member stations

National Co-ordinator Alexandre Pletser

Alexandre pletser 250 250


Alexandre Pletser

tel: +32 2 737 41 98
mobile: +32 475 94 01 00

RTBF - Radio Television Belge de la Communaute Française

Address: Reyers, 52, B-1044 Bruxelles
tel +32 2 737 2609
fax +32 2 737 4621

General Manager: J.P. Philippot
Editor-in-Chief: Jean-Pierre Jacqmin, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

RTBF is the public broadcasting organisation of the French-speaking part of Belgium. The station, broadcasting to four million inhabitants in five regional centres, has three channels. First channel is a general channel broadcasting 24 hours a day, second concentrates on important events, mainly sports and cultural events, the third is mainly a youth channel. RTBF also contributes to TV5, ARTE.

RTBF is financed by the Government of the Communauté Française de Belgique.

BX1 Médias de Bruxelles 

Rue Gabrielle Petit 32, 1080 Brussels Belgium
Telephone: 02 / 421.21.21
Fax: 02 / 421.21.22

Marc de Haan – CEO (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Jean-Jacques Deleeuw - Chief Information Officer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

BX1 is the Brussel’s audio-visual regional media in french which broadcasts information and animation contents on the web, television and radio. It produces a 24-hour television and radio program and specific contents for web media.

Its primary missions are information, animation, cultural development and lifelong education. BX1 is mainly defined as a regional news channel, broadcasting news, magazines and event captures. It deals with society matters, politics, economy, social, culture, sport, and so on. BX1 is particularly interested in urban issues such as mobility, environment, and town planning.

Created in 1985 under the name Télé Bruxelles, BX1 was originally a television channel. It has diversified greatly on the net and on the radio, which led it to adopt the BX1 identity in 2016.

BX1 is set up as a non-profit association (asbl) whose management is ensured by a pluralist assembly and a management committee by delegation. It has been entrusted with a public service television mission by Cocof (Commission communautaire française de Bruxelles) under a management contract, and by the French Community of Belgium under the decree on Audio-visual Media Services of April 30 2009. Its resources come mainly from advertising, broadcasting rights and copyright, various commercial revenues, and public subsidies. Its annual budget is around 7 million euros.


National Co-ordinator Lejla A. Babović
Head of International Department BHRT

Lejla Babovic

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Lejla A. Babović

tel: +387 33 455 124
fax: +387 33 455 104
mobile: +387 61 167 937

Radio and Television of Bosnia and Herzegovina - BHRT
Blvd. Mese Selimovica 12

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Mr. Emir BASIC
Ph. +387 33 455 124 / 454 801
Fax +387 33 455 104
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BHRT is a public broadcaster that provides local, national, and international radio and TV programmes. BHRT currently operates one television station and one radio station.

BHRT is an independent public broadcaster providing local, national, and international radio and TV program for the general public in a democratic, multicultural and pluralistic state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Let us be reminded that three nations live in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats, with national minorities) which is multireligious community with official languages and two alphabets.

History of electronic media in BiH has started on April 1945 when Radio Sarajevo has been broadcasted its first program.The first TV show was broadcasted in 1961. The Assembly of National Republic of BiH founded Radio Television Sarajevo as a public institucion with an independent system of financing (subscription, marketing...). During that period RTV Sarajevo performed an international function through an inter-republic assotiation JRT. On October 1991. RTV Sarajevo was transformed into RTV BiH as Public enterprise. After the dissolution of Yugoslavia, RTV BiH comes out of the JRT, and from January 1st, 1993. becomes an independent member of EBU.

Immediately after the war, the proces of media transformation has been started and following that process RTV BiH is transformed into JS BiH who is legal saccessor of RTV BiH, including membership in the international assotiatiations as EBU, CIRCOM, EGTA, etc. In the proces of establishing of all functions of public service, JS BiH will organise two regional centers in Mostar and Banjaluka. TV Program will be broadcasted on the first channel with logo 'BHTV1' and with nation-wide coverage, as well as BH Radio 1 who started on 7th May 2001.

TV Program was broadcasted on two regional networks with logo 'PBS BiH' and with nation-wide coverage, as well as BH Radio 1 who started on 7th May 2001. The situation has changed on the August, 13th 2004 when BHT1 has started with program on its own network for the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a consequence of the newest Lax on the Public Broadcasting in Bosnia and Herzegovina  JS BiH has changed the name into Radio Television of Bosnia and Herzegovina – BHRT at the beginning of 2007. Nowadays, with more than 900 employees BHRT runs one radio and one TV channel.


National Co-ordinator Gordana Škaljac Narančić

Gordana Skaljac Narancic


Gordana Škaljac Narančić

tel: +385 1 634 2434
mob: +385 99 634 7260

Hrvatska Radiotelevizija - HRT

Address: Prisavlje 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel.: +385 1 616 36 91
Fax: +385 1 616 36 92

Public television service in Croatia is operated by HRT - Hrvatska radiotelevizija - Croatian Radio Television, which operates on three platforms: television (HTV), radio (HR) and online (

HRT is based in Zagreb and has eight regional broadcasting centres in Osijek, Čakovec and Varaždin, Rijeka, Pula, Zadar, Knin and Šibenik, Split and Dubrovnik. There are also video journalists in Vukovar, Požega, Virovitica, Koprivnica, Slavonski Brod, Bjelovar, Krapina, Sisak, Karlovac, Gospić and Metković.

