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cerbul_thumb Michael Lally, President of Circom Regional, was one of the international judges in TVRs peak time musical talent show in September - The Golden Stag Festival (Cerbul de Aur).
mobileTV_thumb The project goal is to develop and advance new broadcasting technologies for mobile content in order to extend the reception possibilities as well as creating new mobile content formats.

Circom regrets that this years News Management Seminar in Strasbourg has had to be cancelled due to the current financial restraints on member stations.

EC022009_1The September meeting of the Executive Committee was held at the RTBF premises in Brussels, at the kind invitation of Jacques Briquemont.

It was the wish of our late friend, Pierre Couchard, that the EC meeting of CIRCOM Regional be held at his station in September 2009.

So the members met in memoriam of Pierre Couchard. For Pierre, this was the second term of EC membership and it started in November 2008. Pierre, who was among the founders of CIRCOM, always contributed with great experience.

During the meeting, at the 14th flour of the RTBF, the EC members prepared the European Board meeting in November on Malta.



PHAROS guided-tour-IThe General Secretariat of CIRCOM Regional hosted the General Assembly Meeting of PHAROS that took place from 23rd to 25th September 2009 in Nuremberg, Germany.