member stations

National Co-ordinator Esben Seerup
Director, TV2 Fyn

Esben Seerup250

TV2 Fyn

Esben Seerup

tel: +45 6315 6000
Olfert Fischers Vej 31 - 5220 - Odense SØ


TV2 in Denmark is a system or a family of TV stations: one national (TV2 Denmark) and eight regional ones.
The regional stations are independent – both to the national station and to eachother. Each of them has its own Board of Directors and management. There is also a council of 50 - 100 people representing a wide range of different organisations in each region.
Every four years the Council elects the Board of Directors. Apart from that the role of the Council is to comment on programs and to give inspiration and good ideas. It meets twice a year.

  • Region: Southern Jutland

Station TV SYD
Address: Media Park 1
DK-6000 Kolding
Tel : + 45 76 30 31 32
Fax: + 45 76 30 31 99
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Managing director: Betina Bendix
Media Park 1
DK - 6000 Kolding Denmark
Direct: ++4576303100
Mobile : ++4540283035

TV SYD (TV South) is one of the eight regional TV stations in the Danish TV2 system, which is one of Denmark 's two nationwide channels. The TV SYD region consists of the southern part of Jutland and in addition, TV SYD has programming commitments in South Schleswig (northern Germany , just south of the German-Danish border), where a Danish-speaking minority lives. The population of the region is about one million. Daily transmission times in the region are at present 10.50 am – 12.30 pm, newsbreaks 4.05 pm and 6.15 pm, 7.30 - 8.00 pm, and 10.20pm. Normally TV SYD is viewed by 25% of the one million people in the area. Share-of-viewing is about 50%

History: TV SYD went on air in 1983 as an experiment under the auspices of the Danish Broadcasting Company Denmark Radio (TV1) and in 1987 was approved as the first and only regional TV station in the TV 2 system.
Programme profile: TV SYD is not primarily concerned with broadcasting the daily news. This is done in the awareness that the region is well-supplied with news media such as the daily press, regional radio and local radio. TV SYD sees itself primarily as a culture-disseminating and culture-creating institution. Nine years of experimenting with regional TV in South Jutland form the basis of programming philosophy where the main emphasis is on describing the daily lives of individuals. The reality that is typical of daily life in the Danish Parliament, in the local council chambers and the boardrooms of companies is different from everyday reality of individuals. Issues of business and political life are usually presented from the angle of individuals. TV SYD primarily broadcasts to the viewers of the region, but also supplies programs to TV 2's nationwide range of broadcasts.

Organizations: The basis of TV SYD is formed by the TV SYD Support Association (19.000 members) who appoint, along with a number of grass-roots and business organisations and others, the one-hundred-members TV SYD Committee. The committee elects the Board of Trustees for the TV SYD Trust Fund, which has established the production company A/S TV SYD.

Financing: TV SYD is financed mainly by license fee.

Staffing: TV SYD employs a staff of about 70 people.

Equipment: TV SYD's production equipment consists at present of one TV studio, six digital editing rooms plus one media composer, one SNG truck and a fleet of modern ENG-units. We do too have fiber channel video input possibilities across the region. Brands are AVID and DVC-Pro.

  • Region: Capital

Station TV2/Lorry

Managing director Morten Kjær Petersen
Allegade 7-9 - DK-2000 Frederiksberg Denmark
Phone: ++45 38385555
Fax: ++45 38883111

TV2/Lorry is one of the 8 regional TV stations in Denmark. We broadcast to the population of Greater Copenhagen, i.e. 2.0 million inhabitants or a third of Denmark's population.
We broadcast regional news in slots at the national network TV2/Denmark.
Furthermore we broadcast several hours a day on our own HD channel, TV2/Lorry.

We are completely financed by license fee and a few sponsorships, but are obliged to carry commercials in our programmes. The money from those commercials goes to the commercially financed, state-owned national network TV2/Danmark.
The name - TV2/Lorry - sounds strange to English-speaking people. But it has nothing to do with motor lorries. Lorry is an old music hall founded in 1896. It does not serve as a music hall anymore, but we have kept the name, Lorry.


