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The 5th edition of the NISI MASA European Contest of short film scripts is based on the theme "Tourists".

The contest is open until the 31th of July 2006 for young people (18 to 28 years old) living in one of the 17 countries of the NISI MASA network.

For further information, feel free to write us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to visit our website

You can also get in contact with your local NISI MASA association by following this link :

27 – 29 October, 2006 Berlin
Entry forms and more information:
Deadline: 1st September 2006

The 3rd international video journalism award is an international competition of short documentary videos, television journalism reports and reportages in the German language by reporters and video journalists working individually. The directing, camera work, sound and editing are all the work of a single person. The video producers utilize the creative potential of digital technology and approach the new, autonomous production methods as a challenge and an advancement of video production. Alongside the idea and the concept, the pre-selection committee and the jury appraise the imaginative use of filmmaking techniques by video journalists.

Smaller cameras allow greater freedom of movement that can often lead to new insights and perspectives. Furthermore, non-linear editing technology has grown more stable and versatile, so that raw material gathered by the video makers themselves may be manipulated in more spontaneous, playful and experimental ways. This results in video productions that influence and help to advance television journalism.
We seek video documentaries – authentically rendered stories that win their audiences through their particular intensity, contemporary treatment and a unique approach by the maker. They should be able to measure up to time-honored quality criteria of form and content, yet at the same time, further develop limits of conventional television. Recognition will go to videos that experiment with the new production methods and excel through a journalistic and cinematic narrative form all their own. The video makers’ experimental drive will figure prominently.

International Video Journalism Award

TV-Produktion – ausgestrahlte Beiträge | TV production – broadcast reports (1500 €)
A journalistic or documentary report with a maximum duration of 15 minutes, produced by one or more video journalists/video reporters, and which has already been broadcast.

Independent Film | independent video (1500 €)
A journalistic or documentary report with a maximum duration of 15 minutes, produced by one or more video journalists/video reporters, but which has not necessarily been broadcast.

Deutscher video journalism award

TV-Produktion – ausgestrahlte Beiträge | TV production - broadcast reports (1500 €)
A journalistic or documentary report with a maximum duration of 15 minutes, produced by one or more video journalists/video reporters and which has been aired by a German-language television channel (please indicate the station and broadcast date). All genres.

Independent Film | independent video (1500 €)
A journalistic or documentary report with a maximum duration of 15 minutes, produced by one or more video journalists/video reporters, but which has not necessarily been broadcast.

Reportage (2500 €)
A feature report in the German language with a minimum duration of 15 minutes and a maximum duration of 29 minutes, produced by one or more video journalists/video reporters, but which has not necessarily been broadcast.

Newcomer video journalism award (1000 €)
A journalistic or documentary report with a maximum duration of 15 minutes, produced by one or more video journalists/video reporters. The applicants must be under 28 years of age or currently enrolled in an institution of higher education. Those productions will be considered for awards whose appeal lies in a unique style of content or cinematography and indicate a great potential for the applicant.

Spezialpreis der Jury | special prize of the Jury (500 €)
The jury will award a special prize for an extraordinarily innovative video production.

Online- und Zuschauerpreis | online and audience prize (500 €)
Video journalism is one aspect of a global movement. In view of this fact, all entered videos that fulfill the eligibility requirements and are released by their makers are to be put online under and made available for viewing by all those interested in video production. A specially developed open online voting system will allow the users to cast votes for their favorite entries.

We are looking for videos that experiment with the new production methods and excel through an original journalistic and cinematic narrative form and content. The video makers’ experimental drive will figure prominently in this appraisal. The videos entered must not exceed a total running time of 15 minutes. Exception is the award for the feature report in the German language. These must also have been produced by one or more video journalists/reporters.

The 3rd international video journalism award is to be held in Berlin from the 27th to the 29th of October, 2006. In public screenings and discussions, video reporters and journalists, documentary filmmakers, programme managers, print journalists and television executives from Europe and the U.S.A. examine the current state of development of video journalism and sound out the specific programming opportunities offered to video reporters and journalists. The award presentation will take place on the 28th of October, 2006.

