member stations

National Co-ordinator Micaela Panella

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Micaela Panella

Institutional & International Dept
Viale Mazzini, 14
00195 Rome, Italy
tel: +39 06 3686 4816
mob: +39 338 723 8288


RAI Regional

RAI regional offering is mainly made up by three television news programmes and two radio news bulletins; in addition, special programmes and news are produced in French, German, Ladin and Slovenian for the linguistic minorities in specific regions. On 20 October 2008, the TGR (Testata giornalistica regionale) started producing Buongiorno Regione in the four RAI production centres (Rome, Turin, Milan, Naples). The programme, which is broadcast live on RaiTre from Monday to Friday, from 7.30 to 8.00 am, extends the space dedicated to local information to the early morning, including two editions of the news, traffic and weather information, a presentation of the articles featured in the regional newspapers and a glance over the main appointments on the agenda. Viewers are given an opportunity to voice their opinions in «Ditelo al TGR», sending in videos, photos or e-mails to report the issues they want to air during the programme. The half-hour magazine also includes live reports dedicated to the main events occurring at local level.

The production for the national programmes goes on air during the weekend on RaiTre: financial, social, environmental and cultural issues are analysed by I nostri soldi, Bellitalia, Ambiente Italia and Italia agricoltura;  information on Europe, science and technology issues by Buongiorno Europa, RegionEuropa, Leonardo and Neapolis; relations with the neighbouring regions are the subject of Levante, Estovest and Mediterraneo; Montagne, broadcast by RaiDue, is the programme on life at high altitudes produced by TGR.

Over 700 journalists work as part of an organization with a total of 868 staff members, in a network made up of 23 regional offices throughout Italy; in addition, some decentralised offices, correspondents and ‘resident editors’.

Thanks to the launch of Buongiorno Regione (from 19 January 2009 in all regional departments), the TGR production figures have risen significantly:
• 8,000 hours of regional news broadcasts, including 550 hours dedicated to linguistic minorities;
• some 200 hours of nationwide broadcasting;
• 6,000 hours of regional radio broadcasts, including no less than 2,000 hours dedicated to linguistic
• more than 30,000 contributions, among services and links, to national TV and radio news broadcasts and to other national network programming.


  • Region - Sede Regionale Valle D'Aosta

Località Charrière,70
11020 – Saint Christofe – Aosta
Contact: Giacomo Sado  
tel: +39 0165 308202

  • Region - Sede Regionale Piemonte

Via Verdi, 16
10124 Torino
Contact: Carlo Cerrato
+39 011 8104877

  • Region - Sede Regionale Lombardia

Corso Sempione, 27
20145 Milano
Contacts: Ezio Trussoni
tel: +39 02 33102415

  • Region - Sede Regionale Trentino

Via Perini, 141
38100 Trento
Contact: Laura Strada
tel: +39 0461 905211

  • Region - Sede Regionale Alto Adige

Piazza Mazzini, 23
39100 Bolzano
Contact: Maurizio Ferrandi
tel: +39 0471 902315

  • Region - Sede Regionale Friuli Venezia Giulia

Via Fabio Severo, 8
34133 Trieste
Contact: Giovanni Marzini
+39 040 37784335

  • Region - Sede Regionale Liguria

Corso Europa, 125
16132 Genova
Contac: Sergio Farinelli
tel: +39 010 3568246

  • Region - Sede Regionale Veneto

Palazzo Labia, Campo San Geremia 275
30131 Venezia
Contact: Giuseppe Gioia
+39 041 781216

  • Region - Sede Regionale Emilia Romagna

Via Della Fiera 13
40127 Bologna
Contact: Luca Gianferrari
tel: +39 051 6374384

  • Region - Sede Regionale Toscana

Largo Alcide de Gasperi, 1
50136 Firenze
Franco De Felice
tel: +39 055 2488240

  • Region - Sede Regionale Umbria

Via L. Masi, 2
06121 Perugia
Contact: Alfredo Cerrato
tel: +39 075 5686210

  • Region - Sede Regionale Marche

Piazza della Republica, 1
60121 Ancona
Contact: Daniela Sodano
tel: +39 071 5896212

  • Region - Sede Regionale Lazio

Largo Villy De Luca, 4
00188 Saxa Rubra, Roma
Contact: Nicola Rao
tel:+39 06 33176342

  • Region - Sede Regionale Abruzzo

Via De Amicis, 27
65123 Pescara
Contact: Domenico Logozzo
tel: +39 085 4285251

  • Region - Sede Regionale Molise

Via Conte Verde, 41
86100 Campobasso
Contact: Filippo Massari
tel: +39 0874 402279