  • Region - Fyn (Funen)

Station TV2 FYN
Address: 0lfert FischersVej 31 5220 Odense SO Denmark
Town/City: Odense
Tel. +45 63 15 60 00
Fax. +45 63 15 60 60
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Managing director Esben Seerup
0lfert FischersVej 31 5220 Odense SO Denmark
Phone: ++45 63156000 Fax: ++45 63156060
Direkte: 63156061 - hjemme 65920083 - mobll: 20161848

One out of 8 regional TV stations within the Danish TV2 system.
The main programme is being broadcasted 7 days a week between 19:30 and 20:00. Furthermore TV 2/FYN is broadcasting longer and shorter programmes on weekdays at the hours 11.00, 12.10, 16.05, 18.10 and 22.20.

Since november 2009 TV 2/FYN has broadcasted on a new digital channel a one-hour programme every night at 20.00. In total the station is broadcasting app. 900 hours of television every year.

On the web-site you find daily news, video, links, programme information and debate.

The region covered by TV 2/FYN includes one major city, Odense , it covers housing 40% of the region's inhabitants. Otherwise, small towns and a rural area. The region is characterised by a great number of islands, out of which 21 are inhabited. - 8% of the viewers live on smaller islands. As an average of 19 % of the viewers are watching the programmes daily, the viewing share amounts to 51 % (2009).

Financed through licence fee. The station has a staff of 70 , broadcasting to 484.000 inhabitants.

  • Region - North Jutland

Station TV2 Nord
Address Soparken 4, DK-9440 Aabybro
Town/City Aabybro
Tel +45 96 96 96 96
Fax +45 96 96 96 79
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Managing director: Mikael Justesen
Soparken 4 - DK 9440 Aabybro, Denmark
Phone: ++ 45 96969696 Fax: ++45 96969679
Mobile: ++45 22155356

TV2/Nord is based in the northern part of Denmark. North Jutland has a population of about half a million.
The station has operated  since April 1st, 1989, and employs a staff about 70 people.
TV2/Nord is a public service station and is financed mainly by license fee and sponsorships.
Transmissions Monday-Friday: 11.00 – 12.00 (Features), 12.10-12.30 (News), 16.10 (News), 18.10 (News), 19.30-20.00 (News and Features), Monday-Thursday 22.20 (News).
Transmissions Saturday: 18.10 (News), 19.30-19.45 (News and Features).
Transmissions Sunday: 18.10 (News), 19.30-20.00 (News and Features).
Since November 1st, 2009, TV2/Nord PLUS has transmitted one hour in the evening (20.00 - 21.00), seven days a week, at a new channel meant for local/regional TV. The programmes are features, talkshows, „news you can use“ like food programmes, decorating programmes etc.
The nightly programme at TV2/Nord 19.30-20.00 has an average rating of 20% and a share of viewing of 54%.

  • Region - Bornholm

Station TV2 Bornholm
Address Brovangen 1, DK - 3720 Aakirkeby
Town/City Aakirkeby
Tel. +45 56 93 42 00
Fax + 45 56 93 42 02
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Managing director Jan Joergensen
Brovangen 1 - DK 3720 Aakirkeby Denmark
Phone: ++ 45 56934200 Fax: ++ 45 56914205

The station is situated in an agricultural / maritime area. Transmitting daily 11.00 – 11.55 am, 12.10 -12.30 p.m., 16.10 p.m., 6.10 p.m., 7.30 - 8.00 p.m. , 10.15 -10.20 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays only 6.10 p.m. and 7.30 - 8.00 p.m. News and feature programmes mainly. Viewing population about 50%. The station is financed by licence fee. TV2 Bornholm is part of the region system of TV 2 Denmark.

  • Region - Eastern Jutland

Address: Skejbyparken 1
DK-8200 Aarhus N
Tel. + 45 87 42 42 42
Fax + 45 87 42 42 87

Managing director: Inga Vind
Mobile : +45 21 21 20 28

TV 2 | OESTJYLLAND (East Jutland) started broadcasting 1st April 1990 and is now transmitting regional news-bulletins five times daily – 12.10, 16.05, 18.05, 19.30 and 22.20 to 600.000 inhabitants in Eastern Jutland, i.e. the second largest town, Aarhus, and the surrounding area. Moreover we produce 1hrs daily magazine-programmes.

TV 2 | OESTJUTLAND DocumentaryGroup produces documentaries for use on a regional or national scale. Several of these have been award-winning – in 2005 “Insanely Dangerous” won the “Prix Circom”.

