The eighth year of Circom training provided delegates from the far corners of the Europe, illustrating Circom’s unique and diverse membership.
They came from North, South East and West and left their mark in Budapest
Eleven delegates took part in the training and from the north was Anita Karvonen from Sweden, the south was represented by Dražen Brajović of Montenegro, the east by Keti Bojgua from Georgia and the west by Herberto Gomes from the Azores. The were joined by Špela Lenardič from Slovenia, Emma McNamara and Sandra Hurley from Ireland, Razvan Dan Cojocariu from Romania, Dragana Ignjić from Serbia, Timea Fauszt from Hungary and Hrvoje Gunjača from Croatia.
The group spent 10 days together learning the technical and storytelling skills necessary for the modern-day video journalist. Their work culminated in 11 stories being produced which are available in International Versions to Members via the Circom website.
The stories made were:
The Szenchenyi Spa Budapest
European Youth Gather in Budapest
Hungarian Mortgages
Understanding Dog Talk
Preparing Hungarian Doctors for work in Ireland
Remembering the Revolution – One woman’s view
Budapest Zoo goes green
The Danube trade – All quiet on the waterfront.
Budapest Water Polo
Full Steam Ahead – The steam train hospital
The rise of 2nd hand clothes stores in Budapest
Hungarian mortgages – Making people homeless
The course was run by Karol Cioma, Tony O’Shaughnessy and Glen Mulcahy who was generously released from RTE Ireland to provide first class technical and development expertise. They were rewarded by the level of technical competence that the whole group achieved in the relatively short space of time. They were also pleased with the journalism and story-telling skills evident in their final packages. Here are some of the comments made from the feedback given by the delegates.
The Circom VJs of 2011, were the most diverse group so far, 7 women, 4 men and 10 countries were represented. They came from far and wide but they joined together as one in appreciation of what Circom had done for them.
“Thank you for two great learning weeks”.
“I was very impressed with the result, improvement in the work day after day. The theory and practise was nicely balanced”.
“I learnt more about editing than I have ever learnt in my home station.”
“Writing and thinking in pictures was great”.
“I had a difficult experience but very rich at the same time. I surprised myself.”
“It was an honour to be part of the Circom project. Great experience and a major step forward in my work.”
For further information about Circom Video Journalism training please contact Karol Cioma: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.