Training activities in 2007

10 - 15/10/2007, Strasbourg, France

Organised by the Deputy Secretary General CIRCOM Regional at France 3 Alsace, Place de Bordeaux, Strasbourg, France

Monday, December 10h - Saturday, Dec. 15h , 2007 inclusive
Arrivée/Arrival : Dec. 9th – Départ/Departure : Dec. 16th, 2007

A week-long seminar for Editors-in-Chief and Newsroom Managers working in television news

3 objectives :

1) to improve the quality of management :

• how to better anticipate and how to evaluate professional performances with reliable methods
• how to produce judicious and attractive news reports. Audience-focus. Clear editorial leadership for producers and viewers.
• how to better plan the newsroom activities and how to achieve success on a low budget ?

2) to improve the quality of the news reports :

• making better news and reports with a pertinent angle, in an increasingly competitive broadcasting world.
• digital revolution. How far can multi-skilling help to improve your news service ?

3) to get more familiar with the European Institutions in Strasbourg and appreciate their implication in the audiovisual field.

This management seminar, meant for Newsroom managers and Editors in Chief is organised by CIRCOM Regional, Europe’s association of regional public television. It is a logical development of the nearly 55 CIRCOM Workshops, held since 1994 and attended by approximately 900 TV journalists. The aim of the seminar is to give the participants the opportunity to compare and share their experiences, learn best practice from each other, and to study the practical implications of new technology in TV news.

The Seminar
The seminar will be limited to 15 participants, to allow maximum discussion, analysis of each other’s programmes, and plenty of practical work with the newest digital equipment.
The programme content is being arranged by Catherine BOMEISL, Deputy Secretary General CIRCOM Regional and Didier Désormeaux from France 3 Formation Paris, with input from Karol Cioma (Project Manager for CR Training at Thomson Foundation), Hans Jessen (ARD Berlin) and Ian Masters (U.K.).
Digital equipment will be provided by France 3 Alsace and France 3 Formation.
The seminar will be held at France 3 Alsace, at the invitation of the General Direction of France 3 and France 3 Alsace and with the support of the Région Alsace.

The European Institutions in Strasbourg
Participants will be able to meet heads of the audiovisual Division of the European Parliament at the invitation of the Audiovisual Division and obtain information about the television facilities offered to TV stations.

The seminar will be conducted in English and French, with simultaneous translation available.

Participants must only pay their travel to Strasbourg. CIRCOM Regional will cover all costs on location, including accommodation, basic meals, and the costs of the seminar itself.




Animer et diriger une rédaction, le management éditorial organisé par le Secrétariat Général Adjoint CIRCOM Regional à France 3 Alsace, Place de Bordeaux, Strasbourg, France

du lundi 10 décembre au samedi 15 décembre 2007
Arrivée : dimanche. 9 déc. – Départ : dimanche 16 déc. 2007

Séminaire destiné aux Directeurs de Rédaction et Rédacteurs en Chef des Télévisions Régionales, membres CIRCOM Regional

Les trois objectifs

1) Améliorer la qualité du management

o mieux anticiper le travail journalistique et l’évaluer à partir de méthodes fiables
o mieux définir la ligne éditoriale en prenant en compte les attentes des téléspectateurs et les contraintes de l’audience
o mieux planifier l’organisation et mieux gérer le budget de la rédaction

2) Améliorer la qualité des journaux télévisés et des magazines de la rédaction
o affiner la production journalistique en privilégiant la pertinence de l’angle et en prenant en compte un contexte de plus en plus concurrentiel
o expliquer la révolution numérique et réfléchir sur les notions de « multi-compétences »

3) Mieux connaître les activités des institutions européennes à Strasbourg, évaluer leur implication concrète au niveau du quotidien vécu par les télévisions.

Ce séminaire de management, destiné aux Directeurs, Directeurs de Rédaction et Rédacteurs en Chef, est organisé par CIRCOM Regional, Association Européenne des Télévisions Régionales Publiques. Il s’inscrit dans la continuité de la soixantaine d’ateliers mis en place par CIRCOM Regional depuis 1994 auxquels ont participé environ 900 journalistes.
Ce séminaire a pour but de comparer et de confronter les expériences, d’étudier et d’analyser les différentes pratiques en usage et d’évaluer les conséquences liées à l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies numériques.
Ce séminaire est limité à 15 participants.

L’équipe de formateurs
Le programme des ateliers est mis en place par Catherine Bomeisl, Secrétaire Général Adjoint CIRCOM Regional, Didier Désormeaux de France 3 Formation Paris, avec le concours de Karol Cioma (Chef de Projet, Thomson Foundation), Hans Jessen (ARD, Berlin) et Ian Masters (G.B).
L’équipement numérique (matériel de tournage et de montage) est mis à disposition par France 3 Alsace et France 3 Formation.
Ce séminaire a lieu à France 3 Alsace, Strasbourg, à l’invitation de la Direction Générale de France 3 et France 3 Alsace. Il bénéficie du soutien de la Région Alsace.

L’Europe à Strasbourg
Les participants se rendront au Parlement Européen pour rencontrer les responsables de la Division de l’Audiovisuel et s’informer sur les équipements mis à la disposition des chaînes de télévision.

Les deux langues du séminaire sont le français et l’anglais. Une traduction simultanée est disponible dans ces langues.