  • Region - Sede Regionale Campania

Via Marconi, 9
80125 Napoli
Contact: Massimo Milone
tel: +39 081 7251369

  • Region - Sede Regionale Puglie

Via Dalmazia, 104
70121 Bari
Contact: Renato Cantore
tel: +39 080 5415 210

  • Region - Sede Regionale Basilicata

Via Dell’Edilizia, 2
85100 Potenza
Contact: Oreste Lo Pomo
+39 0971 605244

  • Region - Sede Regionale Calabria

Via Marconi
87100 Cosenza
Contact: Annamaria Terremoto
tel: +39 0984 480262

  • Region - Sede Regionale Sicilia

Via Strasburgo, 19
90146 Palermo
Contacts: Vincenzo Morgante
tel: +39 091 6908269

  • Region - Sede Regionale Sardegna

Viale Bonaria, 124
09100 Cagliari
Contact: Tonino Oppes
tel: +39 070 6012208


National Co-ordinator Gena Teodosievska


North Macedonia

Gena Teodosievska

MKRTV Skopje
tel: +389 2 511 9847


MKRTV - Macedonian Radio and Television
Address: Bulevar Goce Delcev, 1000 Skopje
Town/City:  Skopje
tel: 00 389 2 5511798
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Macedonian Radio Television is a public broadcasting company founded by the Parliament. It produces and broadcasts radio and television programs of all genres that satisfy an informational, cultural, educational and recreational remit.

General Managers: Mr. Eftim Gashtov, CEO, Mr. Petar Karanakov, CEO
TV Editor-in-Chief: Mrs. Eli Tanaskovska
Co-productions Dept: Mr. Rade Spasovski
Head of International Relations Department: Mrs. Gena Teodosievska
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Short history

Macedonian Radio was founded on 28th of December, 1944. This date is considered an official beginning of MRT functioning. Macedonian Television, as an integral segment of MRT, was founded on 14th of December, 1964. Till 1993 MRT operated within JRT (Yugoslav Radio & Television). After falling apart of the system, MRT started functioning independently and transmitting programme on its network.

In 1993 MRT became an active member of EBU.

Macedonian Television is composed of two programme services – Channel One and Channel Two (on which programme for the ethnical minorities is broadcasted), Satellite Channel and Parliamentary Channel.

Macedonian Radio is composed of three programme services: Channel One, Channel Two and Channel Three (on which programme for the ethnical minorities is broadcasted) and Satellite Channel.

Being a public service, MRT produces news and current affairs programmes, debates, educational, cultural, documentary, sports, feature and entertainment programmes.

Within the frames of its responsibilities as a public service, MRT also produces programmes for the disabled and people with special needs (news and special programmes for the audience with hearing problems).

The accent of the programme as a whole falls on two major components: affirmation and cherishing of tradition, of spiritual and cultural heritage and values of all ethic communities, as well as preserving of their cultural and national identity and moving towards the European standards and worldly values, this being one of the major liabilities of MRT within the activities and undertakings of the Republic of Macedonia for joining the European associations. Regarding the above mentioned, general preoccupation has always been human rights and freedoms, functioning of the legal state, market economy, etc.

Macedonian Radio and Television probably is the most untypical broadcasting service in Europe, this characteristic resulting from the fact that it broadcasts programmes in nine different languages.

According to the Low on broadcasting adopted in November 2005, MTV broadcasts - on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia - on one channel in Macedonian language and on one in the language of non-majority ethnic community; while MRA broadcasts on two channels in Macedonian language and one in the language of non-majority ethnic community.

The abovementioned programme services for the national minorities in the Republic of Macedonia are provided on the Second Channel of the Macedonian Television and on the Third Channel of the Macedonian Radio.

Macedonian Television offers broadcasting services for the non-majority ethnic communities living in the Republic of Macedonia:

  • Programme in Albanian - 9,5 hours daily (started to broadcast 1967)
  • Programme in Turkish - 2,5 hours daily (started to broadcast 1969),
  • Programme in Serb - 30 minutes three times per week plus 1 hour a month (started to broadcast 1994)
  • Programme in Romany - 30 minutes three times per week, plus 1 hour a month (started to broadcast 1990)
  • Programme in Vlach – 30 minutes three times per week plus 1 hour a month (started to broadcast 1991)
  • Programme in Bosniak – 30 minutes three times per week plus 1 hour a month (started to broadcast 2003)

Macedonian Radio broadcasts programme in languages of all the non-majority ethnic communities living in the Republic of Macedonia:

  • Programme in Albanian – 8,5 hours a day plus 9 hours in weekends (started to broadcast 1948);
  • Programme in Turkish - 5 hours a day (started to broadcast 1945);
  • Programme in Vlach – 30 minutes per day (started to broadcast 1991);
  • Programme in Romany– 30 minutes per day; (started to broadcast 1991);
  • Programme in Serb – 30 minutes per day; (started to broadcast 2003);
  • Programme in Bosniak-30 minutes per day (started to broadcast 2003.)