  • Region - Vestsjaellands & Storstroem's Counties

Station TV2 Ost
Address Kildemarksvej 7
DK-4760 Vordingborg,
Town/City Vordingborg
Tel. +45 55 34 02 00
Fax +45 55 34 02 90
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Managing director Vagn Petersen
Kildemarksvej 7 4760 Vordingborg Denmark
Phone: ++ 45 55365656 fax: ++ 45 55365695
Direkte: 55365660 - hjemme 55395439 Mobil: 40165475


TV2 East is part of the Danish TV2 system. The main station of TV2 is placed in Odense which produces national programmes. 8 independent regional stations, which produce half an hour programme per day (except Saturday). Types of programmes produced are news, regional talk-shows and documentaries. Transmission hours are Monday to Friday & Sunday 7.30 - 8.00p.m. Viewing figures are 20 - 35% depending on the season. Share of the audience is 65 - 75%. The station is financed from advertising (3/4) and licence fee (1/4). The station has a staff of 42 and is broadcasting to 520,000 inhabitants with 285,000 TV sets. The area is both rural and urban with an audience of typical provincial Danes.

  • Region - Midt-Vest Jutland

Station TV/Midt-Vest
Address Soevej 2, DK -7500 Holstebro
Town/City Holstebro
Tel. +45 97 40 33 00
Fax. +45 97 40 14 44
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Managing director Lone Sunesen
Sovej 2 DK 7500 Holstebro Denmark
Phone: 96121212 Fax: ++4596121213
96121212 direkte: 96121299
Mobil: 29691299


TV/Midt-Vest is based in the Midwest of Jutland. The area has a population of 500,000 people. TV/Midt-Vest transmits seven daily programs Monday-Friday and two Saturday-Sunday. TV/Midt-Vest is produces news, features, documentaries and other other programs for TV 2/DENMARK. Furthermore TV/MIDT-VEST produces and transmits sports events from all over the country for TV2, The Danish Broadcasting Corporation and foreign TV-stations. TV/MIDT-VEST has its own training department by the name of NovaMedia.


National Co-ordinator Fanny Klipfel

Fanny Klipfel

France Télévisions

Fanny Klipfel

Director of France 3 Grand Est


France Télévisions

France 3 is part of the France Télévisions group. It consists of a network of regional television offices providing programming for their region. France 3’s mission is to promote local news and regional events and introduce and familiarise the different regions of both France and Europe. It is made up of 13 regional output areas.

Delphine Ernotte Cunci : Président Directeur Général
Philippe Martinetti : Directeur du réseau régional


France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Directrice régionale : Isabelle Staes – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
14, rue des Cuirassiers - BP 92
F-69399 LYON cedex 03
Tél : 00 33 (0)4 78 14 62 00 – fax : 00 33 (0)4 78 14 62 01

France 3 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Directeur régional : Michel Barthen – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
6 avenue de la Découverte - BP96
F-21003 Dijon Cedex
Tél. : 00 33 (0)3 80 77 36 90 - fax. 00 33 (0)3 80 77 36 18

France 3 Bretagne
Directeur régional : Michel DUMORET  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
9, avenue Janvier CS 44015
F-35040 RENNES Cedex
Tél : 00 33 (0)2 99 01 78 02 - fax : 00 33 (0)2 99 65 18 09

France 3 Centre – Val de Loire
Directeur régional : Jean-Jacques Basier – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2, place Anatole France - BP 76013
45060 Orléans Cedex
Tél. : 00 33 (0)2 38 69 56 00 – fax : 00 33 (0)2 38 69 56 41

France 3 Grand Est
Directeur régional par intérim: Jean-Marc DUBOIS – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Place de Bordeaux - BP 428
F- 67005 Strasbourg cedex
Tél : 00 33 (0)3 88 56 67 68 – Fax 00 33 (0)3 88 56 68 44

France 3 Hauts-de-France
Directeur régional : Erik Berg – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
36 boulevard de la Liberté
F-59024 LILLE Cedex
Tél : 00 33 (0)3 20 13 20 01 - fax : 00 33 (0)3 20 13 23 24

France 3 Normandie
Directrice régionale : Sylvie Acquaviva – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
77, place des Cotonniers
76173 ROUEN Cedex 1
Tél : 00 33 (0)2 35 58 80 03 - fax. 02 35 63 45 64

France 3 Nouvelle Aquitaine
Directeur régional : Xavier RIBOULET  - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
136, rue Ernest Renan
F-33075 Bordeaux cedex
Tél : 00 33 (0)5 56 01 38 03 - fax : 00 33 (0)5 56 51 19 57

