157 entries from 23 different European countries.
The 14 judges were senior programme makers and executives from 14 different countries meeting over three days. The awards are most prestigious in Europe for regional production and broadcasting.
The Grand Prix for Documentary, the main prize and funded by the Circom Regional organisation itself, is won by Das Kinderheim in der Auguststrasse (The House on August Street) from Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenberg. The station wins the specially-designed trophy and prize money of 5,000 euros and can send someone from the programme team or an executive to collect the trophy at the 26th Circom Regional annual conference in Maribor, Slovenia, between 15-17 May.
The director of the winning programme is Ayelet Bargur of Eden Productions. The programme tells the story of her great-aunt’s orphanage for Jewish children opened in 1922, just as the Nazis began their activity. During the 1930s, she helped save their lives by sending them out of the country. In the programme, two of the orphans return to August Street.
This year, there were new categories for European issues (Vivre L’Europe), International – for the globally distributed programmes now generated by regional centres - and Most Original programme.
The award winners, other than the Grand Prix, receive a trophy and their station receives prize money of 3,000 euros. A representative of the winning programme is also invited to the conference in Maribor to collect the award and take part in the conference.
The award for the Most Original programme – new in 2008 – is made in honour of journalist Vanda Condurache of TV Iasi, Romania, who was killed on the way to attend the Circom Regional conference in Bilbao last year. The award is jointly sponsored by TVR and Circom Regional. TV Iasi this year receives a commendation for its programme on mothers in prison: a fitting tribute.

The other award winners are: 

Vivre L’Europe (sponsored by France TV)
Granica 803: Dolhobyczow Uhrynow (Border 803). TVP Lublin. Director Tadeusz Smiarowski and producer Edyta Borkowska-Pakula. The programme covered a goodwill concert on the very border between Ukraine and Poland. 

Magazine (sponsored by TVP Poland)
BBC London Today. Director Antony Dore and producer Nigel Morris. The programme reported on fake degrees for foreign students. 

Sport (sponsored by ERT Greece)

Mit eisernem Willen zum Ironman (The Iron Man with the Iron Will). Hessicher Rundfunk Frankfurt Main. Directors Dirk Froberg and Nicole Rautenber. An overweight reporter gets fit by tackling one of the toughest sporting events – with swimming, cycling and running a marathon – alongside the dedicated athletes.  

Web Site (sponsored by SVT Sweden)
SVT Vaxjo. This station was also the winner two years ago and the web site is built around the nightly news magazine Smalandsnytt. 

Fiction/Drama (sponsored by TG4 Ireland)
Upp till kamp (How Soon is Now?). SVT Goteborg. Director Mikael Marciman and producer Christer Nilsson.  SVT Goteborg. The drama looks back to the anti-war riots of the 60s and 70s, following the fortunes of those who took part 

Video Journalism (sponsored by BBC)
Patrik Qvicker. SVT Falun.  A portfolio of three reports including one shot in deep snow with a man who prefers to live alone in the wilds. 

International (sponsored by TVSlo Slovenia)
Black Watch: A Soldier’s Story, BBC Scotland. Directed and produced by Ian Scollay. This programme took viewers into the front line of the Iraq War based around a successful theatrical production. 

Most Original (sponsored by TVR Romania)
Miasto w komie (The City in the Cell) Video journalist report by Cezary Ciscewski of TVP Warsaw, using only a cell phone to tell the stories of Poland’s capital city.

Financed by Most Responsible Lender
The project was also financed by reliable partners from DirectLoansLenders Green Finance in order to let everybody gain knowledge in the appropriate subject & encourage creativity and exceptional approach of potential viewers and authors.


All the awards will be presented at a gala night attended by the executives of most of the European public service broadcasters and politicians in the National Theatre, Maribor, Slovenia, on Thursday 15th May.
The awards were announced by David Lowen, Chairman of the Prix Circom Regional Awards, at the headquarters of the charitable television training trust The Thomson Foundation, hosts of the award judging.
The total cash value of the awards is 29,000 euros – plus a trophy, trip to the Circom Regional Annual Conference for the winning producer or director or station representative and the prestige and publicity which goes with winning one of the most sought after prizes in European television.

Other programmes were specially commended by the judges. They are:

- Nicki – SVT Malmo, Sweden
- Und die Liebe kommt spater (And Loves Comes Later) – Bayerischer Rundfunk Munchen, Germany
- BBC Midlands Today, UK
- Po Twojej stronie (On Your Side) – TVP3 Warsaw, Poland
- Toid Fhuileach (The Bloody Fight) TG4 Galway, Ireland
Web sites
- NRK Oppland and Hedmark, Norway
- Bayerischer Studio Franken Nuernberg, Germany
Vivre L’Europe
- O Mama din imparatia umbrelor (A Mother from the Kingdom of Shadows). TVR Iasi, Romania.
- Adresa: stredni Europa (Central European Magazine). CTV Brno Czech Republic.
- Aifric – Gafa le Mata (Obsessed with Maths) TG4 Galway Ireland
- Boven Wotter (Above The Water) RTV Noord, Groningen, The Netherlands
Video journalism
- Eva Bejder, TV2 Lorry, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Sean Mac an tSithigh, TG4 Galway Ireland
- The Pit Bull Sting. BBC Northern Ireland.
Most Original
- Granica 803: Dolhobyczow Uhrynow (Border 803). TVP Lublin Poland


David Lowen, chairman of the awards, said today: “This is the showcase for the many top class programmes made in the regions of Europe. These stations can now meet global standards for content and skills – without losing touch with satisfying a local audience. It should be a spectacular evening in Maribor. I am especially delight that TV Iasi has a programme commended in the year when we remember our colleague Vanda Condurache, who was killed when travelling to last year’s conference.”
Circom Regional is an organisation of almost 300 public service broadcasting stations in the regions of Europe and across 38 states. It was created to foster links between regional television stations.


PROGRAMME ENTRY PACK: Rules, Categories, Criteria, Entry Form:
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