Additionally, Macedonian Radio broadcasts programmes in Bulgarian and Greek languages.

The Satellite Channel of MRT was founded in 2003.

The present Broadcasting Law, that also regulates the status of MRT, is designed to offer responses to all and any modern and actual needs for operation of one public service in the European spirit. According to this, it really cannot be said that the Law in any way emanates from the Framework Agreement. Best example that illustrates this is the fact that the first news in Albanian were transmitted on the Macedonian Radio in 1948 – one year before foundation of the Albanian Radio and Television.

The technique MKRTV functions on is Beta SP. The News sector works 50% on digital technology.

* * * *

Both Macedonian Radio and Macedonian Television always try to do their best in satisfying citizens’ needs and interests in all the domains of life: policy, economy, culture, art entertainment and education.

Within the region, Macedonian Radio & Television is particularly distinguished by the characteristics of its documentary film which, as a genre, has supported numerous authors on their path towards recognition outside Macedonia’s borders; the Macedonian authors of documentaries are frequently awarded prizes at international festivals. In addition, the Macedonian Radio & Television has always been in contact with young artists, supporting their artistic expressions in the domains of expert film and video art. Next, Macedonian Radio & Television, in the role of both producer and co-producer, enters the production of feature-length film, although, unfortunately, because of its critical financial circumstances, it has participated in only two feature film projects in the course of the last year. Due to its financial difficulties, the role of MKRTV as a co-producer mostly is that of offering professional and technical support.

MKRTV is a member of EBU, Circom-Regional, COPEAM.

The International and Co-production department is very active on the fields of TV and Radio International Co production on the relevant issues for the Balkans and other issues concerns the citizens of Republic of Macedonia.

We can mentioned:” Together we can “ , the co production magazine made by MKRTV (North Macedonia), RTVSH (Albania), ATV (Alternativna Teleizija (Republica Srpska), Studio B (Serbia), Tele Chiara, Zeta Video and RetteVeneta (Italy) 2004.
“Balkans on the air-Television for social integration” in 2007, financed by Cards program of European Commission, also with the same partners.

At the moment with the colleagues of the First and third Program of Macedonian radio ( on Macedonian and Albanian language) we are finishing the international co production project “ I live in the Balkans” with our radio documentary production” Swastika Code on the Bible road”

Macedonian Radio Television is also dedicated on some co productions with the independent yang artists and directors of creative documentaries and short experimental films.

At the moment MKRTV has 814 employees.

The media environment in Macedonia

Legally, television in North Macedonia consists of public , commercial and non – profit terrestrial stations as well as cable and satellite networks. The public broadcaster is beset by problems so profound that it is hard to see how they can resolved. Despite a drown –out process of restructuring , public service broadcasting is still paralysed by crisis in the areas of financing , personnel and programming.

Comercional television dominates the ratings with a programme output that neither gets close to meeting public service standards, nor stimulates high-quality local production.

The North Macedonian market is still overcrowded, with 114 radio and television stations, and quality of programming is far from satisfactory .

What is still lacking is efficient implementation of concrete measures against those broadcast entities breaking the law , especially as regards ownership, programme standards and advertising .

In 2006 and 2007 , heads of editors were replaced more than once , wich had negative effects on the output and the ratings. MRT`s financial plight is deepening. Licence fee funding , on which MRT partly depends , has collapsed; payment dropped dramatically in 2007 to a mere 0.5 per cent of households.

Funding of Government handouts and the State budget temporary measure that damages the station`s independence . It is also dubious as the State is only allowed to fund specific public service output such as programmes fro the diaspora.


MRT should develop mechanisms for efficient collection of the licence fee. The Government should support MRT in this endeavour through financial institutions such as the tax collecting authorities.

The MRT Council should order and independent auditof the financial flow in MRT and make the results generally available.

Parliament should amend the Broadcasting Law to introduce legal provisions , to enforce the regulation on concentration of media ownership.

The Broadcasting Council should establish an independent body within the regulator to carry out a new people – metering measurement of audiences , thus providing a clearer picture of the broadcasting market . The body should be financed from a portion of the licence fee collected from viewers.

