Training activities in 2003

avidgroup3rd till 7th March 2003, Avid Technology, Pinewood Studios, London

Circom technical trainers of the future attend course at Avid Technology Europe

Avid Technology's European headquarters was the location for Circom's technical training course organised to help improve the support given to the annual journalism training seminar. The training concentrated on the operation of the Avid Xpress DV editing software and was organised by Karol Cioma, the Circom Regional Training Project Manager and delivered by Trevor Bowden, Avid's Senior Training Manager.

The training was held at Avid's European HQ located at Pinewood Studios just outside London. Attending the course were Nina Thomas and Hans Zimmermann from Hessischer Rundfunk, Frankfurt, Darko Flajpan and Darko Horvatic from HRT, Croatia, Zemir Bajraktarevic from Javni RTV Service, Bosnia, Steve Hewitt from BBC Wales, and Gerard Le Coeudic from France 3.

Karol Cioma reports, "The course was a great success. Not only did we get to know one another in a short space of time, but we had the opportunity to learn new things about low-cost DV filming and editing. All this is good news for our journalism training in the future as these people will now be better equipped to pass on their knowledge to our trainees. Also Circom Regional has a much geater pool of technicians to call upon to help deliver their training"

The course was financed by Avid Technology and Circom Regional.


Zagreb, 12th till 15th March 2003

- Some of the themes of the Seminar:

Getting to know each other;
Elements of Management;
Managing yourself & practical problems;
The programme schedule;
Competition & station identity;
Practical problems;
Communication & good management;
Line management and decision making;
Production finance


- arrivals on 11th March 2003
- departures on 16th March 2003
- the Seminar is held at HRT premises
- HRT/Croatian Television will cover accommodation at International Hotel in Zagreb for 5 nights for up to 20 participants.

HRT Contact
Branka Prazic
Tel: +385 1 634 3690
Fax: +385 1 634 3692
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Day/date Session Title Contributor(s)
12. March
Session 1: 0900 – 1040 “Getting to know each other”: introductions. Chaired by
Marija Nemcic and Phil Davies
Coffee break
Session 2: 1100 – 1300 Elements of Management: and course aims. Phil Davies
Session 3: 1400 – 1540 TV - Case study 1 Marija Nemcic
Coffee break
Session 4: 1600 – 1800 Managing yourself & practical problems (1). Marija Nemcic & Phil Davies
Day/date Session Title Contributor(s)
13. March
Session 1:
0900 – 1040
Case study 2 - RTV Noord Roel Dijkhuis
Coffee break
Session 2:
1100 – 1300
Competition & station identity Phil Davies
Session 3:
1400 – 1540
Station identity - case study Kresimir Macan
Coffee break
Session 4:
1600 – 1800
Practical problems (2). Kresimir Macan & Phil Davies
Day/date Session Title Contributor(s)
14. March
Session 1:
0900 – 1040
Production finance 1 Phil A. Davies
Coffee break
Session 2:
1100 – 1300
TV case study 2 & Production finance 2 Aksel Nielsen & Phil Davies
Session 3:
1400 – 1600
Communication & line management Philip Davies
Day/date Session Title Contributor(s)
15. March
Session 1:
0900 – 1040
“What can WE do?”
Discussion & presentations
Phil Davies
Coffee break
Session 2:
1100 – 1300
Course summary & presentations Marija Nemcic & Phil Davies


Trieste/Grado, Italy, 11th till 24th May 2003

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This years training workshop for young journalists, to be held in Grado prior to the annual conference, is full. Once again, there were more applicants than places. Circom Regional intended to restrict the number of places to 24 people, but such was the demand, that careful budget planning allowed an extra 3 delegates.

27 people from 13 countries representing 23 regional stations will be benefiting from the training which is sponsored by Circom Regional and the Council of Europe Human Rights Media Division.

The generosity of Circom member stations has meant that we will be joined by 13 leading professionals who have been released from their normal duties. These trainers and technicians, who will deliver the workshop for Circom Regional are from France 3, ARD Berlin, Hesisscher Rundfunk Frankfurt, HRT Zagreb, the Thomson Foundation, BBC Wales and Nelson-media.