HRT has been a broadcasting television since 1956, whilst radio is on air since 1926.

Croatia has 4,3 million inhabitants, 1,3 million TV subscribers and 1,4 radio subscribers.

HRT is a legal person who has the status of a public institution. The founder of HRT is the Government of the Republic of Croatia. Croatian Radio Television is independent of any political influence and commercial interest.

The HRT programmes are mostly financed by the monthly fee which is defined by the Parliament and it is 1,5% of the monthly salary in Croatia.

HRT is a nation-wide network with all round programmes produced in-house itself, or about 60%. The rest is outsourced or a foreign production.

HRT provides programmes for 5 TV and 12 radio channels - 3 national, 1 international and 8 regional radio channels. Apart from television, radio and internet portal, HRT has a Symphony Orchestra, a Jazz Orchestra, a Tamburitza Orchestra and Choir. HRT employs altogether around 3000 people. HTV1 and HTV2 are general channels, HTV3 is a culture specialized channel and HTV4 is a news channel. All programmes are in Croatian language, the foreign ones are mostly subtitled and just sometimes dubbed. From the January 1st of 2018 HRT has HTV5, the specialized channel for Croatians in foreign countries and for the international public. Satellite signal is available in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. It broadcasts a selection of the content of four HRT national television channels and selection from the archival material.

From 2015, all programming features produced by HRT are available to users at any time with no extra charge on the HRTi multimedia service.

The main bodies of HRT are: the General Manager, the Management of HRT, the Supervisory Board and the Programme Council.

The General Manager of Croatian Radio Television is appointed by the Croatian Parliament for a term of five years.

The Management of HRT consists of the General Manager and the heads of the units of the Croatian Radio Television - the Programme, the Production, the Technology and the Business Director.

The Supervisory Board consists of five members, four of which are appointed by the Parliament and one is directly elected by the employees of HRT. Their mandate lasts for a span of four years.

The Programme Council has eleven members. Nine of them are determined by the Parliament (Committee on Information, Computerisation and the Media), chosen among prominent people from scientific, cultural and other institutions as well as from civil-society organisations. Two members are directly elected by HRT employees. Programme Council members have a four years mandate, but half of them leave after two years.

The work of the Council is public and their main duties are to represent and protect the public's interest by conducting program oversight and improving the radio and audiovisual program.

The HRT Council names an HRT Commissioner responsible for complaints and suggestions from viewers, listeners and other HRT users.

HRT is a member of the EBU and has an active role in many international television and radio organizations and associations.



Region - Slavonia (Eastern Croatia)
HRT Center Osijek
Adress: Šamačka 13, 31000 Osijek
Phone: +385 31 225 560
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Region - Northern Croatia
HRT Center Čakovec and Varaždin
Adress: Bana J. Jelačića 22c, 40000 Čakovec
Phone: +385 1 634 4690
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Region - Kvarner & Primorje
HRT Center Rijeka
Adress: Korzo 24, 51000 Rijeka
Phone: +385 51 657 777
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Region - Istria
HRT Center Pula
Adress: Dalmatinova 4, 52100 Pula
Phone: +385 52 377 876
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Region - Northern Dalmatia
HRT Center Zadar
Adress: 112. Brigade 5/II, 23000 Zadar
Phone: +385 23 205 700
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Region - Middle Dalmatia
HRT Center Knin and Šibenik
Adress: Trg palih branitelja Domovinskog rata 1, 22000 Šibenik
Phone: +385 22 445 344
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Region - Central Dalmatia
HRT Center Split
Adress: Mažuranićevo šetalište 24a, 21000 Split
Phone: +385 21 366 666
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Region - Southern Dalmatia
HRT Center Dubrovnik
Adress: Vukovarska 19, 20000 Dubrovnik
Phone: + 385 20 325 100
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

National Co-ordinator Alexander Kumanov

alexander kumanov


Alexander Kumanov

tel:+359 2 8142566

Bulgarian National television - BNT

Bulgarian National Television is the public broadcaster, funded through government funding and commercial revenue. BNT has four regional office centres in the towns of Blagoevgrad, Varna, Plovdiv and Rousse. BNT has 4 TV channels – BNT1, BNT2, BNT3 and BNT4.

Bulgarian National Television has remained a leader in terms of trust built in state institutions. According to sociologists a reported 75% of the Bulgarians approve of and trust this national media. The reason – BNT is a public operator of unquestionable value.

Ever since it was established in 1959 till date, having never stopped informing, enlightening and entertaining its audience, this television experienced together with the Bulgarian society a complicated, interesting and ambiguous evolution in time. In the course of thirty years it was the only TV broadcaster in Bulgaria, and following the democratic changes it began to operate in conditions of a market oriented economy, competing with almost 200 private TV operators. And despite the brisk advent of reality shows, which are currently the main magnet for TV audiences and high rating propeller for the private TV operators, BNT is ranked No 3 in terms of number of viewers and share of the market. In fact, it strengthened its position as a kind of guarantor and pledge for observing the principles and interests of civil society in the spirit of the best European practices.

