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On 12th May, the European Commission's Press and Communications Directorate launched a major call for proposals from EU broadcasters and producers aimed at raising awareness of the European Union's activities. 16 million Euros will be available in co-financing. The announcement says "We are looking for dynamic programmes which will stimulate the interest of the general public. The programmes can be short, long, one-off, series, documentaries, infotainment, edutainment, game shows, magazines, fact or fiction, passive or interactive".

The main objective is to demonstrate that the policies of the EU are not distant or alien, and that they have a positive impact on citizens' daily lives.

The call is for programme ideas in three broad categories.

1. Enlargement. At least 2 EU member states, or 2 regions in 2 member states, must be involved in each project, though broadcasters in the accession countries can be associate partners (the number of member states should exceed the number of new member states) Programmes should be broadcast between August 2003 and December 2004. A fund of 4 million euros has been allocated to this subject.

2. The Future of Europe (relating to the Convention which is currently debating a draft constitution and other matters). Programmes can be shown in just one EU country, but must each a 'significant audience' Can work with an accession country partner. Broadcasting should take place between December 2003 and end of May 2004. 4 million euros allocated.

3. General Information about the EU. Again, programmes can be shown in just one EU country, or several, with possible partners in accession countries and in third countries. Programmes should be broadcast between December 2003 and December 2004. 8.5 million Euros will be available.

Subventions for TV projects will be between 100,000 and 300,000 Euros per project. For Radio they will be between 25,000 and 75,000 Euros.

Priority will be given to broadcasts scheduled in prime time reaching the largest possible audiences.

Applications for category one - Enlargement - must be submitted by the end of June. The deadline for other proposals is mid-September.

The call for proposal material is available at:

The EC Director of Communications, Niels Jorgen Thogerson is expected to be a speaker at the Circom 21st annual conference in Grado and will be able to give delegates more details of this co-financing initiative.

Avid Technology's European headquarters was the location for Circom's technical training course organised to help improve the support given to the annual journalism training seminar.

The training concentrated on the operation of the Avid Xpress DV editing software and was organised by Karol Cioma, the Circom Regional Training Project Manager and delivered by Trevor Bowden, Avid's Senior Training Manager.



Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to send you herewith the English PDF version of the 2003 International Training programme. This year, training courses are organized in five categories: business, journalism, production, technology and new media. We hope that you will like this new presentation which aims to guide you through our large choice of programmes.

Best regards,
International Training Unit
EBU Geneva

marija_nemcicMaria Nemcic, Circom Regional Secretary General was elected by the members to the post of the EBU Television committee President on Friday, April 11, 2003 during regular annual TV assembly that took place in Amsterdam.



The European Commission is exploring ways to ensure that people within the European Union are better informed about the applicant states and vice-versa. We believe that the Commission will make money available to produce additional programming.

European funding for programmes on the New Europe

The European Commission is exploring ways to ensure that people within the European Union are better informed about the applicant states and vice-versa. We believe that the Commission will make money available to produce additional programming.  In order that Circom members are best positioned to take advantage of any EC funding that may become available, please could you let me know by return whether your TV station is interested in devoting more attention to the Enlargement of the EU. Thank you in advance for your prompt response (before Thursday 29 January) as well as for your ideas and suggestions. Please send a copy of your response to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Best regards,
Marija Nemcic
Secretary General

Des fonds européens pour des programmes sur la Nouvelle Europe

Chers collegues, La Commission européenne envisage de mieux informer les citoyens européens des pays candidats et vice-versa. Nous croyons que la Commission mettra des fonds a disposition pour la production de programmes additionnels. A fin de mieux positionner les membres de la Circom pour obtenir des subventions éventuelles, veuillez me communiquer si votre station de télé est intéressée a mieux couvrir l’Elargissement de l’UE. Merci pour votre réponse rapide (avant jeudi 29 janvier) ainsi que pour vos idées et suggestions. Puis-je vous demander de copier votre réponse a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Marija Nemcic
Secrétaire Général