France 3 Occitanie
Directeur régional : Rose PAOLACCI-  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chemin de la Cépière
31081 TOULOUSE Cedex
Tél : 00 33 (0)5 62 23 98 81 - fax 00 33 (0)5 61 40 96 55

France 3 Paris Ile-de-France
Directrice régionale : Yolaine Poletti-Duflo – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
66, Rue Jean Bleuzen
F-92170 VANVES
Tél : 00 33 (0)1 41 09 33 12 - fax : 00 33 (0)1 41 09 33 00

France 3 Pays de la Loire
Directrice régionale : Laurence Bobillier – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2, rue Gaëtan Rondeau - Ile Beaulieu BP 30109
44201 Nantes cedex 2
Tél : 00 33 (0)2 40 99 44 50 – Fax : 00 33 (0)2 40 99 44 55

France 3 Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Directeur régional : Samuel Pelletier – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2 allée Ray Grassi
13271 MARSEILLE cedex 08
Tél : 00 33 (0)4 91 23 45 29 - fax : 00 33 (0)4 91 23 46 71

France 3 Corse ViaStella
Directeur territorial : Hervé de Haro – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
12 avenue Noël Franchini
Tél : 00 33 (0)4 95 23 93 34 - fax : 00 33 (0)4 95 23 93 30


National Co-ordinator  Ildiko Komaromi



Ildiko Komaromi

Kunigunda utja 64
H-1037 Budapest
Tel +36 1 7595087


MTVA - Médiaszolgáltatás-támogató és VagyonkezelÅ‘ Alap / Media Service Support and Asset Management Fund

In January 2011 the assets of three public service media organisations were transferred to the Media Service Support and Asset Management Fund (MTVA). The organisations transferred were MTV-Hungarian Television, Duna TV, MR-Hungarian Radio.

"MTVA supports the fulfilment of their tasks from its own budget, provides various administrative services as well as takes care of the production, commissioning, and/or purchase of their programs. All public service archives have been passed into the ownership of MTVA."




pdf Structure of Media Regulation and Public Service Media Portfolio


National Co-ordinator Frank Böhm
Head of New Formats dept at Hessischer Rundfunk

frank boehm250

Frank Böhm, HR

HR -



HR - Hessischer Rundfunk Frankfurt/Main
Bertramstrasse 8
60320 Frankfurt / Main

Hessischer Rundfunk is the public broadcaster for the German state of Hesse. HR broadcasts on Radio and Television it also has digital output. Its main offices are in Frankfurt. It collects licence fees from households in the region. HR is a member of ARD, the association of public service broadcasters in Germany.

RBB - Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 28 – 53
14482 Potsdam

The RBB Fernsehen is the regional television broadcaster for Berlin and Brandenburg. RBB was established in 2003 after Sender Freies Berlin (SFB) and Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg (ORB) merged. It collects licence fees from households in the region. RBB is a member of ARD, the association of public service broadcasters in Germany.




Joe Reddington

tel: +353 91 505067

National Co-ordinator and Vice-President of CIRCOM Regional
Joe Reddington


Radio Telefís Éireann - RTÉ


Dublin 4
tel: +353 1 208 3111

RTÉ is Ireland’s public service broadcaster. It provides a broadcasting service on radio and television. It also provides associated services through its publishing, performing groups and transmission network divisions. RTÉ is a not-for-profit, dual-funded organisation with revenue generated from licence fees and commercial income. It has regional offices in Dundalk (North-East) Waterford (South-East) Cork (South) Limerick (Mid-West) Galway (West) Athlone (Midlands, North Leinster) and Sligo (North-West).

- RTÉ Television consists of two channels, RTÉ One and RTÉ Two.
- RTÉ News and Current Affairs provides the public with daily news and current affairs services via RTÉ Radio, RTÉ Television and on-line via and the nuacht service on TG4 .
- RTÉ Radio consists of four stations, RTÉ Radio 1, RTÉ 2fm, RTÉ lyric fm and RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta.

Under the terms of the Broadcasting Act 1960 and subsequent legislation, RTÉ is subject to the RTÉ Board which is appointed by the Government, but which includes a staff-elected representative and the Director-General. The Board's function is to make policy and guide corporate direction. The RTÉ Executive Board is responsible for the day-to-day running of RTÉ and is chaired by RTÉ's Director-General. RTÉ employs some 2,000 people .