Frais de participation
Seuls les frais de déplacement sont à la charge des participants. Tous les autres frais sur place (hébergement, repas) sont pris en charge par CIRCOM Regional.

From 28th July till 25th August 2007 the first European Summer Academy ( took place in Nuremberg.
Supported by the Robert-Bosch-Foundation, 20 joung Journalists from Public TV-Stations of 12 different countries met in Nuremberg to get trained and to learn, what’s about an independent Journalist in a democratic society.

The participants received intensive 4 weeks’ training from the UK based Thomson Foundation at ARD/ZDF’s centre of excellence – the Media Academy.  This partnership of the best technical resources and know-how, combined with years of experience in the field of broadcast training ensured the highest possible standards.

The participants gain insight into current developments, trends and successful television formats in different European television sectors with participants presenting their own country and their TV station to the rest of the group. They explored the role of the journalist in a democratic European society.

Those were four weeks of hard training, impressing excursions, shooting in a foreign country, great experiences and building a strong network between European TV-Journalists.


Stories that participants shoot during first are avaiable on
Circom Regional Video Database


Participants of the first Europan Summer Academy of joung TV-Journalists:


Tanja Stankeva
Anita Bilic
Ales Gongol
Czech Republic
Antje Drinnenberg
Ulrike Wittern
Katja Theresia Sodomann
Kinga Csabai
Laura Fletcher
Samantha Libreri
Kristina Dukic
Katrin Ficzko
Christina Teuthorn
Ina Schwandner
Michal Adamski
Ewelina Tomasik
Adriana Ciobanu
Tatjana Kren

Vlatko Otasevic
Natasa Djulic


May 1st - 13th, Bilbao, Spain

This year's Television Journalism Training began in Bilbao on May 1st. 18 journalists from 11 countries were joined by 4 local public relations graduates who took part in the course and acted as local field producers.

The training was held at the Abba Parque hotel and facilities were provided by TVE. During the first part of the training the delegates took part in theoretical and practical sessions based on good television journalism principles.

The second part of the training saw the delegates filming and editing stories that they had generated themselves. The stories were about the Bilbao Transporter Bridge, the Bilbao Effect on tourism, Athletico Bilbao's policy of Basque only players, wild wolves who are killing sheep, an old toy exhibition and an up and coming tapas competition.



Didier Desormeaux giving a lecture at the Abba Parque Hotel



Majbrit Bach of Denmark a Circom technical trainer
and Alejandra Pinedo of Spain discussing edit options



Delegates from Spain, Slovakia and Romania
enjoying their training



Ian Masters showing good interview techniques

Budapest, Hungary
Introduction to Video Journalism 1 - October 21st – 28th
Introduction to Video Journalism 2 - October 28th – November 4th

Farewell to Ian Masters and hello to 18 new VJs

The “Introduction to Video Journalism” courses in Budapest finished on a high note and a sad note. The high note was that another 18 journalists from 13 countries attended the course and all were thrilled with the training they received and what they had personally achieved on the course. The sad note was that this was the last training course to be lead by Ian Masters of the Thomson Foundation (seen at the back of the VJ2 group).

Ian has been involved with Circom from the early nineties and has been leading the training since 2001. In 2003 he had the foresight to see that television journalism was changing and, along with Karol Cioma, designed the Circom VJ courses .

It is quite fitting that this should have been his last course. All in Circom wish him fair sailing and a long and happy retirement.



VJ1 group
Delegates: Martina Kiseljak – HRT Zagreb, Barbora Telferová – ČESKÁ TELEVIZE, Michael Olsson – TV2 Lorry, Balazs Kaufmann – MTV Pecs, Peadar MacGaoithín – RTE Dublin, Liv Eva Kirkesaeter - NRK Sørlandet, Lucian Lucescu – TVR Iasi, Ljubica Vujadinovic – RT Vojvodina, Edi Mavsar – RTVS Koper
Trainers: Darko Flajpan, Karol Cioma and Glen Mulcahy



VJ2 group
Delegates: Christina Teuthorn – BR Munich, Jan Been – RTV Noord, Erika Kocsor – MTV Szeged, Norma Saliba – PBS Malta, Runar H. Jørstad – NRK Hedmark og Oppland, Pawel Mrozek – TVP3 Krakow, Clara Maria Paveluc – TVR, Sladjana Miletic – RTS Belgrade, Sylvia Stern – RTVS Koper
Trainers: Ian Master, Karol Cioma, Darko Flajpan and Glen Mulcahy

WalesTodayCardiff, Wales
February 18th - 25th 2007
February 25th - March 4th 2007

Sixteen more people attend Circom Regional’s "Introduction to Video Journalism" training held at the Thomson Foundation headquarters in Cardiff.

Video Journalists training at the Thomson Foundation headquarters in Cardiff took time out to visit the BBC Wales studio and see the news programme "Wales Today" broadcast to the region.

The VJs visited the newsroom, met the presenters on the set and watched the programmes being produced and transmitted from the gallery.

Pictured with BBC Wales presenter Jason  Mohammed and weatherman Derek Brockway are Cornelia Stefoglu from Moldova, Daniela Berinde from Romania, Peter Nassen from Sweden and Jani Medsevek from Slovenia.

Introduction to Video Journalism 3 - participants



Introduction to Video Journalism 4 - participants