Training activities in 2007

Bristol, UK, January 8th - 12th 2007


 The Circom Regional Training the Trainers seminar received top marks from all those who attended.

Delegates from Albania, Croatia, Denmark, Holland, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and the UK spent 5 days at the BBC SON&R centre in Bristol learning new skills in training techniques.

The action packed week resulted in the participants presenting their own training seminars on subjects as diverse as "How to make the perfect Irish Whisky", "How to film on a sailing boat and "How to play football like Johan Cruyff".

The seminar was led by Simon Major a specialist in training trainers of the future. Simon said "There's no doubt in my mind that Circom now has a number of trainers who can design and deliver training needs on a variety of topics."

All the delegates gained so much from the experience that their feedback forms showed the highest marks given to any Circom training. It is hoped that the training will become an annual event so look out for next years programme."




Training the Trainers workshop - Bristol, UK
January 8th - 12th
The Circom Regional Training the Trainers seminar received top marks from all those who attended.

Introduction to Video Journalism 3 & 4  - Cardiff, Wales
February 18th – 25th
February 25th – March 4th

Television Journalism Workshop -  TVE, Bilbao, Spain
May 1st – 13th

European Summer Academy ( - Nuremberg, Germany
July 28th - August 25th

Introduction to Video Journalism 1 & 2 - Budapest, Hungary
October 21st – 28th
October 28th – November 4th

News Management Seminar - FR3, Strasbourg, France
December 9th – 15th