The workshop will run for 10 days prior to the annual conference and will then continue with a specially organised two-day workshop on video journalism, with journalists being introduced to the operation of DV cameras and editing equipment.

The training will take place at the Hotel Mar del Plata at Grado Pineta - The hotel is 3 kilometres from the town of Grado where the annual Circom Regional conference will take place.

Circom Regional training has secured exclusive use of the hotel for the seminar which runs from May 11th to May 24th 2003.

Delegates will require approval of their application from their respective Circom Regional National Co-ordinator.

Circom Regional will cover all costs of the training including accommodation, meals and transport to and from the venue. Travel from home countries to and from Trieste will be the responsibility of the home station or delegate.

Circom Regional's journalism training seminar is supported by the Council of Europe Human Rights Media Division, the Thomson Foundation and Avid Technology.

 28th April till 2nd May 2003, Budapest, Hungary

doc n Schedule

The Ethnic Minorities Seminar is designed to increase an awareness of the problems and possibilities facing managers, journalists and producers of TV stations, all members of CIRCOM REGIONAL, in dealing with ethnic minorities.

The problems include those facing all journalists - racism, religious sensitivities, even the vocabulary used in news magazines. The possibilities include the enrichment of each national heritage through the mosaic of minority cultures and the greater diversity of programmes which follow a higher profile of ethnic minorities.

Seminars will be led by Arwel Ellis Owen, a former Head of Programmes, BBC Northern Ireland and former Editor, News and Current Affairs, BBC Wales. He will conduct seminars on topics such as constructing a multicultural broadcasting schedule, on minority language broadcasting as well as the use of digital TV and the internet in increasing ethnic minority output.

- Arwel Ellis Owen, former Head of Programmes, BBC Northern Ireland and Editor News and Current Affairs, BBC Wales
- Judit Klein, Hungarian National Organiser, CIRCOM REGIONAL and Producer, MTV (Hungary)
- Inger Etzler, Chairperson of EBU's Intercultural programme and Producer, SVT (Sweden)
- Erik Hogenboom, Executive Producer, City Folk, EBU and Producer, NPS (Holland)
- Lynne Polak, Project Manager, EBU, Co-productions and Exchanges
- Gunther Rautz, European Academy of Minorities
- Gordana Stosic, Director-General, Macedonian Radio and TV (MRTV) Macedonia and formerly General Manager, AITV, Skopje

The Seminar will be held at MTV premises, starting on Monday, April 28th 2003 at 09.00 and it will end on Friday, May 2nd 2003 at 14.00.


Organised by the Deputy Secretary General CIRCOM Regional at France 3 Alsace, Place de Bordeaux, Strasbourg, France
Monday, November 17th- Saturday, Nov. 22nd 2003 inclusive
Travel : Sunday, Nov. 16 & Sunday, Nov. 23rd, 2003

A week-long seminar for Directors, Editors-in-Chief and Newsroom Managers working in television news


The importance of successful, popular, and respected daily news programmes, in an increasingly competitive broadcasting world.
How to manage a team of journalists and how to evaluate professional performances with reliable methods ?
How to produce judicious and attractive news reports.
Audience-focus. Clear editorial leadership for producers and viewers
Importance of planning the newsroom activities and achieving success on
How to achieve success on a low budget ?
How to improve the production of information
Digital revolution
How far can multi-skilling help to improve your news service ?



This management seminar, meant for Directors, Newsroom managers and Editors in Chief is organised by CIRCOM Regional, Europe’s association of regional public television. It is a logical development of the more than 20 CIRCOM Workshops, held since 1994 and attended by approximatively 650 TV journalists. The aim of the seminar is to give the participants the opportunity to compare and share their experiences, learn best practice from each other, and to study the practical implications of new technology in TV news.

The Seminar

The seminar will be limited to 15 participants, to allow maximum discussion, analysis of each other’s programmes, and plenty of practical work with the newest digital equipment.