Recommendation for 2005
The Broadcasting Council together with Macedonian Radio and Television ( MKRTV) and cilil society organisations , including journalists associations , trade unions and the academia should organise public debate about the future of public service broadcasting in Macedonia , to support the process of further transformation in this sphere.
(This recommendation was not followed. It remains pertinent .A broad debate is still needed.)

The new Media law from 2005 included some changes:
Change the system of appointing the MKRTV Council , which is formed from the representatives of the civil society. All the members of the MKRTV Council had to be elected by open competition. Change MKRTV management structure which is composed of the MKRTV Council, the Management board and the General Director


National Co-ordinator Renzo Veenstra

renzo veenstra

The Netherlands
Stichting RPO

Renzo Veenstra

Editor in Chief, Omroep Brabant


Stichting RPO

The RPO is by the Dutch Media act appointed as the official body that coordinates the activities of the regional public service broadcasters. The RPO represents the interests of the 13 regional public broadcasters in the Netherlands. Among other activities, the RPO develops policies and acts on behalf of the industry. The 13 regional public service broadcasters are public in nature and are therefore bound to the provisions of the media act. Regional broadcasters operate on radio, television and the internet. Regional broadcasting in the Netherlands is largely financed by public funds and advertising revenue.

Zuiderkruisweg 2
Postbus 7600
8903 JP Leeuwarden
Tel + 31 58 2997799
Fax +31 58 29977508 (dir.) +31 58 2997750 (alg.)
Contact:mr. Mr. J.W. Koster (Managing Director)

Helperpark 298
Postbus 30101
9700 RP Groningen
Tel +31 50 - 319 99 99
Telefax: 050 - 318 51 47
Contact: Mr. drs. G. Lensink (Managing Director)

Beilerstraat 30
Postbus 9999
9400 PL Assen
Tel +31 592 338080
Fax +31 592 313009 (dir.)
Contact : Mr. D. Binnendijk (Managing Director and Editor in chief)

Hazenweg 25
Postbus 1000
7550 BA Hengelo
Tel +31 74 2456456
Fax +31 74 2456434 8 (dir.)
Contact: Mr. M.G.J. Oude Wesselink (Managing Director and Editor in chief)

Rosendaalseweg 704
Postbus 747
Tel +31 26 – 3713713
Fax +31 26 - 3713757 (dir.)
Contact: Mr. G.C. van Kleef (Managing Director)

Hengeveldstraat 29
Postbus 1012
Tel +31 30 – 8500600
Fax +31 30 – 8500601
Contact: Mr. Van der Lugt is both (Managing Director and Editor in chief)

Laserpoortweg 40
Postbus 567
Tel +31 320 – 285085
Fax +31 320 – 285098
Contact: Mr. A. Berends (Managing Director and Editor in chief)

Aletta Jacobslaan 9
Postbus 9823
Tel +31 20 - 8505050
Fax +31 20 - 6694671 (dir.)
Contact: Mr. P. van Gessel (Managing Director)

Laan van 's-Gravenmade 2
Postbus 24025
Tel +31 70 - 3078888
Fax +31 70 - 3078879
Contact: Mr. G. Milo (Managing Director)

Lloydstraat 23
Postbus 1515
Tel +31 10 - 4400600
Fax +31 10 - 4400697 (dir.)
Contact: Mr. B. Klaver (Managing Director)

Kanaalstraat 64
Postbus 1090
Tel +31 118 – 499900
Fax +31 118 – 499909 (dir.)
Contact: ms. M. Schoonen (Managing Director)

Science Park Eindhoven 5550
5692 EL SON
Postbus 108
Tel +31 40 – 2949494
Fax +31 40 – 2949290 (dir.)
Contact: Mr. Renzo Veenstra (Editor in Chief)

Ambyerstraat-Zuid 77B
Postbus 31
Tel +31 43 – 3467777
Fax +31 43 - 3467729 (dir.)
Contact: R.L.J. Stevens (Managing Director)

National Co-ordinator Lidija Backović

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Lidija Backović

Intrenational Relations
Program Coordinator
tel: +382 20 23 44 57
mob: + 382 69 155 035


RTCG - Radio and Television of Montenegro
tel:  +382 20 224 617

Radio and Television of Montenegro – national public broadcasting services of Radio Montenegro and Television of Montenegro - produce and broadcast informative, cultural artistic, scientific and educational programe of importance and significance for Montenegrin citizens : two radio programs it broadcasts through two independent FM and one independent ST radio nets, on national level, two TV programs through two independent TV nets, also on national level.
Radio Television of Montenegro via satellite covers Europe and north coast of Africa with one radio and one television channel.
The basic decree of the program policy of RTCG is - public service. In 2003. normative-institutional fase of transformation has been completed. There is at the moment organisational reform of Radio Television of Montenegro going on. The process is being assisted by OESC and Council of Europe, and conculting services are by IREX.

