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CMCA, Mediterranean Centre for Audiovisual Communication organizes, in conjunction with RAI and with the co-operation of a Host City in Italy, the 11th International Prize for Mediterranean Documentary and Report.

The documentation concerning the application:

:: Regulations of the prize doc
:: Application form doc

Please mind the last deadline for sending the films: on March, the 15 2006.

Looking forward to hearing from You, and hoping You will send us Your best programmes, we send You our best regards

Gilles Vaubourg, President of CMCA
Paolo Morawski, General secretary of Prize

11th - 13th October 2005

Wallström tells regional TV editors that EU must ‘go local' to bridge knowledge gap about Europe
(Press release from European Union - Committee of the Regions)

European Commission Vice-President Margot Wallström offered a sneak preview of her ‘Plan D' communication proposals when she met 50 regional TV chiefs at the Committee of the Regions today (11 October 2005) for a briefing held in the framework of the OPEN DAYS European Week of Regions and Cities.
The Communication Commissioner, who was welcomed to the Committee's headquarters by President Peter Straub, told the editors from the Circom association of regional public television stations that the EU must “go local” if it is to bridge the knowledge gap among citizens about “the thousand ways” in which Europe plays a positive impact in their daily lives.
She said her Plan D – short for “dialogue, debate and democracy” – recognised the role that regional TV can play in connecting with citizens, through programming which meets specific regional needs and interests. The Commission was keen to provide long-term, practical assistance to regional stations willing to include a European dimension in their coverage – even if this sometimes meant critical coverage.
For more details please visit
© European Communities, 1995-2005


Circom Briefings bring together senior decision makers from the worlds of politics, business and civil society with editors-in-chief and programme managers from Europe 's regional public television stations, all members of Circom Regional.
This Circom Briefing - hosted by the EU Committee of the Regions in Brussels - was an opportunity to interact with senior representatives from the European institutions such as Margot Wallström, Vice President of the European Commission, Peter Straub, President of the Committee of the Regions, and Danuta Hübner, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, as well as with organisations and associations active on the regional level.
The finale of the first Circom Briefing as well as of the “OPEN DAYS - European Week of Regions and Cities” on the evening of the 12th featured the presentation of the 2005 Prix Circom for Cross-Border TV Programmes by Peter Straub and Danuta Hübner.
Detailed information pdf

President of the Committee of the Regions Peter Straub addresses Circom Briefing in Brussels

Margot Wallstrom, Vice President of the European Commission discuss communicating Europe with Circom Regional members

Question time with Josep Borrell Fontelles, President of the European Parliament

Megafilms of Strasbourg has offered Circom members the opportunity to obtain programmes from their catalogue free of charge. The programmes are mainly animation and documentaries.

Further details are outlined in this document pdf or please visit the Megafilms website or contact direct Francois Barraud:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Francois will be pleased to give you more details of the “pre-buy” agreement and how you can obtain high-quality programming free of charge.

Just enjoy this sneak preview of the brand new premises of the RTV NOORD from Groningen, Netherlands -

Congratulations to Roel Dijkhuis on moving in to this ultra modern presmises.
For any detailed information (technology used, millions € spent) please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..






Information leaflet pdf on Let's work with kids workshop in Växjö, Sweden