BNT operates in compliance with the Law on Radio and Television, adopted by the Bulgarian Parliament in 1998. It is directly supervised by an independent regulatory body – the Council for Electronic Media, which elects its director general and board of directors, their mandate being three years. BNT gets its financing mainly from the state budget, and this issue remains one of the unresolved ones contradicting the television’s public character. The television has limited rights to broadcast commercials – not more than 15 minutes within 24 hours and not more than 5 minutes in the prime time.

BNT 1 is the first national public television in Bulgaria for general audience. It broadcasts news and current affairs, documentaries and entertainment programmes in line with its public service mission defined in the Radio and Television Act. BNT 1 broadcasts 24/7. The signal fully covers the territory of Bulgaria. The channel is a veritable up-to-date information network.

BNT 1 attains a unique asset – a Golden Fund of national memory for the past 64 years which can be viewed and heard. One of the urgent tasks before the media is its digitalization, which has already begun successfully.

BNT 2 is a channel focused on culture and education. It is also a platform that gets together the four regional TV centres of Plovdiv, Varna, Rousse and Blagoevgrad into one joint national network.

BNT 3 is the sports channel of the national public service media. It produces and airs original sports programmes and broadcasts international and national sports events as well.

BNT 4 is satellite TV channel intended mainly for Bulgarians living abroad.

BNT has an Internet portal There is also the news-dedicated website and a free mobile app BNTNews. With its user-friendly interface, the BNT News app is a 24/7 source for breaking news, original stories, analysis, and live reporting from hotspots in Bulgaria and all around the world. The app is available on both Google Play and the Apple App Store. It includes option the texts to be read by AI software for audience who prefer to listen to them.

During the last three years BNT stepped into the realm of podcast and videocast gradually introducing thematic series presented by prominent BNT journalists.

During the past several years BNT programs won prestigious awards at Prix CIRCOM Regional, Prix Danube Festival (Slovakia), the Golden Vityaz (Russia), Prix Nike (Portugal), Prix Jeunesse (Germany), Golden Albena (Bulgaria), Bar (Montenegro), Golden Cairo Film Festival (Egypt), Golden Rose (Switzerland), etc. BNT also regularly participates with own programs in numerous international festivals such as Japan Prize, Monte Carlo International TV Festival, Thessaloniki International Festival for TV Documentaries, International TV Festival for short-feature films in Oberheim (Germany), the International Documentary TV Festival in Krakow (Poland), the FIAT International Festival for archive materials, The Golden Prague International Festival, PRIX Italia, etc.

BNT is an active member of the European Broadcasting Union. It is also a member of the following international organizations: CIRCOM Regional, EGTA, IMZ, FIAT and BBLF.

Mr Emil Koshlukov, Director General
Mrs Margarita Nikolova, Director of Economic directorate
Mrs Mariela Dragolova, Director of News and Current Affairs
Mrs Valya Gizdarska, Director of Program Content
Mr Orlin Djelepov, Director of Commercial and Communications
Mr Alexander Kumanov, Head of International Communications

National Co-ordinator Marcel Nevín
Manager of the Centre of dramaturgy TSO (Television studio Ostrava)

Marcel Nevin250

Czech Republic

Marcel Nevín

Česka televize Ostrava
Dvořákova 18, 728 20 Ostrava
tel:  +420 596 201 228

Czech Television - Česka televize - ČT

CT is the nationwide public television broadcaster in the Czech Republic, broadcasting six channels – CT1, CT2, CT24 – news channel, CT sport, CT:D – children's channel, CT art - cultural channel, through HbbTV, via DVB-T (HbbTV), DVB-S, IPTV and internet.
With almost 3,000 employees CT is funded via a television license fee, which is supplemented by revenue from business operations.

CT supports public benefit activities through media partnerships and the broadcasting of non-commercial spots, including its own charity projects.


Regional studios

  • Television Studio Ostrava

Located in the third biggest city in the Czech Republic, contributes about 10% of broadcasting to all channels, producing drama, film, documentaries, educational TV magazines for kids and youth, environmental issues, religion, culture and entertainment.

Dvořákova 18,
728 20 Ostrava,
Czech Republic
Tel.: 00420 596 201 111

TS Ostrava Director: Tomáš Šiřina
CR contact person: CR national coordinator Marcel Nevín, tel: +420 596 201 228

Technical Facilities
Complete - 3 studios; all digital facilities, 2+5 camera car, MVTR, OB-vans. Sound, dubbing studios. Graphic animation.


  • Television Studio Brno

Located in the second biggest city in the Czech Republic, producing all types of programming, including regional news coverage. Contributes about 10% of broadcasting to all channels.

Běhounská 18
658 88 Brno
Tel: 00420 542 132 111

Technical Facilities – similar to Ostrava

TS Brno Director: Jan Souček
TS Brno Head of Regional news department – Roman Ondrůj, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CR contact person: Nora Obrtelová, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.