The programme content is being arranged by Hubert Schilling, Deputy Secretary General CIRCOM Regional and Didier Désormeaux from France 3 Formation in Paris, with input from Karol Cioma (Project Manager for CR Training at Thomson Foundation), Hans Jessen (ARD Berlin) and Gérard Le Couedic (France 3 Formation). Digital equipment will be provided by Avid Technology, Sony Broadcast and Professional Europe and France 3 Formation.

The Seminar will be held at France 3 Alsace, at the invitation of France 3 and France 3 Alsace and with the support of the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the Région Alsace, and the Conseil Général du Bas-Rhin.

Facility at the European Parliament

Participants will be able to spend Wednesday, November 19th at the European Parliament at the invitation of the Audiovisual Division, to meet members of the European Parliament, heads of Audiovisual Units and obtain information about the television facilities offered to TV stations.


The seminar will be conducted in English and French, with simultaneous translation available.


Participants must only pay their travel to Strasbourg. CIRCOM Regional will cover all costs on location, including accommodation, basic meals, and the costs of the seminar itself.


organisé par le Secrétariat Général Adjoint CIRCOM Regional à France 3 Alsace, Place de Bordeaux, Strasbourg, France
du lundi 17 novembre au samedi 22 Novembre 2003 inclus
Arrivée : dimanche. 16 nov. – Départ : dimanche 23 nov. 2003

Séminaire destiné aux Directeurs, Directeurs de Rédaction et Rédacteurs en Chef des Télévisions Régionales, membres CR


Réaliser des Journaux Télévisés, des reportages et des enquêtes performants dans un contexte de vive concurrence
Manager une rédaction, évaluer la production journalistique avec des méthodes fiables
Définir une ligne éditoriale claire et pertinente qui prend en compte les attentes des téléspectateurs et les contraintes de l’audience
Planifier les activités et gérer le budget de la rédaction
Améliorer la production de l’information
La nouvelle donne de la révolution numérique

Multi-compétence et nouvelles technologies 



Ce séminaire de management, destiné aux Directeurs, Directeurs de Rédaction et Rédacteurs en Chef, est organisé par CIRCOM Regional, Association Européenne des Télévisions Régionales Publiques. Il s’inscrit dans la continuité de la vingtaine d’ateliers mis en place par CIRCOM Regional depuis 1994 auxquels ont participé environ 650 journalistes. Ce séminaire a pour but de comparer et de confronter les expériences, d’étudier et d’analyser les différentes pratiques en usage et d’évaluer les conséquences liées à l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies numériques.

Le séminaire est limité à 15 participants afin de privilégier au maximum les échanges, l’analyse des programmes et de laisser une place prépondérante aux travaux pratiques faisant appel à un matériel numérique de pointe.

L’équipe de Formateurs

Le programme des ateliers a été mis en place par Hubert Schilling, Secrétaire Général Adjoint CIRCOM Regional, Didier Désormeaux, de France 3 Formation Paris, avec le concours de Karol Cioma (Chef de Projet, Formation CIRCOM Regional), Hans Jessen (ARD, Berlin) et Gérard Le Couédic (France 3 Formation, Paris).
L’équipement numérique (matériel de tournage et de montage) sera mis à disposition par Avid Technology, Sony Broadcast and Professional Europe et France 3 Formation.

Ce Séminaire a lieu à France 3 Alsace, Strasbourg, à l’invitation de la Direction Générale de France 3 et France 3 Alsace. Il bénéficie du soutien du Parlement Européen, du Conseil de l’Europe, de la Région Alsace et du Conseil Général du Bas-Rhin.

Visites du Parlement Européen et du Conseil de l’Europe

Les participants se rendront au Parlement Européen pour rencontrer des membres du Parlement Européen et des Chefs d’Unités de l’Audiovisuel et s’informer sur les équipements mis à la disposition des chaînes de télévision.
Une visite est également prévue au Conseil de l’Europe, à la Direction Générale des Droits de l’Homme.


Les deux langues du séminaire sont le français et l’anglais. Une traduction simultanée est
disponible dans ces langues.

Frais de participation

Seuls les frais de déplacement sont à la charge des participants. Tous les autres frais sur place (hébergement, repas) sont pris en charge par CIRCOM Regional.