3. august 1904. –In Voluica near coast town Bar started to work the first radio-telegraph station in Balkans and in South-east of Europe. Through station San Kataldo in Bari, on the opposite side of Adriatic, it could communicate with any ship and with any part of the world. It is registered under name Bar Voluica with the Federal office for international telegraph communications in Bern. In the register there is written that the station is "montenegrin" and that it works on wave frequency of 500 meters with the range of 200 kilometers. Similar station constructed on Eiffel Tower only six years earlier had the range of only four kilometers. Volujica worked for a decade, until 8th of august 1914. when it was destructed by an austrian cruiser "Zenta". For the first year of its work only since the 3rd of august till the 1st of july 1905. it has been transmitted through Volujica total of 18.867 words.
27. November 1944. –sounded  Radio Cetinje from the just liberated montenegrin capitol then. After the Dubrovnik's and Belgrade's, it was the third yugoslav radio station in the liberated part of the country. The program could have been heard in the whole Montenegro  and in the bigger part of neighbouring republics through the wave frequency 218 meters, i.e. 1384 Kilocycle. The initial one hour program consisted of reports from the fronts country wide, decisions of the authorities, news received through TANJUG and Free Yugoslavia, and pretty soon contents from culture, education and contents for young and village were prepared...
1. May 1949. Radio is being transfered to Titograd and gets the name Radio Titograd, and since 1990. it becomes Radio of Montenegro.
14. November 1957- the first TV transmittor rebroadcasting italian TV program was put on Lovcen.
20. November 1963 –Through the transmittor on Lovcen the telecast of joint program of yugoslav TV stations begins.
1964- Was broadcasted the first report filmed in Montenegro for spectators in Montenegro through Television Belgrade.
1974 –Television Titograd begins countinuous broadcasting of program from its own studio.
1979- Television Titograd broadcasts the Second Program of Yugoslav Radio Television.
01.01.1998.- Television of Montenegro broadcasts special program via satellite and Radio also via satellite distributes its first program.
2003. Radio and Television of Montenegro - public broadcasitng services Radio Montenegro and Television of Montenegro.

2010. Radio and Television of Montenegro in December 2009. celebrated 65 years since first signal was transmitted. At present, concept of Radio Television of Montenegro is based on its own production, devided in few departments: First, Second (TV and Radio 98)  and Satellite Program. First program involves News production, Cultural, Scientific and Educational program, International exchange program, Documentary, Commercial and Enterntaining Program. Second Program of Television of Montenegro mostly covers sport events, and aim of Satellite Program is multiple.
Satellite Program exists since 15th January 1999.  In one hand, aim of  Satellite Program is to promote Montenegro  in  the World,  but in the other, Satellite Program is  focused on Montenegrin diaspora. Satellite Program has its own production, but also cooperates with First and Second Program, and broadcasts 19 hours of TV program and 5 hours of Radio.

National Co-ordinator Eivind Undrum Jacobsen
Head of regional office, NRK Nordland



Eivind Undrum Jacobsen

Dronningensgate 7

8038 BODØ
tel.: +47 75 50 57 00


NRK - Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation
NRK Regions
Tyholt, N 7005 Trondheim
Tel: 004773881200
Telefax: 004773881266


NRK, the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, is the largest national broadcasting company in Norway and operates several television channels and a variety of radio, web, web-TV and mobile services, both nationwide and regionally. NRK is financed solely by license fee.

Norway has approximately 5,3 million inhabitants, 98% have one or several TVs at home, 95% have a computer and 99% of Norwegians with children have internet access at home (95% of the total population).

NRK provides three TV channels: NRK1, NRK2, NRK3/NRK Super (Children's channel), the digital radio channels P1, P2 P3 and 11 other digital radio channels, the website and mobile site, the weather service, and regional radio, television, web and mobile sites. Both NRK and NRK Regions are active on Social Media.

The basis for NRK's regional activity is the 10 regional offices and NRK Sapmi, the Sami broadcaster. These stations produce radio and television programs and web and mobile content for both regional and national distribution. The regions have since 2009 formed their own division in the NRK, NRK Regions, with a Director Regions in charge. The heads of the regional offices are editors-in-chief of all media (TV, radio, web/mobile, social media). Three of the regions have extensive television facilities and production studios varying from two to four hundred square meters. The daily regional TV transmissions are 20 minutes and the regional radio sends for 6 hrs Monday to Friday.

About 900 of NRKs 3300 employes work in the regions.