Training activities in 2003

Committee of the Regions: Study Visit for News Editors

Brussels, 18 – 20/11/2003

Committee of the Regions offers the study visit to News Editors of CIRCOM Regional member TV organisations to Brussels from November 18th to 20th 2003.

The study visit includes a visit to the Committee of the Regions during a plenary session and a special presentation of the role of this institution and access to the president of CoR, visit to the European Commission's Audio-Visual service and attend the midday press briefing.

The CIRCOM Regional news editors would:

- experience at first hand the workings of the plenary session (particularly a debate)
- presentation of CoR, its role, its future and its political priorities
- reception/dinner with President and heads of the political groups

The CoR would invite 12 News editors (7 from new member states and 5 from EU member states) and would pay for the air tickets and accommodation for two nights as part of the CoR contribution to the training/educational aspects of Circom.

Study Visit for News Editors

Brussels, Belgium
18th till 20th November 2003


TV Newsroom Management Seminar

Strasbourg, France
17th till 22nd November 2003


Journalsim training seminar
Trieste/Grado, Italy
13th till 24th May 2003


Ethnic Minorities Seminar
Budapest, Hungary
28th April till 2nd May 2003


Middle Management Seminar
Zagreb, Croatia
12th till 15th March 2003


CR Technical Training
Avid Technology, Pinewood Studios
3rd till 7th March 2003