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Monday, 26th of February, 2007

On invitation of Bayerischer Rundfunk, Anita Bhalla, our CR President was in Munich on Monday, February 26th. As Head of Political and Community Affairs, she presented  BBC – English Regions in Birmingham. More than 40 journalists, editors, producers and programme makers of the television center in Munich attended the presentation in the big conference room of the Bavarian Television.

The topics were :

1. Structure of the regional programming of the BBC
2. Tripleplay – coordination between internet, radio and television
3. Pilotproject – local tv
4. Videonation
5. User generated content

Mrs. Bhalla stressed on the position of the BBC towards the public in the so-called “Charter review” and especially on the public values in its different ways (democratic, cultural, educational and social).  This topic araised a great interest among the Bavarian colleagues.  Examples about active and informed citizenship were shown too.

Further aspects were also mentioned like the building of a digital UK or how  to measure performance.

The presentation was followed by a 30-minute-discussion. Citizen journalism in general and video journalism were some of the topics debated on.

More about this meeting you will be informed by the next "Newsletter" by the end of March.



The use of EbS had been cancelled by Circom at the end of the year.

From January 2007 the programme exchange will be exclusively carried out via our DATABASE.

Every National Coordinator has already received a password in order to download films. Further passwords can be demanded online.


If you have any problems, please contact the General Secretariat.

9th - 12th October 2006

Circom-Regional celebrates  the "Second Circom-Briefing" in 2006.

Participants from sixteen  different countries took part in the four day long Open Days.
Eleven workshops and discussions were organised with the support of the "Committee of the Regions". 38 Circom Colleagues members and 13 Journalists from Circom-Stations were registered for the briefing.

The  workshops participants included  Mr. Delebarre, President of CoR, Mr. Barnier   former Foreign Minister of France, Members of the Cabinet from Javier Solana, his Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process and the Spokesperson for the EU High representative for CFSP. As well as Representatives of the different EU Institutions. All participants attended  the midday briefing by Commissioner Hübner.

For the first time a work shop  called "Best of Prix Circom" was held. Mr. Walter, a German trainer of TV,  presented an analysis of the Prix entries.  This workshop looked at examples of entries and examined the components which make successful programmes.   
(A DVD for all Circom-Members will be presented during the meetings in Bilbao in November)

Beside the Circom-Briefing, the CoR also  provided a TV-Studio placed near the Investors-Café, this was available to all journalists free off charge. The service included the use of four camera-crews and editing-suites. Circom-Reginal  supported the initiative by providing Standby- Journalists" for stations who  could not send a Journalist to Brussels.

During the Open Days we  produced more than three hours of transmitted programming.

During the debriefing all of the  Circom-participants agreed that it was an effective, important and fruitful presentation and expressed a desire to provide a 3rd  Circom-Briefing in 2007.

The content of this will be discussed at a future Circom Board-meeting.


video Statement of Anita Bhalla – President of CR





After five years of successful work in Circom Regional, Marija Nemcic, HRT Croatia, has left the post of CR Secretary General.

On 10th/11th November 2006 in Bilbao she conducted the Executive Committee and European Board meeting for the last time.

Marija is succeeded immediately by Peter Sauer, BR Germany.





  • New Executive-Committee

During the same meeting, the European Board elected four members to the Executive-Committee : Antonella Madonna - RAI Italy, Antonio Ribeiro - RTP Portugal, Zoran Medved - RTV Slovenija and Pawel Dudek -TVP Poland. Together with Roul Dijkhuis - RTV Noord Netherlands and Michael Lally - RTE Ireland they form the new EC.


Also the Internal Auditors have changed. Tim Johnson, TV Syd Denmark and Michael Lally, RTE Ireland are now the CR Auditor-Team.

While the 2005 Circom Briefing was our first and was essentially aimed at making Circom Regional better known in “Brussels”, the 2006 Circom Briefing will be aimed at achieving concrete results for projects, cooperation and funding, not just for Circom Regional as a whole but also for individual members.

Read more pdf