The festival is presented by: Deutsche Welle | DW-TV, Hessischer Rundfunk (hr), videomission, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Schweizer Fernsehen (SF), Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (mdr), Radio Bremen (RB), ZFP (Hanover), Thüringer Staatskanzlei, Panasonic and Ambient Recording.
Curator of the festival is Sabine Streich.

  • Workshops with CIRCOM journalists at the European Parliament

The aim of the workshop is to:

- Increase awareness of the works among European Regional TV-stations of the European Parliament, its Members and the assistance they can get from the Audiovisuelle Unit.
- Encourage journalists to produce program mes about the European Parliament to be broadcasted on regional CIRCOM member TV-stations.
- Develop sustained working relations between the staff of the AV-Unit in particular and in general that of the DG Info and journalists, TV-stations and the Regional CIRCOM Association

Criteria for participation

Journalists requesting to participate have to be employed on a regular basis by a TV-station being member of the Regional CIRCOM Association. The participation will be based on the principle 'first come, first served'; the journalists sending in first their request for participation will be included first.
Only restriction will be the prerequisite to assure a geographical diversity - priority will be given to journalists working for TV-stations coming from one of the new EU member states.

Two different modules proposed

A. - 2-5 days stay at the European Parliament for production of short or medium program me
B. - Up to one month stay at the European Parliament for production of longer program me

What the EP offers

For both modules, the European Parliament offers its services to the selected journalists during the stay; a TV-crew, TV-editing and TV-studio facilities will be available free of charge following the normal criteria applied for such use. Further a special coach person will be on hand to guide, inform and explain the functioning of the Parliament, the rules of procedures, the different services available etc.

For the module B, the EP would like to offer the integration of journalists to work in close relation with the Audiovisual Unit for a maximum of one month. We offer a fully equipped working place in the EP building and a real involvement in the activities of the Audiovisual Unit.

  • Workshop visit to your TV-station

The Audiovisual Unit offers as well the possibility of sending a journalist/producer from our Unit at no cost to your station on a 2 - 4 days workshop. By concrete assistance in the production of items related to the EP, the aim is to optimize the use of the services available from the EP.

1. A guide to the services of the European Parliament - how to get the best from our services

- EbS (Europe by Satellite) in practise - interactive contact with the crew of EbS, the possibilities of requesting special coverage and thematic illustrations etc.
- Audiovisual Archives - get hold of latest archive footage, identify and requesting of thematic illustrative footage, preparation of up-coming news topics and interviews with relevant MEPs
- Planning - detailed guidance to ensure efficient coordination of your needs in the preparation as well as on the set.

2. A reflection on how to improve your work methods regarding EP topics - Explore the research possibilities of the EP

- In detail acquaintance of the internet portal of the EP,
- Establishment of personal contacts with the Unit's Hotline-Newsdesk, the Political spoke men's service etc.

Branka Prazic,
Circom Secretariat,
tel +385 1 634 3613,
e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Heike Stiegler,
Bayerisches Fernsehen,
tel +49 911 6550 314,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


One of the founding fathers of CIRCOM, John Forsberg has died in his 80th year.

John Forsberg’s profession was originally engineer but he became a pioneer in establishing TV production in Sweden outside Stockholm, building the station in Gothenburg to a complete production unit, including drama and entertainment programming.

Later John moved to Stockholm and a central position at the staff of SVT2, where he was active until his retirement.

His love and engagement for CIRCOM is well-known and CIRCOM veterans will always remember him for introducing singing to the meetings.

We will also remember John for his everlasting attempts to keep the fire in his pipe and his passion for national television outside the capitals.

John Forsberg’s interest in CIRCOM lasted long and he visited many conferences together with his wife Inga even after he had left his professional life.

Johan Forssblad & Olle Mannberg

At Executive Committee and European Board meetings, held on November 25 and 26, 2005, new CR President & Secretary General were elected.


 Anita Bhalla from BBC, UK was unanimously elected the new President of Circom Regional. SG and EB members thanked Paolo Morawski, the outgoing President , for his dedication and devotion to Circom Regional in the past two years.


Peter Sauer, BR, Germany was unanimously elected the new Secretary General of Circom Regional, taking office in a year 's time, at the end of 2006 as stipulated in the Statutes.