RTÉ, a not-for-profit organisation, currently derives approximately 50% of its revenue from licence fees and approximately 50% from commercial income. Since 2008 the annual television licence fee is €160.

There are approximately 4.2 million inhabitants in the Republic of Ireland and 1.3 millon have TV sets. RTÉ Television provides a wide-ranging service, with RTÉ One and RTÉ Two as complementary channels, which are viewed by 55% of Irish people on an average day. The prime time adult audience share against other Irish terrestrial, UK and satellite channels is 44%. RTÉ television averages 336 hours per week with 49% of peak-time programmes coming from RTÉ and other Irish producers.

RTÉ has a nation-wide communications network with an increasing emphasis on regional input and news gathering. It has regional centres providing news and programme material for television and radio. There is a permanent correspondent based in each of the regional centres with live studio, crews and editing.

There is a production facility for the Irish-language Nuacht RTÉ and Nuacht TG4  based in Baile na hAbhann in Co. Galway, from which both programmes are transmitted on RTÉ One and TG4. A team of journalists, including three VJs, provide output to Nuacht and other RTÉ programmes on radio an television. There are Nuacht journalists in  five other regions, including two VJs and in the RTÉ headquarters in Dublin.

RTÉ also operates overseas from London , Brussels and Washington

RTÉ also maintains an extensive operation based in RTÉ Belfast covering events in Northern Ireland . The Belfast office consists of a team of journalists with crews, editing, and technical staff with a live studio permanently linked to RTÉ Dublin.
There are also radio studios at various locations around the country.

RTÉ' s Cork Studio continues to develop as a major regional programme production centre and produces the regional news magazine programme Nationwide as one of its flagship programmes.

Regional news is integrated into RTÉ's national evening news programmes, and on the Nuacht programmes on RTÉ and TG4.

RTÉ Television competes with a national commercial channel and several English-speaking television services. Most of the country receives the four United Kingdom networks and a wide range of television channels is available on satellite. Distribution of Irish, United Kingdom and satellite television is available on cable in major urban centres and suburban areas.

RTÉ Radio's four stations cover national and regional news. RTÉ Radio One produces comprehensive coverage of news, current affairs, music, drama and variety, features, agriculture, education, religion and sport. RTÉ 2fm is a popular music and chat radio station, also based in Dublin . RTÉ lyric fm caters specifically for arts and music and is located in Limerick city. RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta, based in Co. Galway, is the dedicated Irish language channel. RTÉ Radio competes with local radio stations in many areas.

RTÉ Publishing produces the RTÉ Guide - the country's best-selling entertainment magazine; the RTÉ website; and Aertel - RTÉ's teletext service.

RTÉ Performing Groups Division is a major contributor to the arts in Ireland , and supports five performing groups, including the National Symphony Orchestra.

TG4 - Teilifís na Gaeilge

Baile na hAbhann,
Co. na Gaillimhe.
Tel.: +353 91 505050
Fax: +353 91 505021

General Manager: Pól Ó Gallchóir This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Commissioning Editors:
Michéal Ó Meallaigh This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Proinsias Ní Ghráinne This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Máire Ní Chonláin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sport: Rónán Ó Coisdealbha  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Administration: Mary Ellen Ní Chualáin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

TG4 (Teilifís na Gaeilge)  is a national television channel which began broadcasting on 31 October 1996. Over 800,000 viewers tune into the channel each day. The daily Irish language programme schedule is its core service: seven hours of innovative quality programming in Irish and a further seven hours of childrens programmes daily.

TG4 invests over €20m annually in original Irish language programming from the independent production sector in Ireland. This investment supports 340 posts in small private sector companies throughout the island.

The channel provides a daily programme schedule in Irish for children and young people. This represents an attractive and entertaining daily point of contact with Irish in a context that is totally different to school.

The channel's signal covers the island of  Ireland. It is available directly by aerial in the Republic and in Northern Ireland, to satellite Sky Digital customers throughout Ireland, on cable and MMDS in the Republic or worldwide via webcast .

TG4 is a publisher/broadcaster. The station sources its programmes from independent production companies as well as from RTÉ, the national broadcaster for Ireland. It also broadcasts a range of other programmes in English including live coverage of Dáil Éireann, the national parliament