Training activities in 2012

thumb_prw2012A pan-European initiative bringing together leading broadcasters responsible for Political and Current Affairs programme making.
thumb_mojovj2012CIRCOM’s first Mobile Journalism and it’s 12th Video Journalism training course has come to a close.
Examples of the exercises and reports:  facebook_mailyt 
thumb_new2Circom, in partnership with the South-East Europe Media Organisation and theCouncil of Europe, organises a series of Investigative Journalism workshops for 2012. The first took place in Chsinau, Moldova from May 23rd to 25th 2012.

SEEMO, Circom Regional and the Council of Europe seminar covering issues in relation to Investigative Journalism in print, radio, television and online media - Comments and observations from the delegates

thumb_training2012malmo15 journalists from 11 different countries gathered in Malmo to learn, discuss and exchange ideas about television news reporting.